The Eucharist - Fr. Mike Schmitz

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Fr. Mike Schmitz tells us why the Eucharist is so important. That God became so small that He is willing to let us ignore Him.

Footage excerpts from Fr. Mike Schmitz's speech in the University of Notre Dame; in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart on February 21, 2020.

Song: Reckless Love by Cory Asbury
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There are only a few people in the world who are so absurdly in love with God that they move me every time they speak. Fr. Mike is one of them.


Awesome … We come to Mass not to watch but to worship. Thank you, Fr Mike 🙏🙏🙏


Thank You JESUS!
Praise You JESUS!
For Such Kind of Priest!
Pls. Give us More Priests like Fr. MIKE?


Oh Fr Mike 😢 how powerful My Lord and my God


I am a pastor, an evangelical Protestant. I have read the Catholic mystics, like St John of the Cross and St Teresa of Avila for many years. I was captured by their love of Christ through the Eucharist. This message by Fr Mike Schmitz is the most heart moving message on the Eucharist I’ve ever heard. Thank you for sharing it. The Presence of God came near. ❤️


Thanks to Father Mike and prayerfully seeking God's will, I have made the decision to convert to Catholicism. I am so excited to begin the classes and someday receive my Lord in the Holy Eucharist!!!


That music at end is endless reckless love of god


Open our hearts to the love of Jesus in the eucharist, and live in our daily lives. Thank you Jesus.


Thank you Father Mike 🙏🏼❤️ God Bless You


Thank you Father Mike for explaining this in a way that will never leave my heart and mind. God bless you. I thank the lord for you. I keep you in my prayers. My best friend I grew up with father Dustin Busse turned me onto you when I needed you most. Thank you 🙏🏼


If it were not for having such a loving catholic wife with ultimate patience I never would have indulge in learning about the church Jesus started. And it is fast, huge, eye-opening, historical and deeper than anything I grew up with.

The Eucharist

the Eucharist is the outward belief of the Eucharist action. Not salvific but in a sacrificial way of the individual coming to the Eucharist purely free from unrepentant sin. I believe it’s a practice that should be done every time the church congregate. It’s a way of participating with the Spirit of God. It’s more than just remembrance. If you look at first Corinthians chapter 11, there’s a clear exegetical importance emphasized upon the Eucharist according to Paul. So serious that people were actually dying for participating in the Eucharist, while under unrepentant sin. They were defiling the body and blood of Christ not transubstantiatally, but spiritually because of their sin was unresolved before participation. 1 John 1:9

This means the Eucharist is for the regenerate believer, but more so for the repentant regenerate believer. In other words, if you’re a regenerate saved believer, but are struggling with sin willfully, you cannot participate in the Eucharist. For instance, the Eucharist is for the one who overcomes. Not the sinless perfectionist, but the one who is active in dealing with sin.

The Eucharist should be done every day. As often as believers congregate, and it should be the centrality of that congregation with the word of God. The historical church dating back to the first century practiced this way.


I can’t believe that some many people have turned away from god/lgbtq people/please everyone turn to the faith turn to god the father almighty


Is the presentation edited? Appears choppy. Listen to Father Mike each day on his Bible program.


Anyone know the piece they were singing at the end ? So beautiful!!


Have orthodox valid Holy Eucharist that is the reall body and blood of Lord Jesus Christ?


Well maybe we shouldnt receive the Eucharist in our unworthy hands and only by the consecrated hands of a priest


Jesus uses parallelism in this discourse to equate believing with eating his flesh. Note the parallel between verse 40 and verse 54:

(Jn. 6:40) “For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life, and I Myself will raise him up on the last day.”

(Jn. 6:54) “He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.”

According to this parallel, beholding and believing (v.40) are equated with eating and drinking Christ’s flesh (v.54). This is further paralleled by verse 35:

(Jn. 6:35) I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst.

(Jn. 6:54) “He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.”

To “hunger” and “thirst” and parallel to the one who “eats” and “drinks.” But note what Jesus says satisfies our hunger: “He who comes to Me… he who believes in Me.” Jesus isn’t speaking about his literal flesh and blood any more than he is speaking about literal bread (Jn. 6:35) or literal water (Jn. 4:10-14). Indeed, Jesus uses the term sarx for his “body, ” rather than the common term sōma (which was the common term used in the Lord’s Supper). Indeed, the “term ‘flesh’ is never used in the NT to refer to the Lord’s Supper.”[4] Hence, this seems “to caution against a sacramental or eucharistic understand of these verses.”[5] This is why Augustine of Hippo wrote regarding this passage: “Believe, and you have eaten.”

The early church knew NOTHING of transubstantiation.

Irenaeus of Lyons (AD 180) stated that the elements do not lose the nature of bread and wine (Against Heresies, 4.18.4-5; 5.2.2).

Tertullian (AD 200) said Jesus’ statement was figurative (Against Marcion, 3.19).

Clement of Alexandria (AD 200) called the bread and wine symbols of Jesus’ body (The Instructor, I.6).

Origen (AD 250) held his typical allegorical and spiritual view when referring to the elements in the Last Supper.

Eusebius of Caesarea (AD 340) called the elements the body and blood of Christ, but also referred to them as symbolic of spiritual realities (On the Theology of the Church, 3.2.12).

Augustine (AD 350) believed that John 6:53 should be understood spiritually and symbolically—not literalistically (On Christian Doctrine 3.16.2).

Gelasius I (5th century pope): “The sacrament which we receive of the body and blood of Christ is a divine thing. Wherefore also by means of it we are made partakers of the divine nature. Yet the substance or nature of the bread and wine does not cease to be… Thus, as the elements pass into this, that is, the divine substance by the Holy Ghost, and none the less remain in their own proper nature.”


All this imagery and worship to idols is making me feel like im in a catholic church...oh wait
