Fr. Mike Schmitz: 'Pray The Mass Like Never Before' | SEEK2019

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While many people go to Mass every week, few people know what it is to worship. We show up and do our best to “pay attention," but for too many of us, this just means we watch closely. You have been given a gift that you have most likely left unused. This gift is unused because it is largely unknown. This presentation will uncover this unknown and unused gift so that you can stop watching the Mass and start worshipping at Mass.

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00:00 Introduction
08:20 Worship Of God
17:51 Sacrifice
32:46 The Mass
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Grew up catholic, 4 years of Catholic high school and I learned more listening to Bible in a year podcast and listening to this speech. Thank you God for giving us both.


I have been a Cathollic alll my 56 years of life. In the past 5 years, I've learnt and understood deeply my Catholic faith an d the bible through the Youtube teaching of several priests and teachers including Scott Hahn, Fr Mike Schmitz and a few others. God Bless all of us!


Yes Father Mike, I’ll never again go to mass and take it for granted …. Thank you so much, God bless you..


Fr. Mike, you're awesome!!! Thank you for bringing us closer to God!


I was in tears when you described THE EXACT moment of the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for the glory of God the Father in the Mass. Thank You Lord God!


My daughter attended SEEK2019 and was inspired! I'm sure she heard this...and lived it. She offered daily Mass with her family. And on September 23, 2019...she met the Lord..a traffic accident. Our sacrifice of losing her is mixed with joy knowing how much she lived and loved God. Your talk about Lucy especially touched her. Thank you Fr. Mike.


Father Mike, I can't thank you enough for teaching me how to pray the mass and not just watch it. I understand, now, that I'm a kingdom priest following the ministering priest and offering up our sacrifice, The Body and Blood of Our Lord, Jesus Christ for The Glory of God and His Holy Name and the peace and salvation of the whole world. I feel that I'm now learning, at the age of 78, how to be the sacrifice for The Glory of God. Father Mike, you are a blessing to all of God’s children. Love and God bless you and your family forever.😇🙏❤️


powerful message. I am one of those who always seek for "something from the mass, homily or priests", shame on me:(
Thank you Father Mike, may the Holy Spirit will continue to grace you, you are saving a lot of souls, God Bless!


Fr. Mike: "I never understood the desire to just watch."

Me: *Sitting in front of my computer screen watching Youtube videos all night*


He is a great speaker for young people (and old people) Keep praying for his protection, because i think priests like this have many more challenges and temptations than other priests.


I cannot believe I have been going to mass my entire life and only going because I know it is a mortal sin not to go and trying to obey the rules. I feel like such a failure for not understanding this better and sooner!!! Thank you for all souls that will rejoice with you for sharing our Lord with us and teaching!!! This is real love and wonderful!! I want to shout from the rooftops that I finally understand so much better!!! I am capable of a loving relationship with our Lord in the mass and through the mass because of a new level of understanding!!!! So much gratitude for teaching! Thank you Jesus Christ and thank you Fr. Mike Schmitz


While listening to Fr. Mike’s teaching on “Pray the Mass” I realized that this is exactly what has made me come closer to God. I did not know why I fall to my knees during the consecration part of the Mass. Through Fa. Mike’s teaching I finally understood. I am so grateful to God for speaking and clarify to all of us, the true meaning of worship and sacrifice, the true reason and purpose of going to mass. It is not to watch, nor to comply with what our parents and others have taught or expect of us, but instead it is because we are all part of the kingdom of priests. We are all part of His sacrifice. What a powerful uplifting experience this teaching has been! I have shared the video with my family, friends and church members so we can all wake up to our calling for the Glory and Honor of God, our Father.
My name is Migdalia De Jesus from Gurabo, Puerto Rico and I am a proud Catholic member of God’s kingdom on earth as I prepare my soul to someday enter the Eternal Mass in heaven.
Peace and love!


I'm shedding tears for my ignorance all these years being a Catholic.


I'll be ordained a deacon in 2020 and this lamb analogy has helped me understand the "sacrifice" of the Mass so much better... thanks Fr. Mike!


34 years as a Catholic and I learned much in this video. Thanks, Fr. Mike!


Thankyou God for the Gift of Fr.Mike...


Fr. Mike: "I dislike watching sports" Me: "You convinced me, where do I sign?" I love Fr. Mike. If he is on my screen, guarantee a big fat LIKE. God Bless Him, thanks to his words/preaching/congregations many of us might go to Heaven. God Bless All.


That is the most incredible explanation of why we celebrate mass!!! Thanks be to God for Father Mike!!! I wish I was taught that when I was in Catholic school. We are so poorly catechized, at least I and my generation was


Thank you so much Fr. Mike for this Wonderful Talk about the Sacrifice of the Mass.

May God bless you


Every Catholic should be required to view this video!! I’m seeing mass in a whole different light. Thank you Fr Mike
