Did These Petroglyphs Lead Me To A Secret Passage?

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While I was trying to find a route to the top of a butte I was exploring, I stumbled upon these big horn sheep petroglyphs. The petroglyphs didn't seem so odd to me, but I thought it was interesting that they were all facing the same way - to the left. I looked to the left and found a secret passage! Where did it lead?? Please watch the video to find out!

Thank you very much for watching this video and for those that are subscribers to our small adventure channel. It means so much to me and I hope you find some interesting content on our YouTube channel and also our website! I have a bunch more videos to bring to you soon!
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I'm an old fart with a bum knee, so it's really a pleasure to sit here and trek with you to these incredible places. I love the blue of that sky and the petroglyphs. It's a grand adventure.


I was in big bend national park one year when two ravens did their darndist to get my attentionso i pulled my motorcycle off the road and followed the ravens, they actually took me to the top of a small mesa where I found petroglyphsthey seemed to depict the spot i was at was used for some kind of ceremony. It was a really cool place. I sat down on a rock "bench" that looked ancient too. The ravens finally came and sat with me and cackled and purred to me, one even "preened my arm hairs and fiddledwith my brass bracelet. The spot did not have a path or trail to get to it, so I'm not sure but I think I was at a site that was undiscovered. When you see the mesa from the road it looks impossible to get to the top, but the ravens did show me the way up on the side away from the road, I was heading toward the east park entrance and wasn't far from the triceratops skull fossil, if your familiar with big bend.
I just sat up there for around a half hour, then the ravens led me back to my Honda VTX 1800, they said good by and I was back on the road.
Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, South Dakota and Iowa have lots and lots of interesting ancient sites you can visit if you go out and find them.


Mark M.
I enjoy your expeditions. If you can get your hands on a book by LaVan Martineau called “The Rocks Begin To Speak”. A great book about Native American rock writings. He was orphaned and then adopted by a family of Shivwits Paiutes in southern Utah. He was a Linguist In the Korean War ie code breaking etc. That was when he became really interested in the rock writing {petroglyghs and pictographs}. It is a nice easy read and he will explain why they are not “big horn sheep” in this video, they are called “quadropeds” and depending on body shape and horn placement and quatity of horns, on if to go certain direction and how easy it is to traverse. And by the way the quadropeds did point you in the right direction to the top. Thanks I will keep watching.


I truly appreciate your walk with reverence. Putting back the objects as found. We so need this approach as nature suffers in travail. One human at a time walking the walk towards a right full future.


Massive respect for you man. Every time I've seen a western with these massive buttes in the background I've wished I could go there, see them and see if there were signs of habitation.. Most of the old westerns depict the indigenous peoples living in tents. Nice to see there were actual permanent settlements. Many many thanks for posting. Be careful on your hikes and best wishes to you.


My hats off to you for respecting the land and its history. Was so happy to see you replace each small artifact in its exact loctaion. Thank You


Thank you for putting the pottery shards back where you found them! I was wondering if you knew about pit houses, as I noticed a couple in this. Those generally indicate Basketweaver into early Pueblo sites. E.g. older sites (generally). Pit houses can be hard to detect unless you know what to look for. Pottery is one indicator of occupation, but (and I'm new to your channel) stone flakes (lithics) are another indicator.

You bring back my youth! I haven't lived in the region for decades, but have never lost my love for the high desert and all the cool things one can discover. I was lucky to be on more than one professional dig in the 4 corners area, and it has always kept a place in my heart. I get back to SE Utah every couple of years, and my wife always asks why I am looking down all the time lol.


I love the way you are always so careful and respectful of the places you visit and the pottery/buildings etc that you find. Brilliant entertainment for us all too! Thank you (from Scotland!)


I love watching your videos and reading the comments, I am in the UK and would never get to see what your sharing if you didn't share. Thank you for sharing your experience and insights with us all . Blessings to You and Your, s.


What a discovery and, as yet, unnamed. Respecting the site is admirable. 😊


Your drone flyover clearly showed the pit houses on top, which we couldn't see clearly at ground level. Good find! Would love to see the petroglyphs in more details.


It's very interesting how you followed the direction of the petroglyphs to find the easiest way up. I never thought of that. I will have to try it next time I'm at my family's favorite canyon that is chock full of petroglyphs. I believe you found a village site. Those pit like depressions are probably the remains of pit houses. Thank you so much for never taking pottery pieces.


Your level of respect and curiosity is awesome


Thank you for taking us along with you.!!


This butte with its petroglyphs and clearly defined structural pits is just amazing. The architectural and engineering skills of the Ancestral Pueblo people is stunning. I think they were among the first known Thrill Seekers of the Americas. Building structures on cliff ledges is testament to that!

The whole area around this ancestral site is amazing. The landscape and scenery are epic. Imagine living up there on top of that butte. The people must have felt like they were on top of the world.
Thank you for respecting the sites, artefacts and landscapes of your treks and discoveries.


I found that the smooth, rounded rocks at the base of the mountain very unusual and they looked almost out of place. They looked more like river rocks in comparison to the sandstone higher up on the cliffs. You may be able to see some hatchet/axe heads or other stone tools in this area.


Thx for also taking this 71 year old along for a walk.


I noticed the depressions at the top. I think what you have found maybe is a site of pit houses at the top. There maybe a Kiva but I doubt it. I live in Perryton, Texas and we even find pit houses here at the top of Texas. This is because the Anasazi were originally living here at one time. There is an ancient village site outside of Perryton and it is an archaeological site. I love these videos. Keep them coming!


I truly enjoy how you RESPECT the places your exploring. Also appreciate how you try not to disturb the land or take things with you. Thank you for sharimg your adventures with us. Be careful, carry a first aide kit. God Bless you


Have you noticed especially in this video all of the dark river rounded stone on your approach to the mesa?ALSO the giant rounded mega boulders at the bottom? Ever ask yourself how long it would take for these stones get shaped and polished like this. Those don’t look like the same stone as the mesa. There is a great gold prospector that has a great channel called two toes. He talks a lot about the movement of stones inancient river channels. May be interesting if you linked this video and get feedback on what he sees.
