I Found This Cave With Carved Steps On Google Earth Then Hiked To It

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#googleearth #exploring #thetrekplanner #explore #ancienthistory #ancient


I know this may not have been a high action adventure, but I still enjoyed seeing this! There are sites like this all over the place in the Southwest. They are long forgotten or have been eroded or destroyed. It was still amazing to see those carved hand and footholds though. I hope you enjoyed it too!

Thank you for being part of The Trek Planner!!


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That cave is seriously beautiful and the geology is stunning.


Don't sell yourself short, my friend, there's nothing "unprofessional" about what you are doing. Your opinions are welcome and give great insight about the discoveries you are making. Keep up the good work!


Having spent my childhood in and around St. George, petroglyphs and ruins were a normal part of family outings to me. Picnicing, hunting, or gathering firewood as a family I often hiked around and found undiscovered acient sites littered with broken walls, arrowheads, and potsherds. I thought everybody did. We were taught to respect it and enjoy the adventure and "leave it be." My older brother was the real hiker, and sometimes took us specifically to see something extra cool he found. Not just native American stuff and dinosaur tracks, but fossil and mineral deposits as well. He still lives in Hurricane. You might look him up and trade stories. He could certainly suggest locations to point Google Earth toward in your discovery and trek planning. Great video! Brings back so many memories.


Thanks for not showing the graffiti or giving it acknowledgment. It really angers me at the selfish, callous disregard people have for such fascinating sites.


If you are going to say "I can see for miles" could you please turn the camera around and show us? Love this stuff.


Being Scottish I know very little about archaeology in the US, now I want to know so much more! Thanks for your amazing videos


the formation of that rock is really facinating, kinda blows my mind the small dome in the cave has a spiral design ceiling as if they paved the walls themselves


The soot and suspiciously flat ground would make me hypothesize that the area in the back was definitely used for long-term storage of jars full of perishable goods. They used to light fires in sealed-up little rooms to allow the fire to consume all the oxygen in the space, which would eventually also put the fire out. This allowed them to store food for several months longer than it would normally last (some argue that staple food items could have lasted over a year in these environments so long as they never unsealed the entrance afterward). Fun fact: things like vacuum-sealing food bags or smoking sausages also use oxygen deprivation to make food last longer :)


Gosh buddy, thanks so much I love the American Southwest. I watch all I can about it on Clips and YouTube and I’m too poor to ever go there and see it myself because I live so far away. I’m in North Carolina and I’m poor so this means a lot to me. I thank you so much for sharing, God bless you always stay safe on your journeys ❤ I am old and sick and have no other means to see these wonderful places that you go to, they make my day because I am stuck at home all the time due to my health. God bless you. ❤. And keep the clips coming Please


It would have been nice if you had shown what it looked like from viewing the landscape outside the cave while inside.


A great way to start my Saturday morning! Thank you for ALL your videos. They're thoroughly enjoyable! We've always been fascinated with that area since first traveling the old "Devils Highway" 15 years ago. Take care, be safe!


Closer and closer to that 100K. Good for you, man. Thanks for doing all the work for us.


Always 🎉🎉🎉to see your new uploads. This place is GORGEOUS !!! Thank you 😊😊


They secure footing while carrying a load on one's back.


it is fun to see things on google earth and then in person! I had an adventure today and it was interesting relaying the information back and forth in my head, from what I saw on the computer to what I was seeing in person.. Big difference but in an amazing and adventurous way!


I love that you were able to walk in the ancestor’s footsteps!


Beautiful area, I'd like to learn more about the geology of the southwest. I like seeing the flowers too, amazing how some plants are so green!


Love your adventures. When living in Tucson, Az. While always hunting the hills in Southern Az. I enjoyed the similar trips you take. Amazing the findings we encountered without looking. This was back in the late 50's, early 60's. Thinking these grounds are ruined by now, hopefully not. Good job, keep searching, many of us older outdoors men and women are entertained with your posts.👍👍👍


You’re doing a great job! I appreciate your pleasant attitude and words. Thank you for adding “good things” to YouTube!


The colors in and around that site were amazing, thank you for sharing. I hope you have a Glorious Week, You Deserve It
