These Utah Petroglyphs are Similar to Egyptian Hieroglyphs - Episode 6

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At the Rochester Creek Petroglyph panel, there are several petroglyphs that are curiously similar to ancient Egyptian funerary themes.

Chapter 6: Hippos, Crocodiles, and Egyptian Symbology in Utah

“Rock Art of Utah” (1971) - Poly Shaafsma

The Rochester Creek Petroglyphs: A Possible Correspondence with Egyptian Hieroglyphs and Iconography (2002) - Phillip Leonard and David Eccott
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If you would like to support my work, please consider purchasing a copy of the paperback on Amazon or the Ebook on my website. I would greatly appreciate your review on Amazon! Thanks for the support!


I found your channel today and bought your book today. From what I’ve seen and the situations in which you put yourself, I’m sure it’s worth every penny. I hope you take every precaution to be safe. That 9.3 mile hike known for lots of rattlesnakes without boots or jeans, it sold a book you crazy f’er.


It’s selfish of me….
But I’m kinda glad I’m one of a select few who are subscribed to your channel. 🤙


awesome ! that is keen research . I think, if jon levi saw this show he'd have some musings on it . maybe you could explore that mormon-y kind of territory ... glad I found your channel !


After actually visiting this site and knowing a bit about local Ute culture... I'd say. Early June is a good time to hunt bear and get ready for the babies that will be born in July & August.. Its a calender, showing the Solstices and Equinox. line up the pictures that are in that line. Fertility symbol just before winter Solstice, Bear running huge and fast just before summer solstice. Plus a bunch of I have no idea... But its not a hippo.. curved tail is "fast movement" and look up Ute tribal bear symbol (they always use that hump).. or Aliens, it is Youtube after all..


The pig like looking animal I would be guess to be some kind of pig like animal. I don't see a hippo as that animal. My first thought when seeing the lizard like animal is that it was probably a gila monster, which is also a lizard looking animal. I live in the desert in sw UT. Who knows what undiscovered animals were here then and are extinct now. Didn't camels originate from N. America?

It'd be interesting to see if old climate models could support such animals living here, and when that would have been. I am fairly certain that hippos and alligators would struggle in the current climate in this region at this time.

Thanks for the video.


North America was more tropical than it is Now, I have a fossil from a water well drill in Iowa That is a section of a fossiled Palm tree About 150 million years ago


This looks alot more like Australian rock art to me than Egyptian


What I REALLY want to know is have any ancient artifacts like the "purses" ever been found?


Astral travel make observations then duplicate what was witnessed.


Utah is named after an Egyptian king who is supposedly buried there.


🔺There's a shared area Orgin. 😢
🔺Collective Consciousness
🔺 Egyptians and Phoenicians traversed the globe, thus they were here.

Each is a reasonable hypothesis.


Looks like the animals and the tribe member are shooting down a alien and the animals are going crazy. Maybe they were trying to get one of these animals much like we hear of cows. IDK wasnt there my po tho.
