I found a Maximum Security Ancient Ruin using Google Earth

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I heard a story about an ancient Native American ruin that was located across a massive stone bridge, and surrounded by hundred foot cliffs. A real life "Island in the Sky." It almost sounded too fantastic to be real.

This story, and a picture on the internet, lead me down a rabbit hole and many hours scouring Google Earth..

After a long search, I finally found it, and we embarked on a long hike to see for myself if it was truly as incredible as I had heard.

When I saw this place in person finally, I was blown away by the ancient civilization that must have built this, and the lengths these people went to keep themselves safe from danger.

But I was left wondering, what would drive humans to such extreme lengths? and what would there life be like living in this incredible fortress?

Thanks for watching this video, and if anyone has any sort of ideas as to what they were protecting themselves from, and any other feedback for this video, I would love to hear from you in the comments.

Stay tuned for a lot more like this!

#geology #exploring #hiking #history #googleearth #outdoors #ancientdiscoveries #ruins
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I love this. Private citizens with drones and cameras making better content than the "History Channel" ever produced. The people have the power.


I appreciate your silence when filming some of this. Too many youtubers jabber on loudly every second.

Part of the enchantment is the silence of the area. Only natural noises.

Thank you


I absolutely love the silence in this video, with only occasional speaking which really adds to how beautiful this place is. I appreciate and love your history lessons in this too and its like watching a very engaging short film.


My anxiety went thru the roof watching you walk close to the edge, amazing footage awesome video!!!!


I was in an accident in 2008 which left me paralyzed, so I don’t get to do the hiking and exploring that I used to. For me YouTube has come to somewhat filling that sense of adventure, although nothing beats the hands on, boots on the ground experience. I love history and Native American culture so please keep the vids coming


Thank you so much for sharing, and being respectful of these ruins. Also appreciate how you don't use music during the drone footage, really adds to the shots!


The 'Anasazi' did not disappear, they simply moved, probably due to the great drought and the social dislocation and internecine raiding for food that resulted. They live on now in the contemporary Pueblos of Arizona and New Mexico. Hence their preference ( and the preference of contemporary archaeologists) for the term 'Ancestral Puebloans' rather than 'Anasazi' which is a Navajo word meaning 'enemy ancestors'. I know this because I am married to a Hopi woman whose genetic profile traces her genes back to Chaco Canyon. She and I thank you for your respect while visiting this site which is sacred to it's descendants. Great video!


Thank you for responsibly exploring and responsibly sharing this site in the video.


Wow this place is incredible. Great idea for a video!


As a vertigo sufferer I am so grateful to be able to see this fascinating place through your drone and video footage.


This is called the Citadel, near Cedar Mesa West of Blandings, UT
It's only a 4 mile hike. You don't need a special vehicle or equipment.
Edit: I think you need to pay and get a permit or something. That may be available at the trailhead. Double-check before going to make sure.


I doubt that this outlook was a domicile. I believe that it was a lookout for a small number of observers, & that they would signal people on the ground some distance away, so that they could deal with intruders. WOW! What a spot !. I echo the comments of others & thank you for remaining essentially silent & for not destroying the video with the raucous music others incorporate in their videos. The weighted papers asking for visitors to leave all intact is a marvelous idea. So many ancient artifacts are vandalized with spray paint, and/or are damaged by people without regard for
others, or for those who were the builders years ago. EXCELLENT video my friend. Thank you for sharing it with us. Cheers from Alberta.


Actually one of the most mind blowing videos I have ever watched. This has opened my mind to whole new ideas and realities. Native Americans are incredible.


I really appreciate your editing, thank you for not putting any music and just letting us take in the amazing views.


As an old lady who used to be able to do those things, it gives me great vicarious pleasure to watch your escapades😮


I have been watching Desert Drifter for a while. YT recommend your channel. Perfect fit. I found a few on YT about Chinese villages built on incredibly high places, where access is ludicrously difficult. The locals state that they were built to protect the inhabitants from various raiders and war lords in the first half of the Twentieth Century. Here in the UK we have the remains of Hill forts that served a SIM purpose. I have walked in one that some of my ancestors almost certainly built and stayed in for protection. Different ages, different continents. Same purpose.


My buddies and I would explore the ruins around the edges of the Pajarito Plateau near Los Alamos during our childhood. We never came across anything quite this spectacular. We did come across large deposits of pottery shards, however. This video reminds me of how much I miss doing this type of exploration. My heart is pounding! Thank you for posting this.


WOW! These are the most impressive, beautiful and intact ruins I've ever seen. I can see why they were challenging to locate and access. Your droning skills are so well choreographed, It felt like an amusement park ride.


Mate, sitting on my couch watching this scared and exhilarated me at the same time. Powerful and Amazing view of how far people would go and how they lived in the past . Great job


"I'm am very unobservant": finds incredibly beautiful and fascinating sites constantly.

Lol, I'd tell you to keep it up but I don't think you have any plans to stop. Thanks for documenting this stuff!
