Elite Dangerous Exploration how to find planets with no discovery scanner tutorial

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(BETA 2) How does exploration work in Elite Dangerous beta 2? Is my D-scanner broken? How can I discover a planet in a star system?
Sometimes D-scanners don't pick up all the bodies in a system, but they are there and can be discovered using the Mk I Eyeball and a little knowledge of Newtonian mechanics and parallax displacement as used by Tycho Brahe to observe the heavens.
Why do scanners sometimes not work? Maybe its a bug but maybe there is a reason - My hypothesis is that the scanner works by detecting the gravity of the object, calculating its orbital path and making an estimate of where other bodies should be based on gravitation.. maybe for whatever reason in some systems it can't pinpoint a specific location this way because of.. i don't know my hypothesis breaks down at this point.
Frontier Developments youtube channel:
Sometimes D-scanners don't pick up all the bodies in a system, but they are there and can be discovered using the Mk I Eyeball and a little knowledge of Newtonian mechanics and parallax displacement as used by Tycho Brahe to observe the heavens.
Why do scanners sometimes not work? Maybe its a bug but maybe there is a reason - My hypothesis is that the scanner works by detecting the gravity of the object, calculating its orbital path and making an estimate of where other bodies should be based on gravitation.. maybe for whatever reason in some systems it can't pinpoint a specific location this way because of.. i don't know my hypothesis breaks down at this point.
Frontier Developments youtube channel:
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