Elite Dangerous - Exploration Guide - Part One (The Basics)

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Elite Dangerous exploration can be intimidating, but it doesn't have to be. Join me for a basic overview of getting started as a deep space explorer in the greatest space simulator ever made!


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Your videos are still helping people a year later, Cmdr. Decided to bite the bullet and do that 5K LY trek for Prof. Palin, converted my Anaconda into an exploration ship, and headed out. I ended up having a complete blast discovering new systems. My very first undiscovered system contained a water world and that hooked me. Appreciate the effort you put into these!


And I am watching this in DEC 2024! Thanks for the video


I wouldn't call myself a "veteran" explorer, but I've done a fair bit, and I absolutely 100% concur with your Asp Explorer recommendation as a starter ship. It is fantastic in that role. I came back to the bubble to do some different stuff for a while, and will probably get an Anaconda for my next trip, but that Explorer was perfect for a first run.

And I do the same thing you do with regard to "destination", pick a system at the limit of the router and just go there and see what's along the way. Side trips are fun too. 🤣🤣

I'm here to see what's changed since I was out there, about three years ago, so even your "basics" is a nice refresher. Thanks for doing these.


I'm only 20 hrs in my first play of the game and getting ready to leave the district and you have sold me on my new profession! I cannot wait to see some new places 😁


Man, I have so many fond memories of taking the Colonia highway route. Some of my favorite views of the black are there a few thousand light-years south east from Colonia. Many great memories of flying east from Colonia through Odin's Hold too.

Awesome work Exorcist! Sort of makes me want to come out of Explorer retirement.


The quality of your tone and advice, coupled with your *exquisite* cinematography, is an insta-sub and an emphatic like from me ! =D


Totally agree with the core philosophy: Every new system has a chance (however slim) of being spectacular. The explo bug is like a gambling addiction; every jump is a spin of the wheel, and maybe this time you'll hit the jackpot. Or the next jump, or maybe the next jump, or maybe...and you're hooked. And while sometimes the spectacular pokes you in the eye as soon as you jump into the system (Collection of Wonders, Sag A*, etc.), other times it takes a little nosing around within a system to find the spectacular (an overlook above a massive canyon, or a tenuous atmosphere with an unusual color, a dense cluster of exobio species). Guessing you'll be getting into techniques for spotting those hidden treasures later on in the series. I feel like I'm still learning new tricks for finding these spots, so looking forward to the next installments. Cheers!


Perfect video, I've personally done some 420Kly+ in my Conda, I'm now out there in a Cobra, I've done 59Klys so far and it's a great. I got involved with an expedition, completed it, but stayed out at the destination. I'm heading to SAG A*, I've been out 7 months, doing economical routing, My current destination is 368 jumps away and I'm not even half way. I can't plot an economical route as it's too many jumps, I don't care. It's all about the trip and what you find. Average jump distance is around 3lys at a time, and every system is first discovery, can't get any better than that. o7


Thanks a lot for your cool guide.
On my side I decided to blow on my dusty X56 Rhino and decided to play the game again after 2 years.

I let my ASP explorer in the garage and built a brand new shiny exploration Krait Phantom from scratch.
I totally in line with the "journey, not destination" philosophy. I even asked my children which way to go :
- my 3 year old daughter spun a botlle on the floor to decide the heading
- my 10 year old son to pick a number -1000 and +1000 to decide the altitude from galactic plane.

Here i am, 1500Ly from the bubble, into the westerm side of the Outer Orion Spur (literally "in the backyard").
I chose the "Cartographer" approach rather than "full" exploration. I use EDDiscovery with the full EDSM database loaded and i jump to any system that is not listed in the tool (which takes me seconds to find, really). 80% of the time, the system is also not discovered in-game.

Win-win for everybody. I get more credits with first discovery bonuses and EDSM get new info. i intend to complete my codex of the region like this for a first real goal before trying a more bolder exploration journey.



Ive always loved a dolphin personally. Took me to Sagittarius A* on my Xbox save and Ill alway love it for how amazing of a ship it is, especially for newer players


If you are looking to start exploring the best bang for the buck is a Diamondback Explorer. It is the cheapest explorer and it is a small landing pad so much easier to land on planets. ASP explorer is a great ship but I would call it a second or upgraded ship to the DBX. Great video overall and yes the ship choice is a big point of content in Elite Dangerous lol. Fuel Scoop is a much have no exception, period.


You're right, It's everyones' taste which ship to fly with for exploration. I flew with an anaconda to the center of our galaxy. The trip was beautiful but one fact gave me the feeling, this ship is too big for landing in some cases. In multiple times I tried to land in an specific area, but couldn't get down due to unsuitable surfaces. My first and long ago exploration I did with the Diamond Back. Here I never had problems to land on any moon or planet. Yes I know, it's a little issue beside all the fantastic sightseeings. But such things will come to mind, when you on your way into the eternity. Stay save, Cmdr Exorcist.


I like your approach. Purist of the pure. Exploring for the thrill of something new and beautiful; unseen by others. I tend to pace myself. Did the Colonia Bridge by skipping two, going to every third. Drifting wide in between. It is important to not be in a hurry, but secure your progress weekly.


Some fantastic shots you have in this video.. really looking forward to getting my conda engineered so i can get out and find some of these locations...


Any ship *can* be used for exploration, but certain ones make it a lot more comfy.

Case in point, I flew my unsheilded type-7 from Sol to Beagle Point (with 50 tons of cargo on board.). Its been my favorite deep space run since I started playing in 2014.


Fantastic stuff CMDR and thanks so much for putting this out. o7!


Thanks for the great video, I look forward to part two, and I have just subscribed not to miss any future videos...….wait, I think I can feel something stirring within me


I'm a few days out on my first real exploration trip. Been a little outside the bubble before but nothing like this. I'm advancing up the Orion Arm till it meets with the other one, then going east to Colonia, then Sag A. Then I'll decide what to do next. Been pretty fun so far.


Brilliant introduction. Looking forward to part 2.


I am returning to the game after several years. I am in an Asp way out in the black and I dont remember how to fly or how to use anything in my ship. It will take me a long time to get back to the bubble. I just used my fuel scoop without dying so thats good lol. I need this video, so I know its 2 years late but Thanks. If I can get back safely, I have enough data to cash in and get myself an Anaconda.
