The 7 Ways to Fix a Slow Metabolism

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The good news is that no, you’re not cursed and yes, you can fix your metabolism.
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🌺I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have dieted and exercised my whole life and have struggled with an extra 15-20 pounds! My body is now changing because I follow your eating plan, intermittent fasting and exercise plan. I’m done searching for the best.. I’ve found it all following you.
Thank you so so much. 🙏🏼


no facebook page listed below.. i can say however.. i have NEVER lost weight so fast as when I was doing what you said to do in your original Ultrametabolism book. That stuff is flat out amazing. Funny thing is.. my metabolism was flying for years after that, even when i wasnt being nice to my body... OG = Original Genus :)


Please do a house call about chronic migraines and cluster headaches. I am suffering from BOTH of these diseases and it's taken quite a toll on me emotionally as well. Also PLEASE do an episode on dementia because my mother suffering from that and I would love any information at all we are both very scared and terrified which also affects me of course. thank you so much and I appreciate all that you do!


This was truly the right information that I need going forward in my journey to the best life possible for this 64 year old YOU SO MARIE JODOIN....


As I understand it, it is also bad to consume unsaturated fats such as corn oil, canola oil and other similar oils. These poison your metabolic machinery.


Very informative and still short. Thanks for sharing Mark Hyman. MD


Best doctor on youtube..thankyou. I love your book, "eat fat and get thin%


After listening to Dr. Hyman, I gave up sugar. Haven't done anything else. But I was already gluten-free., and never use any bottled oils (just butter and ghee), no processed foods, etc. I don't believe that eating olive oil, or bottled oils is beneficial UNLESS you live next to an olive orchard. I have not suffered and already (2 weeks) lost two dress sizes. Thank you, Dr. Hyman.


I am 75, take zero medications, don't wear reading glasses, and at my latest check-up my doctor said, There's nothing wrong with you. Congratulations. "


Thanks for the video! Always great info & advice! You say to avoid flour. What about making homemade slowly fermented sourdough bread using non white flours, such as certain gluten free flours, or a less glutinous flour such as rye?


Thanks, Dr Hyman, really useful info here.


You have never talked about Kidneys . I myself have lots of unine, infections already this year i have had 10 lots of antibiotics and it is affecting my kidneys. One of the infections is the blood in the urine it has antibodies in it . Could you please give a chat on kidney function. I love and listen to most of your progams and i hope i am getting there with my diet. Thank you Dr Mark Hyman.


Thank you for making such a good video. I learnt a lot. Your video change people's life.
Thanks! :)


finally, sum1 who knows wat they are talking about.


Thanks my dad has type 2 diabetes and my metabolism is very slow i tend to gain weight easiy and i dont even eat that much


Research has demonstrated that a slow metabolism is associated with longevity, and dark green leafy vegetables, well established as amongst the healthiest foods one can eat, actually have the effect of slowing down one's resting metabolism. One should therefore be very wary of taking any nutritional advice from a doctor offering tips on how to 'fix a slow metabolism', which is a non-problem.


This is great! Thanks, I'm always cold and its so hard to break a sweat. I think my metabolism is slow.


Yeah, done exactly what you say for six months, lost weight, but lost energy as well. HIIT doesn’t seem to help, and my wt. resistance training is getting more and more difficult, even with lighter wits. That, and I continue to be on strict low carb diet, KETO, really, though not as high on fat as recommended, though only the “good” fats for me. What gives?


What about long term calorie restriction damage? I'm talking a few years of this my belly will not burn fat. I've ben in construction for years. Got colorectal cancer at 36 and stopped eating at work due to unpredictable bowels. I did some serious damage to my metabolism. What will fix it?


4:25 he says don't eat less than your RMR. What if I eat exactly the amount of calories my RMR is, but I exercised that same day, thereby burning a couple hundred calories. Does that mean I should eat extra? Or would eating extra negate my hard work?
