M.E. is more than Fatigue -20 symptoms people deal with ⭐️Must Watch⭐️

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More and more people are learning about ME/CFS. (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) Many still believe the illness mainly consists of fatigue and brain fog. This video dives into 20 other symptoms many of us deal with.

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Boredom and cabin fever needs to be mentioned….unable to leave your bed, room and house is mentally devastating…..most of us were the type of people to never sit still so it’s an even harder situation to be in….the mind is racing with ideas and things you want to do/complete but the body won’t let you….even on my worse day I feel guilty for lying in bed….I noticed I determined my worth by what I could get done/achieve so doing nothing is torture smh….


I used to joke that having this disease was a good news/bad news situation. The good news is that it won't kill you. The bad news is that it won't kill you. Gallows humor. Those of us with ME will get it, I think.


The best words I've seen to describe the feeling "it feels like your actual life force is draining out of you, this must be what dying feels like".


We should change the name to Chronic Exhaustion Syndrome. Fatigue doesn’t give it any justice at all.


For years I have felt so tired I would want to throw up, vertigo, nausea, yep bathroom problems, yep migraines and headaches, yep insomnia, muscle pain, rashes, yes light and sound sensitivity, had to wear bi-focals since age20, have blurred vision, yes joint pain, yep unrefreshed sleep, yes heat intolerance, yes medication sensitivity and chemical sensitivity, yes brain fog, light headed I am now 66 and been dealing with this since I was a teenager and people just don't understand what I am talking about, seeing this video a year after it was posted, I am thankful I found it, God Bless to everyone who sees my post


He is describing every day of the past 5 years for me. I gave up on the expectation that a doctor would do something helpful 2 years ago.


The worst is feeling judged by family/coworkers for limiting your activities because "you look like you're doing fine" or "I don't see any of those symptoms."
My personal favorite is "All of your tests come back normal."


I’ve had most of these symptoms for years. I’m 65 and am tired of trying to get a doctor to believe/acknowledge the seriousness of my symptoms and the impact they’ve had on my life. I’m sick of fighting it.


I have spent so much of my adult life trying to explain this to family and friends who assume I am a lazy person. Now I focus on myself because I was worsening my mental health


Unrefreshing sleep = you awake feeling awful.


Hey, Johnny! Sensitivity to smells! Cognitive issues, such as not being able to retrieve words, inability to remember simple things like a toaster, losing your thoughts, not remembering where you left off in the conversation, and complete brain blank!🌻💛


1. Fatigue
2. Brain fog
3. Muscle pain/tightness
4. Dizziness/vertigo
5. Nausea
6.ibs/ibsd/ sibo
7. Migraines/headaches
8. Insomnia
9.skin issues
10. Hair loss
11. Light/ sound sensitivity
12. Swollen glands
13. Blurred vision
14. Shortness of breath
15. Post exertion malaise
16. Joint pain
17. Unrefreshing sleep
18. Heat/ cold intolerance
19. Paleness/ bags under the eyes
20. Sensitivity to medications/supplements
21. Heart rate issues


Yes and Thank you! On top of the symptoms imagine being doubted and taken for a fake by people around you AND doctors...That's the icing on the cake. The thing with healthy people is it's really hard to imagine something that you have never experienced yourself, so because they naturally tend to compare to what they know they for instance have a hard time separating the "feeling tired" and "debilitating fatigued" and think it's pretty much the same, so they kinda expect you to just push through (and if you don't, you're lazy/not motivated/don't want it enough/don't love them enough).. their brains just cannot grasp it! And we're left feeling lonely and deeply misunderstood. Thank God for people like you who try to spread awareness and make us feel less lonely and more seen! 🙏🤗


The majority of people I come across, are sadly clueless about the condition. I’ve tried to express myself by saying that ME/fatigue is NOT tiredness, please don’t tell me that I’m tired. This is like saying that someone with depression is a bit fed up. Please, it’s not tiredness it’s unbearable exhaustion. Thank you for posting, this is invaluable 🙏


It’s important to know some of the Causes of the fatigue, such as viral overload ( EBV, CMV, etc) and that fatigue results from physical, mental, and emotional exertion. Talking and social interaction is commonly a source of energy depletion.
People with ME suffer with hyper sensitivity of the central nervous system. All stimuli are an assault on our systems and causes a variety of reactions.
There are also often issues with the heart, irregular or rapid heart rates. This can result in dizziness, shortness of breath, lack of coordination, blood pressure issues, including low blood pressure and low blood volume.
The severity of the fatigue in ME can’t be stressed enough. It is not tiredness. It is a total energy depletion so extreme that it can be hard to draw a breath, move one’s eyes, process a thought.
And it can occur very suddenly, as if some plug has been pulled and everything just drains out of you. You just come to a halt, reeling from horrific exhaustion. At one point I felt that each heartbeat was going to use the last ounce of life energy in my body. I didn’t have any reserves. It was so frightening.
People who have never experienced this type of total body depletion can’t imagine it’s impact on the psyche and emotions.


😮YES! you wake up feeling like you fought the bed all night ...
and the bed WON!!


I've dealt with ME/CFS for 27 years. I have all of the 20 symptoms you mentioned, plus the other 3 you added at the end. I also suffer from head and neck pressure, face and jaw pain, extreme thirst causing having to urinate often, tinnitus, eye watering, exercise intolerance, heart palpitations and a heavy heartbeat, depression and anxiety, severe periods, dark circles under my eyes (instead of bags), and my newest symptom... body buzzing. No idea WTF that's all about. Soft hugs and love to all dealing with this s**t.


+ clumsiness, slurred speech, losing your balance, intermittent limping, difficulty swallowing


I have had long covid for 2 years and I have all of these symptoms daily including the extras at the end! I also get muscle jerks and twitches, hoarse Voice and swallowing issues, apnoea, severe tinnitus, foot pain, spine pain, pins and needles and numbness, like electricity in hands and feet, altered mood for obvious reasons. I could go on..I can’t believe people have suffered with this for decades and there’s no help, it’s beyond horrific!


I recently saw a GP who said all my symptoms were overwhelming for her . I replied now just imagine how ot is living with it all the time.
