Scientists Discover Robust Evidence That Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Is a Biological Illness

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Scientists at the Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health have identified changes in the immune system of people with chronic fatigue syndrome, known medically as myalgic encephalomyelitis. These findings are provide the most definitive evidence to date that the condition is biologically based, not psychological.

The large, multicenter study, published on February 27 in the journal Science Advances, presents evidence of increased amounts of certain immune molecules called cytokines in patients who had the disease three years or less that were not present in those with the disease for longer periods or in those without the disease.

In a video interview, lead researcher Mady Hornig, MD, associate professor of epidemiology, explains that the findings could help improve diagnosis and identify treatment options for the disabling disorder, which has symptoms that range from extreme fatigue and difficulty concentrating to headaches and muscle pain.

Tangible substantiation of disease and the possibility of a blood test is a game-changer for people with the disease, says Hornig, who is also director of translational research at the Center for Infection and Immunity. “This can bring individuals who have been denied a diagnosis, and denied recognition of their illness… to an early diagnosis that may in addition tell us something about what is causing their illness and how potentially to treat it.”
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I still don’t have proper diagnosis after about 25 years. I gave up on doctors and just retreated from life. I’m one of those millions of people that have disappeared from society.


There should be major law suits for the way we've all been gas lighted


It took seven years for doctors to finally recognize my illness. After having all kinds of tests to rule out things like MS or lupus I was labeled a hypochondriac. Do you realize what that does to some one's psyche?


Thank you so, so much for not psychologizing ME/CFS!! Way too many videos on this platform are made by psychologists who are having themselves a great, fun time with the suffering of ME/CFS patients. Thank you for validating that this is not a matter of the mind but a serious biological illness. YouTube needs more videos like this!!


Anyone else so fatigued with such brain fog for years and years so bad that sometimes reality feels like a dream and sometimes can’t tell the difference?? Beginning to think I have a brain tumor or something and no doctor wants to help me. Instead I have been diagnosed with adhd. I’m 27 and I’ve had this problem since like 15 years old. I feel like a shell of the human that I could be.


I have m.e/cfs I was diagnosed about 8 years ago. The doctors told me I had it and that was that. I've had to do the research myself. I used to be so very active and now I'm totally the opposite. I've tried all I can to push myself and get better but just made myself a lot worse as I thought I could over come it by positive thinking and building back tolerance and strength, which only ended up with me being out of it longer and very frustrated.
I'm trying to find how to make it better and the only thing I've found is not to push yourself and maybe some anti inflammatorys. But having one kidney I'm not meant to have them. So I'm at a loss. Such a frustrating I'llness. Ive not given up the hope that I can get better.
The hardest part to deal with is telling my children "Im sorry I can't today!" Which is a re occurring thing.
The frustration, the feeling alone and down
Feeling like no one understands.
The trying to push yourself for others only ending up suffering.
People don't understand and get hurt feelings when you just physically cant.
I've lost friends over it and extended family I believe think I'm a wuss or putting it on. They don't want to know what's wrong or why your feeling the way you feel it. They just expect you to keep going. When you try explain I feel they just can't understand neither are they interested. You explain and yet they still expect some sort of normality from you.
Dealing with your own mind is hard too. No matter what your mind tells you, I just can't do it.
On a good day I think I could do this or that, but my body doesn't follow.
On bad days just the thought of doing anything makes me feel defeated, even thinking about someone else doing something makes me feel like telling them just leave it for today as if it's me doing it 🤦
It's a difficult illness to have.
Emotionally, mentally and physically.
It's like I live in a different world to everyone. I watch the world that I used to live in go by and I just can't join in.
It's very lonely 😢


Why don’t doctors care enough to stop and listen and take people seriously instead of calling them crazy or over exaggerating or claiming it’s all psychological? What are we supposed to do when they do that to us? How are we supposed to get help? It’s like there is no hope. It makes me angrier than anything.


I’ve been having symptoms since 2009 and JUST NOW learning it’s CFS and NOT ALL IN MY HEAD like people made me think. I literally wasn’t able to work out without insane symptoms and avoided working out since.


I've Had it Since 1987 & it makes U FEEL LIKE A WALKING CORPSE!!... :(


A description of the blood test would be nice. Otherwise how do we know what to ask for?


When I went to my PCP and told them about my chronic fatigue, they tested my blood for Diabetes, Vitamin D deficiency, and my Thyroid but the only one that was off was vit D which I’ve been taking for the past two years. Even though I got that back to normal levels, I am still battling with this fatigue and skeptical to go back to a doctor when they look at you like, “oh well, ” or they think you’re over exaggerating.


I have suffered from this for a few years after a life of hard work I delighted in. My personal Doctor was supportive and diagnosed it. This was confirmed by a Specialist here in Northern Ireland. My Doctor retired recently, and his replacement thinks it is all in my head. That despite daily swelling in the glands, headaches, exhaustion, poor sleep patterns, and aching limbs. Also night sweats, and  poor mental focus at times. So pleased to see this.


I've taken myself to ER several times as a result of an ME/CFS crash. Doctors take a blood test and say, "nothing to see here, go home." So what is this blood test she's talking about, where can we get one and what exactly does it show?


Five years later, still no actual blood test exists, what happened to this broad claim?


I was fatigued at 14 years old, I'm now 41 and still no official diagnosis, fatigued every day, worse after exercise, often feel like I am coming down with something, always sore all over, especially neck and shoulders, my legs have been sore a lot lately, all my joints hurt.
I never have any energy, can't think straight, get confused and miss half of what people are saying in a conversation.
Doctors give me the runaround, do blood tests for thyroid, chrones, diabetes ect, I started menopause age 29, doesn't run in my family, it's definitely some sort of auto immune disorder, could be vaccine injury, who knows....


It is biological, but it’s not always the same cause. Each individual needs to investigate their own cause.
For me, it was a symptom of multiple infections. (Viral, bacterial, fungal and parasites) Once I got rid of those infections 28 years of CFS was gone.


To people wondering what sort of blood test is being described in this video it's a diagnosis of exclusion so blood tests are run to rule out other possible causes for the symptoms such as thyroid, diabetes, liver disease, anaemia etc. I've had an autoimmune condition for three years and strong CFS symptoms for about six months following a bout of the flu last Winter. Blood tests and chest x-rays show nothing untoward and I've finally found a doctor who is prepared to seriously investigate the possibility of CFS. I'm hoping to have a diagnosis soon as my employers are pushing me to perform at pre-CFS levels and are ignoring my current levels of exhaustion/confusion/anxiety. I'm aware that there must be thousands if not millions of people in my position and would urge you to stick in there, stay on your doctor's radar and regularly have your fatigue and other symptoms documented as this record is vital for a potentially life-changing diagnosis.


Meanwhile, I'm coming here from a video five days old about how a girl died with ME after being told it was all in her head by NHS "doctors". And she's just one example of what people are facing presently. The medical profession really is a sham more often than not. These idiots with degrees should be much more rigorously tested for competence and knowledge. I've been to so many GPs who seem to have a lesser functional knowledge of the human body than I do with training as a remedial massage therapist. I've had to educate specialists on procedures that were as novel as five or ten years old because these professionals couldn't be arsed to stay informed in their own lucrative field. Just keep bangin' out the patients using that same old procedure that rakes in the bucks even when there's far better options with fewer adverse effects available. It's disgusting. These people have a license to print money and so often they're inept and ignorant.


it is almost cruel to say there is a blood test, that hundreds of thousands of us could need, yet not say the name of the test.


I knew it was biological 32 years ago when I got it.
