Jordan Peterson’s Opinion After Meeting Elon Musk

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Dr Jordan B. Peterson gives his opinion on Elon Musk. What does Jordan Peterson think of Tesla and SpaceX? What was Jordan Peterson’s trip to see Elon Musk’s Cyber Truck at the Tesla Factory with Joe Rogan like? Why does Elon’s Twitter not read like a normal CEO?

#jordanpeterson #elonmusk #tesla


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I would love to see Elon, Jbp and rogan on a podcast.


"I watched university professors think that at some point they're going to say what they think as they develop their career. But, by the time they're protected and secure, they've spent so much time not saying what they think that they aren't even who they were... and they don't know what they think!" That's a statement worth posting on the fridge!


An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."


It was an honor to have you as a professor Dr Peterson. It was such a privilege.


I love what Jp said. It's not about getting to a place where you are safe to say anything and are protected from all consequences, the protection comes from knowing what you are talking about and continuously working on yourself so your words and behaviors don't need consequences


“He’s probably an alien. Probably a reptilian.” Jordan called it first. 😂


2:07 One of the greatest responses I've heard in several years: "Being protected and secure does not give you courage to say what you have to say." That's true wisdom.

All the greatest people in the Bible delivered their exhortations at times of unprotected speech. Many of them suffered great hardship, imprisonment and even death for their "unpopular" messages.

I once closely knew a great Messianic Jewish man who is one of the worlds foremost biblical scholars working in a pastoral and evangelical role. He did not have courage to exhort people to repentance and spiritual circumcision. Over the years it costs him as he declined spiritually and his teaching lost its impact for the gospel. I told him a few years ago that, "There may come a day when we all won't be 'free' any longer to speak the truth in public and teach the Bible, God and Christ." I just wish God would put the spirit of Elijah on some of these brilliant people of faith and give them courage like Daniel.

Thank you for speaking up Mr. Peterson! So true. God bless.


"He's probably an alien" cracked me up and now when I think of that quote a smile seems to come to my face.


Jordan Peterson is a man who brought my life back on track. It was heavily derailed. All ONE must do is listen and take steps. He will probably never know that but I owe him my life. He managed to reshape my soul with his words. I will always be thankful for that.


I love how Peterson is so careful with his words and sometimes he thinks out loud and you can listen to the logical progressions of this thoughts. It's really great.


Great job to the interview host to stay on-topic. When Dr. JP starts going off tangent and talking about Steve Jobs a bit too long, Chris skillfully turns the conversation back to Elon Musk. People have no idea how valuable this skill is.


When I heard him say…”he’s prob an Alien, a reptilian…” I thought, wow he’s got a sense of humor too behind all that intelligence. That’s good.


Jordan is a comic deep down. I loved how dry-toast he delivered the, “ he’s probably an alien” line. Great stuff, didn’t even crack a full smile.


This is some of this nicest looking podcast footage I've seen. The framing, the way the two people are placed in the open space, the lighting. Looks great.


Great content. Thank you for the interview
Sound design feedback: recommend leaving just a little background noise when nobody is talking. If its fully cut, we have the impression the video ended if we listen to it with the screen off.



Thumbnail game on point. And you did a phenomenal job providing room for him to speak. Love an interviewer who’s curious/not jumping in prematurely 👏🏼


Elon: I’d like to colonize Mars and make humanity a multi-planetary species.

Peterson: Well hey man, it’s like if that’s what you want to do I mean, it’s like fair enough.


The positivity around Jordan’s message and it’s reflections in his flock of which I am a very proud member, is heartening….there is hope


The concepts and focus of these two have really helped me in my attempts to stay on track after so many years of bad events and unforeseen challenges. Thank you both.


Peterson has the enviable talent/ability to think before and as he's talking, and seems to have no fear of stopping to clarify or even change what he's saying as he thinks it through. If he misspeaks, he owns it, clarifies it and moves on. I always feel he tries very hard to honestly express his thoughts. And I have to smile when he shuts down people who try to twist his words back at him...basically giving them a public spanking.
