Meeting TRUMP for the First Time w/ Jordan Peterson

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In this clip, Matt Fradd asks Jordan Peterson what it was like meeting President Trump for the first time, plus his thoughts on Trump as a person and leader.

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I went to Trumps wedding to Marla Maples in the 90’s. He hired my dad to do some legal work for him in Alabama & Mississippi and has a result ended up at the Plaza Hotel for his nuptials. I was just a longhaired college student, had never met him, so I waited in a line of hundreds to congratulate him after the ceremony. The second I opened my mouth and he heard my southern accent, he knew exactly who I was and thanked me & my dad for coming and praised my dad for the work he had been doing for him down south. I was stunned! The event was as diverse as you could imagine, and everyone spoke of him glowingly. The man you see today is the same one I met back in the mid 90’s. I’ve managed to have seen him a few times since 2015 and was there in NYC on election night & his inauguration. He’s always been extremely kind and when he’s speaking to you, it feels like you are the only person in the room.


This is what people don't understand about the love for Trump. We don't love him bc he's Trump. We love him bc he's the first president to listen to us and actually one of the first politicians that we felt did not hate the citizens. There's so much contempt towards the working class. We've been called deplorable for years. It's nice to have someone say, these people are the heart of America and fight for us


I knew someone who worked for Donald Trump he loved working for him, you worked hard but he appreciated you as employee and told them, the media has made this man into a monster when he’s not one, this person lived very well and traveled everywhere, he loved working for Trump


Met him when i was deployed with the guard during covid in 2020. He showed up, personally greeted everyone in the facility and when he asked if he could do anything for us, we complained about the food. He had BBQ catered to us later, and paid out of his pocket. I didnt like him in 2016, but he convinced me that he was best by march or april of 2017. I have seen nothing crooked or racist he has done, he obviously loves USA, and i dont think his haters ever give a good reason for the hate.


America does not want a King or Queen.. we just want someone who cares about us !! The End


Peterson is the first guy who I've seen do an accurate assessment of Trump. He's good and bad. Aren't we all?


He frightens the bejesus out of the establishment, and that’s good enough for me.


I was honored to attend church with a Black man named Alphonso. He was a good man raised in south Alabama and moved to New Jersey. He worked at Trump tower. He stood up and came forward and said, (week before the election 2016) Tuesday we have to vote. I worked at the Trump tower. Mr. Trump is a good man. I can’t tell you who to vote for but I’m voting for Donald Trump because I’ve seen first hand how he treats his employees.
Our pastor lowered his head not knowing what was about to happen 😂.
He has passed on and went home with the Lord. There is nothing like working for good people.
Mr. Herbie Burke of Centerville, Al. was a good a man that I’ve ever known. Best company I have ever worked for. He treated us so good. So I understand what it is to work for great men.
Long live President Trump!


Bullying comes very handy sometimes, like when you dealing with bullies.


My husband knew a man who worked for Donald Trump. He said he was a great boss. My husband also worked on projects for Donald Trump. He said that Trump was the only developer who would talk to the workers. The other developers were “too good” to talk to the regular people. It’s obvious that he has raised his children right, and THAT is a great legacy for anyone, especially someone who could have coddled his children and turn them into useless socialites. I think he is underestimated by a lot of people.


He's the first Republ😢in my lifetime (82) who knows how to street-fight with the crooked Democrats
That's why I like him and voted for him.


I'm glad Jordan mentioned the Abraham Accords. That was a monumental triumph of diplomacy that the MSM almost ignored completely. If Trump would have been reelected in 2020, there would be peace in the entire middle east now.


I knew someone who worked in Trump Tower. Trump was always all over the building checking on everything, and knew everyone’s name, who they worked for, and greeted them by name even low level people. Photographic memory.


I always respect Jordan Peterson's take on things. Regarding Trump as a bully, I often say: "Trump is the kind of crazy that crazy don't mess with!" While we probably all agree that we prefer a President with a sophisticated veneer, it is hard to argue that the bullies of the world were very quiet while he was in office.


My brother used to work at a golf course near my home and met Trump's old lawyer. And the Lawyer said "What Trump is like on the stage compared to making a deal is night and day. HE KNOWS how to get the deal done. He is NOT a pushover in negotiations.


Its why Hollywood "stars" and TV " celebrities" hate him. He is more entertaining, more charismatic, more awe inspiring, than they could ever be. He makes them look very ordinary.


My daughter brought this home from school one day…;
‘There’s so much good in the worst of us
And so much bad in the best of us
that it hardly behooves any of us
To talk bad about the rest of us…’


Would LOVE it if Trump was interviewed by Jordan Peterson.


I met Trump once years ago. He was so kind and funny. The haters are wrong about him. I’m going to vote for him again in 2024!


Canadian here and was not a Trump fan but over the years have come to see that Trump is the man America needs a leader one that loves his country and IS for the people!
