Dating After Divorce | 10 Questions to Ask Yourself - Are You Ready?

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Well said, “you get the relationship you think you deserve”.


This video was spot on! I am currently 55 years old and I have been divorced since May 2009. I now see why I my marriage ended in divorce. I neglected to set standards and boundaries for myself. Sometimes when you are void of positive self-worth you are afraid to voice what you truly desire. Well, that's no longer my issue. I am happy to have booked a session with Lena-Marie, just to help fine-tune my level-up. Excited about the journey.


The point made about having sex at a very early stage is indeed clearly supported by empirical studies: in fact, from the first physical contact, women produce the hormone oxytocin, which partially anesthetizes the frontal lobes of the brain, responsible for judgment in decision-making. Therefore, having sexual intercourse too early causes the woman to trivialize or minimize her partner's weaknesses. Thank you Tracy. If I only had seen this awesome video in my twennies. Now dealing with corrosive regrets because I have learned my value. When a little girl has never had any love from her father, this is a disaster with far-reaching consequences..


To be honest, this video should be for ALL people dating, not just divorcees, because the advice is incredibly accurate, clearly outlined and valuable for anyone looking to get out there and date.
If we all stepped into a relationship with these points in mind, there would be far fewer breakups. Often the valuable questions get lost in the initial rush of emotions/hormones and only when the dust settles do people realise that they have different life values and directions.


Great questions.... I have my non negotiables, my (soon to be ex) husband of 10 yrs met them BUT I did make the mistake of making excuses of bad behavior that surfaced way after we were married. Things that I never thought someone would do, and it be such a turn off. Once the divorce is finally’s me time, find myself again and be free. I’m in no hurry to start dating, actually not even close. Thank you 🙏 Tracy for always being real and not sugarcoating the topics for us. 😘😘😘😘😘


Ufff, if only I had seen this video 20 years ago. I wouldn’t be looking at it now. Excellent, excellent, excellent points.


Great reminders for anyone who is actively dating. I’m just getting back into it myself and it’s so true that those initial “feelings” can cloud our judgement. I find taking a break for a few days and going over my list again really clears up any red flags. Have hope ladies, there are a lot of nice guys out there and we don’t have to lower our standards!! Thank you Tracy for watching out for us!💞


This is great to watch regardless of anyone’s relationship status. I’m thinking about what some of my weaknesses are. I can be a little bit impatient sometimes and an idealist.


Very smart, thought provoking, essential relationship gems. Great Job Tracy! I've been working on my past relationship issues for 2 years! I feel like a different person and ready to take first steps at 60 yrs old! Thank you for this amazing video!


Thank you Tracy for this video ⚘ The part where you discuss negotiable and non-negotiable really struck home for me. You were spot-on when you said that the people that will claim you have too high of standards are often times people who are truly unhappy in their own lives. I appreciate your videos and find Great Value in them thank you for being a part of my journey♥️⚘🙏


Hello Tracy, thanks to our last session, I'm revamping my (non)negotiables and embracing the high standards I have for myself and future partner. Love this quote from the video "I know my core values and I know I'm a high quality, high caliber person. I have a lot to bring to the table. I know my worth and I know my value."
See you next week for Wine Wednesday!


Wishing you a wonderful new week ahead with prosperity, joy, peace and health, stay blessed always. Thanks for sharing with us these interesting and necessary instructions about elegance and good choices, fine treatment.💐🌹🌟


Great thought provoking questions. I’m 56 and haven’t dated in 6 years after a long term relationship dissolved. Thankfully for Covid I was able to put it off longer. I believe I’m ready now to get back out there and meet a high calibre man. I have high standards and won’t settle for anything less, not even wiggle room! I’ve had time to contemplate my role that I played in the failure of my last relationship and believe I’m better prepared this (final) time around. Thank you for all your great advice


Excellent video, and excellent questions!!!! I totally agree that first you need to know yourself, and what is it that you want, and then you can start your journey.


I have several friends and family members that need to hear this message. Great message as always.


Tracy, thank you so much. Awesome video 👍


What about dating being widowed? Protecting yourself from those you date? How to date being widowed? I’m widowed and no one advised me on these things and needed help and so many women need this especially if widowed young. How to have a life after being widowed- job, school, etc.


I’m a divorced guy and I appreciated this video. Thank you!


Thank you so much for this video!! Just what I needed ❤️


Hello beautiful. 10 things to know thyself. It’s worth knowing who you are as a person. Knowing what you want and what you need. Life is a blessing to be able to make wise choices. 🙂 I made my list and I’m loving it out. Yay me.❤️
