Thank You Divorce! | Shawn Bradford | TEDxSouthMountainCommunityLibrary

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Most people can’t fathom spending a season of life alone, just to know yourself better. While separated from my ex wife, I spent time working on me. Exercising, reading, and going to the movies by myself.


This is what I needed. Going through a divorce right now. Thank you.


When she said, “Regardless if he said yes or no at getting back together...she would be okay”, I truly felt that. The pain from my separation, divorce pending, gets smaller everyday and and less frequent. This season of singleness is what I need to better myself. God knows exactly what he is doing.


I’ve been through a divorce. During my time of separation, I took the time to work on myself.
I remarried & got therapy because I didn’t want to repeat what happened in my first marriage.


You were NOT married to a Narcissist !
Many people are or were. It is Heartbreaking
You believe their promises but they do it all over again. It takes years to recover if that is ever possible.


While it really is great that she 'found herself', the fact she probably destroyed her husband's life for years in the meantime and potentially messed up her kids shouldn't be discounted. Her husband is a saint for taking her back.


I went through the same, from forcing intimacy to trying a second time. He wanted me and the 3 kids but I couldn't get the trust back, even when we did try again after 3 years. Funny I'm a matchmaker and landed up fixing others. I was ok at it, 50% success rate, but it wasn't till I fixed me till I found love again. It's like the air mask on the airplane, look after yourself first if you want to help others. Now I'm fab at it. Love starts with you. Remember when you point a finger one is pointing away and 3 pointing back. After 10 years I live next door to him. He's with someone else and I'm happy for him. I'll always love him but I'm not in love with him. Thank you Divorce. You gave me back. :)


Other people can't complete you or make you happy. You must complete yourself and THEN you are able to offer so much in a relationship. That's a lot of pressure to put on another human, to make you


Self exploration- the most essential tool to keep oneself happy


Most people who initiate divorce while the other does not want it never look back...because they have planned way in advance how to get out of the situation with as much of the benefits from the work of the or otherwise ....and do not care about the other person. They have moved on.


This is a great talk. Unfortunately my ex left for another women even tho I wanted to work it out, it wasn't in the cards. The betrayal was too deep and I'll never trust him or anyone else again. I like my time to myself now with out the abuse I endured and my validation isn't needed from a man. The talk about a relationship with thyself is true tho. I'm working on this now.


The saying
You cant love anyone else unless you learn to love yourself.
the worlds wisdom is canned in one liners.


I’m so related to your history.
Thank you for being so vulnerable and sharing your history.
I’m going though this process after 12 years marriage.
So Bless to have an opportunity to start a New Life, to discover myself and enjoy this journey.


Wow 💕this was so beautiful and amazing 💕I am so thankful I listened to this . Thank you.💕


Three minutes in and tears come to my face as that was my reality with 4 kids all under 8, while being married "go to the bank, since you have the kids, you can use the fast lane" 😔


I love how honest she is to herself and to people around her. You can see vulnerability without conditions. There’s no wonder why she has deeper relationships with people now. That’s what I call freedom!

I think the best thing that ever happened to her is the gift of self-acceptance. The humility to put down pride and accept “I have these good about myself… but also I have these bad issues about my self. Coz the moment you can accept who you are who has issues, insecurities, weakness and flaws and all is the moment you can now choose to bring it out to the light to get healed, be loved, and be with real people. People who believes that there are no perfect humans out there and that we are all flawed, even the Bible tells us so. The comfort in that truth is the freedom to see yourself in contrast to an empty background. That their is no need to be ashame coz everybody is the same, that we all need help and hiding would just make you stick out from all humans who are all navigating life in their brokenness and imperfections. You can now focus on unpacking all your bagages on the table and sort things out, focus on healing yourself and see all your flaws before you can even point fingers on anybody else. Coz the reality is, this world will make you compare yourself to one another, and you don’t want to get caught in that trap. It’s a very sad life to live in the darkness believing those traps. You don’t want to live tip toeing on this earth. You wanna to be free no matter what you’ve done or imperfect you are. I only found my freedom when i got to know Jesus Christ and the God whom good gifts come from. I couldn’t see my issues until I decided to let God be part of my life.


I so look forward to finding and loving myself, so I can build better relationships with the ones I love most who I’ve distance myself because of my own insecurities 💚


Thank you for that message of transparency


🦋be thankful for your scars & rise above all the problems & love without end because life is hard


Ugh. Nothing in my heart that feels good about divorce. We are there and honestly it needs to happen and I need to let go. Just don’t want to deal with this at all.
