Everyday Guide to Office 365 Groups
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Baffled by Office 365 Groups? Join the club. As we’re all too aware, confused users mean meager adoption. This session will 1) cover what Groups are; 2) how to create and use Outlook Groups, Yammer Communities, and Teams Chats; 3) describe in detail how they’re all related (spoiler: they’re basically the same thing); and 4) explain the relationship between Teams and the other Group options. Most importantly, you’ll pick up use cases that demonstrate when to use which, plus some concise infographics that will help translate this nebulous concept into concrete results. There’s no reason to reinvent the wheel: after this user-focused session, you’ll receive the slides so you can present your colleagues the same session—tailored to your culture—without much effort. Kill the chaos, then reap the benefits of an engaged organization.