John Lennon's Death Story

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December 8th, 1980, the death date of John Lennon. A former member of The Beatles, John Lennon was killed outside of the Dakota building in New York City. John Lennon was just 40 years old. In this episode, we’re going to explain why Mark David Chapman killed John Lennon, and show you John Lennon's assassination video (animated video reconstruction).

On a cold December night, Mark David Chapman, a man who killed John Lennon, was sitting in the arch of Dakota building waiting for John Lennon. John’s limousine pulled over next to Dakota. Yoko Ono got out first, Lennon - second. As Lennon entered the arch, he saw Chapman and recognized the fellow who had asked him for an autograph a few hours earlier. Yeah, that sounds crazy, but just a few hours before shooting Lennon, Chapman had managed to get his autograph.


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00:00 - 00:38 - Mark Chapman is waiting for John Lennon near his home
00:39 - 00:52 - Intro with John Lennon’s death date and place
00:58 - 01:09 - John Lennon leaves The Beatles and moves to the U.S.
01:22 - 02:08 - Why Mark Chapman killed John Lennon
02:10 - 02:35 - Mark Chapman and the book The Catcher in The Rye
03:12 - 04:14 - How Mark Chapman decided to kill John Lennon
04:15 - 05:20 - John Lennon’s death scene (animated reconstruction)
05:22 - 05:38 - John Lennon is pronounced dead at the age of 40
05:40 - 05:48 - Mark Chapman was taken to prison
05:49 - 05:54 - The end
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"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." - John Lennon


My Grandmother actually met John Lennon about a week before he died. He would buy clothing to donate to a local donation shelter and would stop by frequently. My Grandmother was one of the people who worked there. He was supposed to stop by the place on the day he died but it never happened.


It’s sad I never got to witness legends like Tupac, Biggie, John Lennon, and Freddie Mercury. Atleast I got to see Michael Jackson before he passed


John once said “I'm not afraid of death because I don't believe in it.
It's just getting out of one car, and into another.” (I understand his vision, meaning something else is going on, another form of life after death maybe) but it's creepy because that's how things went on that night at the Dakota... He got out of the limo, shots were fired, policemen arrived promptly on the scene, among them Police officers Bill Gamble and Jim Moran took him immediately into their police car (John incredibly still had a pulse, no time to wait for ambulance) drove to the Roosvelt Hospital... and John probably had his last breath in this police car.


The thing is when John made the statement of "The Beatles is more popular than Jesus" he was actually on about how the number of christianity beliefs had been declining and at this point it felt as if The Beatles was more popular than Christianity, he was actually just sharing his concern on that. He even explained it too many times.


It's crazy in a interview a reporter asked him how do he think he would die and his response was maybe by one of my crazy fans and it actually happened that shows you your tongue is very powerful 😔 may he R.I.P


“Everybody loves you when you're six foot in the ground” -John Ono Lennon


The fact he got off with second degree murder is insane, it’s common knowledge that he planned to kill him, bought the gun just to kill him, snuck it through airport security to kill him.


I saw this documentary about John Lennon. It talked about how he was humble and would talk to any fan that walked up to him, give autographs without hesitation, and say yes to anyone who wanted a picture with him. Maybe he was rich, but he was very down to Earth and kind.


Most underrated channel about Celebrity deaths. Hope you guys dont change when you explode in views


I hate how underrated this channel is, the effort put into the videos doesn’t match the views or likes


In my view, the thing that gets really overlooked about John’s death, specifically why it was so tragic, is because his life was truly just beginning.

To explain what I mean, John’s father neglected him growing up and his mother died when he was just a child. He had a loving, yet authoritative, auntie that looked after him for the rest of his youth. You could imagine (no, really) that he really didn’t know how properly manage his emotions.

His marriage to his first wife, Cynthia, was more so done out of spite and their son Julian (ironically, was neglected by him) wasn’t planned. With John’s underlying trauma, things got worse when he started taking drugs which led to his behaviour radically shifting to the point of him hitting her.

It wasn’t until he met Yoko and the two shared a similar traumatic upbringing that lead to him finding somebody who could get him out of his comfort zone. After some soul searching during their brief separation in the early seventies and the birth of their son, Sean, John started to break the cycle by raising his child, reconciled with his past, and gained a sense of maturity in general. After many years of being lost, he finally found himself. He goes in-depth about this in his last interviews with the BBC and RKO, which you can find here on YouTube.

The thing is, I think if Chapman knew about John’s upbringing and realized how similar it was to his own, I don’t think he would have done what he did.

But we’ll never know for sure, and with all that said, this layer to the story makes the whole event more tragic than most realize.


What is scary is that while we were enjoying Lennon’s music and in awe of the Beatles Chapman was gunning for him for a long time.


Obviously, the fellow who put this together wasn't around on December 8th, 1980. He twice states that it was a cold December night. It was anything but. It was an unseasonably warm night, almost balmy, which some have attributed to being another reason why Chapman was able to hang around outside The Dakota for untold hours.


Still feels sad for him, such a legend...


It felt like a movie. Love how you explained how chilhood trauma effected him so much. You for sure deserve more than a million views


I heard, that when Chapman shot him John Lennon hit the ground and shouted „He’s just shot me!”


It will 41 years since he was killed,

His legacy will live on forever.


Mark chapman, like many assassins had the same type of mental psychology like many assassins did. Had very poor relationships with their family and friends, emotionally disturbed, and lonely at it’s greatest.

John Lennon had the whole world, Chapman had nothing. I can’t imagine what some of these guys were feeling when they were about to pull the trigger. R.I.P Lennon ❤️


We were robbed of 40 years of John Lennon. I’m so angry
