Are multivitamins worth it?

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If you're watching this video, you probably take some form of supplement every single day.

Do they actually work?

Do they improve your health?

Do they actually contain what they claim to?

Are there any dangers of supplements?

In this video, we take a deep dive into the world of supplements and look at the murky science of multivitamins to see if all the tall claims actually stack up...or if you're just wasting your hard earned cash..
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The fact that I've had an AG1 advert before the video started is just fantastic.


The only supplement I started taking (on doctor's advice) was vitamin D because tests showed I had deficiency.. which didn't surprise me as I've spent the past 20 years of my life working night shifts and I rarely get any daylight to absorb vitamin D naturally.


I think any product that is intended to effect a person's health should be regulated, it baffles me that this is not the case in so many countries.


Dr. Karan pushing out the insanely quality content


I live with Crohn's disease and I have found that if I take a multivitamin especially when my Crohn's is worse I have a lot more energy than I otherwise do but I know I am more at risk of malabsorption (my disease has been managed through surgery) than most people. Supplements definitely have there place but not as widely used as they are


As a med student myself, I’m sad that many doctors use their profession unfairly to advertise these. I’m not mentioning who, but I saw one in the beginning of the clip and I’ve always suspect this YouTuber for a while. I think to myself that is it so freaking hard to be a good doctor with honesty? But thanks Doc, you are one of the best doc that still shine hope for me❤


In September 2022 I got a sleeve stomach. And during the appointments leading to the surgery the doctor told me that I should get a multivitamin supplement and I was suprised, since I knew they are mostly pointless. And the best part was, my doctor actually confirmed me with the knowledge I had, but for me it would be really hard to nearly impossible to get enough vitamins, so now I take just any fitness supplement and am probably one of the few customers they have that actually needs that stuff. For context, I am in Germany.


Dr. Karan, you are the best. Here is the problem though, modern medical practice is pretty archaic. I've lived most of my life with symptoms of Hashimoto's. Doctors would test my T3 & T4 find OK values and drop the issue. I took antidepressants for many years. I struggled with functioning under stress. It was challenging in so many ways. Finally in my sixties a doctor tested my antibodies and confirmed Hashimoto's, but since my T values were OK still no help. I know seniors have diminished ability to absorb nutrients. I've tried to find a physician who specializes in senior care with no luck. I got COVID three times. That definitely does some damage. Still no help from the medical field. I started into a multi front attack on the multi system problem. You can cast doubt on the herb/nutritional supplement field, but you can't get the medical field serious about enhancement and care of people's Health. We are left to our own devices.


Get a vitamin panel screening. You can see if there is a need for specific supplementation.
There are people, especially in advanced age, which are badly deficient in vitamin D and/or vitamin B12; I don't understand why the GP never order a screening - even when a deficiency is evident. If everyone would be aware of their vitamin and minerals levels, they wouldn't get on supplements so easily.
Thank you Dr. Karan.


Doc, in an era when only polar views sell, thank you for your super realistic and balanced presentation. For everyone out there who is commenting without having watched the whole vid carefully, doc is not saying that supplements are bad full stop. He said supplementing can be beneficial when there's a medically documented deficiency, when there is a factual reason to take a specific element. AND he's talking about the chemical elements and not just pills. For example true story I was low on selenium and my doctor prescribed me Brazil nuts rather than a powder in a capsule.


As someone who is useless myself, this was very insightful


Bout 6 months ago I found out I am borderline anemic. Started taking iron supplements and vitamin C. It's made such an amazing difference and I never realized how much it affected my ability to run. Just always thought I was bad at cardio.

I only became suspicious because the 2 times in a 10yr span I tried donating blood, both times my iron counts were low. Bringing it up to my doctor and knowing menstruation cycles weren't in play because the times didn't align, I'm so glad she took my concern seriously and kept an eye on the blood results from a checkup.

I've probably had the problem since high school. Used to play softball and I was the slowest on the team, becoming winded faster. Being in my 30s now knowing, I'm so grateful having an actual answer. I've since learned it runs in the family on my mother's side, though it never affected her directly.


Thanks for the great info, Dr Karan! As nutritionist and pharmacologist myself, so far from my own experience and many I observed, the "supplements" that may work for most in improving health and lowering certain disease-related blood biomarkers are these: High-quality fish oil (Omega-3 > 50% of oil content) in lowering triglyceride and/or LDL, Iron and/or B-complex (or Folate-B6) in relieving anemia, B12 for improving anemia and fatigue among Vegans, niacin/nicotinamide in lowering LDL, vitamin D3 for bone and mental health, berberine in controlling blood glucose, and glucosamine for mild joint degenerative disorders.


lol right before this video starts there’s an ad for weight loss supplements.


Magnesium Citrate helped my migraines. I was getting brain pain after the migraines and thought i was dying. Dr prescribed them and new health level unlocked 🔓


I learned about “food groups” in school but that was about the extent of our nutritional curriculum… NO one told us getting “too many vitamins” could actually be a bad thing! So not only are we released into the world without understanding the extent of the vitamins and minerals our bodies need and where to get them naturally, but we are also unaware that these magical health drinks could be doing nothing for you at best, and harming you at worst. Thanks for shining light on this 🥇


I was having extreme hair loss post dengue fever. Like clumps of hair every day to a point where I was afraid of combing or shampooing my hair.
I started taking Vitamin D supplement once a week post seeing a video on YTshorts.
Like magic my hair stopped falling.


Hmm, it seems Pauling had a chronic case of Nobelitis. I prescibe him: 1 reality check per day


Good topic. Some suggestions: Don't wear black and sit on black chair in a dimmed room. With your beard only your face and hands stand out. Volume was also inconsistent - the main part feels louder compared to the first part.


Thanks! With pseudoscience and misinformation running rampant online these days, this kind of content from actual professionals is increasingly important.
