The demise of US superpower: 'It's not just China, Russia and Iran' | Defence in Depth

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The term ‘rules based international order’ wasn’t really used until after the end of the Cold War, but is generally taken to mean the institutions and norms of international behaviour established after the Second World War, particularly as they relate to the United Nations. It is said to encompass rules that protect sovereignty, preserve peace, curb excessive use of power and enable international trade and investment.

Who wouldn’t want some of that? Well, for starters, groups like the BRICS who want to move away from a world dominated by the G7 ‘global elite’ and who question why they should give equal importance to the values underpinning this order - human rights, for example. They’re saying, ‘that may be your system, but we don’t want to play anymore’.

So with no world government, what power do these ‘rules’ really have, and why should countries pay them any attention?

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The rules based international order, where was it when we invaded Iraq? Where was it in th 14 wars we started after 1980? Where was it when we organized a coup against the democratic government of Chile in 1980 and replaced it with a military dictatorship? Going back further where was it where was it when we toppled the democratic govt of Iran in 1953 and replaced it with the Shah? The rules based order is ignored when ever we want. And we point to it when another country doesn't do what we want. The rules based order is propaganda to make Americans feel justified when we commit war crimes and propaganda when we want the american public to hate an adversary, or propaganda when Americans are asked to make sacrifices for the sake of US global dominance that benefit a very few American oligarchs/companies.


“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” ― Taylor Caldwell, A Pillar of Iron


"The strong do what they want and the weak suffer what they must" seems to describe America of the current year pretty well.


There is no such thing as a "rules based order". There is international law which the US/West violates whenever it suits its purpose e.g. Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, Libya, etc.


Neither the US or the UK or Israel does not follow its "rules based order". 
The US is in decline and it is welcome by a lot of the world, including some US allies.
As Ukraine found out " To be an enemy of America is dangerous, to be a friend of America is fatal " - Henry Kisssinger.


He said US care about human rights, that’s laughable 😂😂


Comment about Russia being a cheap gas station kinda aligns with the similar nonsense like: "Ghost of Kiev shooting russian airplanes, Ukrainina tractors towing russian tanks or most recently vaporised babies by Hamas that proven to be a scam".

Countries do not want to abandon united nations or international law, they want to fulfil it to the letter. I dont know what is a rules based order that americans and EU are shouting about but i do know that citizens of earth do not plan to earn 5 to 10 times less than Western people till the end of time and that is what is happening and is all about. Also people dont want to lose their culture, tradition and religion to something so grotesque and degenerate that west propagates last 30 years.


I'm from the so-called Global South, and appreciate the good that the US has done on the world stage. But I am not blind to what cost has had to be paid...I am not blind to the ills that greed, and the corruption of unbridled power has had on the US. From overthrowing leaders that disagree with the US interest, to collapsing whole countries for generations...This could never go on forever.

When the US ratifies the ICC and subjects itself to being tried in the ICC, then maybe the 'Global South', including BRICS+ will review the eroding trust in the 'Rules-Based Order'. Until then, we cannot allow to be enslaved by the old rule, 'Might Makes Right'.


The UK had 2 cities file for bankruptcy.


Uncle Sam talking bout humanitarian values 😂😂😂😂😂


This guy confuses the about 6 years old US imposed "rules based order" to the long established International Order. Yeah, it was just "rules based order' and then the US surreptitiously changed it to "ru les based international order" to have it confuse and make people think International order and "rules based order" are one and the same.

If one were to research the US leaders speeches about 3 to 6 years ago, they just say 'rules based order", then lo and behold about 2 - 3 years ago, they now refer it to as rles based international order.


Human rights and the west should never be mentioned in the same sentence.


The simple characterization of "rule based order" is that the Russian attack on Ukraine is an aggression against a soverign state but the West's invasion of Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan and Israel's invasion of Gaza is not aggression. Similarly occupation of Ukrainian territory by Russia is illegal while the occupation of Palestinian territory by Israel is quite legitimate.
How can such a cruel and self righteous system last for ever?


US had its unipolar moment, but it decided started wars in Iraq and Afghan. US government no longer serve the interests of the voters, but the interests of the lobbies. In a multi-polar world, all actors may still be corrupted and selfish, but the competitions will force all parties act more just and fair. And this will benefit the weaker nations and people of the world.


Empires fall apart for internal reasons more often. External one may accelerate the demise. America is now over stretched.


Lets just talk about them, and completely avoid Palestine topic and pretend rule based orders work everywhere except for in Gaza. Hypocrisy!


As an American I agree that we need to have resolve backed by values. I think my culture has lost some sight of our greater purpose in our collective ideals. We seem to have gotten away from the basics of our own democracy: compromise, communication, & community. We could set an example, find a clear agenda, and do what we can to make all people's lives better. All people need purpose and meaning.


"rules based order" basically means rules set by political west, that they aren't obligated to follow them consistently, but everyone else must.
That's a joke,
it's a great PR terminology
appropriate word is "West dominated world order"


Rules-based 'international' order is a Western colonial order.


In unraveling the narrative that seeks to justify the 'Rules-based international order, ' it becomes imperative to expose its disingenuous spin. Coined exclusively in the post-Cold War era, this term operates as a euphemism for American partisan dominance, distinctly separate from genuine post-1945 structures like the United Nations. Rooted in neoliberal and neoconservative constructs, the video cunningly justifies the imposition of American power by falsely claiming historical roots. By cleverly conflating RUBIS with international law, it artfully disguises a unilateral power play as a noble framework. It's of utmost importance to underscore that the Rules-Based International Order lacks international legitimacy through any treaty or recognized agreement. Moreover, it is not synonymous with the post-1945 order, having emerged only after the instability following the collapse of the eastern bloc. This critical examination exposes the fallacious narrative and urges a closer scrutiny into the true motives behind such misleading claims.
