11 Reasons Why You Don’t Like Being Around People

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Do you prefer to be alone most of the time? If so, have you thought about the reasons why you don’t like being around people? Well, people who like to be alone tend to avoid socializing and social situations for a number of possible reasons. These include certain personality traits, specific mental health disorders, and even a lack of social skills.

In today’s society, it’s common to feel like an outcast if you don’t want to spend all your time with others. But it’s important to remember that there are many reasons why someone might prefer solitude, and none are less valid than any others.

Some people have a fear of intimacy, social anxiety, or avoidant personality disorder and don’t like being around people because they’re afraid of what others will say or do. But there are also people who just don’t enjoy socializing as much as others do. It could be because they’re introverts or because they’ve had bad experiences with certain types of people in the past.

If you’re one of those people who like to be alone and you don’t like being around people in general, this video can help you shed some light on why that could be.


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Too many people in this world that are pure evil. It's better to have a pet than a "friend" who might stab you in the back.


" I don't hate people, I just feel better when they are not around "
- Charles Bukowski


I dont like being around a lot of people, but I do enjoy being around the right person 😌


If you don't like being around people, you're not alone.


The more people you are around, the more drama you will encounter.


To all loners/HSP's/introverts, There is nothing wrong with being like that, don't let people tell you otherwise. As long as you are happy that way you don't have to conform to the Extrovert mentality to fit into the 'Norm '.I've been an introvert/loner all my life and from my experience introverts are much nicer people.


- I can’t stand being rushed, it makes me panic.
- I hate being bossed around, & criticized.
- I hate being with people who are loud and swear around children and seniors.


I absolutely love being alone. I don’t feel lonely. When I go out in social settings, I find myself pretending to be on my phone and walking out often to have some time alone.
I cannot wait to go back home. I’m not shy. I can have a conversation. But I cannot stand small talks. I rather stay silent and observe. Meanwhile my mind is occupied with so many thoughts. I don’t even want anyone to talk to me cus you’re interrupting the conversation/ thoughts going on in my mind .


It's possible to be alone but not lonely. A person can be in a crowd but yet still feel lonely.


Being alone is a power most can’t handle


Being around people, even the ones I really like, drains me.


Currently 46, never married (no intentions of changing this), also no kids (getting to old to start now) and prefer to be alone, at home doing my own "thing", if I could avoid contact with other people, I would (only because 99% of people I know & society have proven they can't be trusted). Being alone is a power most can’t handle. It's possible to be alone but not lonely. A person can be in a crowd but yet still feel lonely.


I love being by myself & am easily irritated by others. I dislike loud people also & prefer to go out by myself or stay home. Have been called 'weird' by people at times including by members of my own family but it's just who I am. I hate attention & am happy with my life the way it is but others seem to disbelieve this.


I’m always happier with my own company. I only get bored when I’m around people, never when I’m alone.


I wouldn’t say I’m happy being alone/like this but I feel safer being alone. I’ve been lied to, manipulated and abused by most people in my life so being alone means I don’t get hurt anymore. I can’t afford to pay someone to “fix” me so I fit into the societal norm.


Being alone is never about being lonely for me. I chose to be alone b/c I enjoy my own company infinitely more than I do the company of others, especially the liars, back stabbers, gossipers, opportunists, social climbers etc., that took everything from me and left when I no longer served their purposes. Now, I'm blissful that I nurture my introversion without being ashamed of it. You are the only person that you will be with every single day of your life for the rest of your life, so you better learn to like yourself! 😄


I don’t like small talks, fake people, selfish ones, clingy/jealous friends, those who can’t be empathetic enough to feel in my shoes, judgemental ones, intrusive ones, those who can’t keep my secrets forever, someone who has hidden agendas. This makes 95% of people around me so that’s why I’m totally alone. It’s much more peaceful to complete creative projects, read, surf the Internet and listen to music than have my blood boil with social formalities.


I don't mind some people. I just don't want to be around people who drink, smoke, do drugs, loud, curse like a sailor, people who are rude, obnoxious, people that constantly moan, complain and act like ass. So that eliminates 80%


The older I get, I’m 62,
I’ve experienced all of these things over the years.
I prefer to keep people at a distance.
I’ve been hurt so many times by people I thought were friends, and my extended family too.
I just have my immediate family, who I can always count on.


I found the more I try to make friends the more I prefer to be by myself
