Why I'm not Non-Denominational - KingdomCraft

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I think the formerly-pizza-hut-church is actually kinda cute and endearing.
The person who made it has a really good sense of humour.


I have gone from being in denominational churches to nondenominational. We are tackling things in our community that the denominational churches won’t touch. They’ve even said so. We have a drug rehab program, we offer a sexual abuse/assault Recovery program, a depression recovery program and we’ve just started a ministry to single moms. I’m not seeing this done anywhere else in my area. So I’ll take the nondenominational Church who is working with people in the gutters of life. As we say, it’s all about Jesus.


As a young guy going to a non-Dom church, most of us don’t view our faith as a “get out of hell free card” lol


I've gone to non-denominational churches my whole life, and honestly most things you say are correct. While we can agree to disagree on most things, I want to point out 2 important things that I think make us make sense. You pointed this out too at 1:15 and it's that we try hard to get as many people saved as possible. We are Evangelicals after all. Because of that, being the far and above primary thing, most of these churches neglect most tradition. We are only focused on what will get atheists to stay and listen. Some to a degree that detriments the church, others to what I believe is a healthy degree. In short, I think our churches can be a little shallow because we are facing the world much more than other denominations who tend to face inward much more. The second thing is when you quoted what many of us say, "Christianity is not a religion, it's a relationship with God." It's a perspective thing, when you think of religion, you think of all of the beautiful things associated with it, but when an atheist hears that word, they think of all of these mindless (I know they actually aren't, this is the atheist perspective) rituals that have to be done, and all of these rules that have to be followed perfectly or you'll go to Hell. When we say that, what we really mean is something like, "You don't have to be perfect to go to Heaven. The most important thing is getting close to God and his people, then He will change you."


"...whereas non-denominational 'liturgy' if you can call it that has been described as a concert and a Ted Talk." As someone who attends a non-denominational church this is freaking hilarious and pretty accurate in our case XD


This was an excellent video. Thank you. As a Nondenominational Christian, you helped me appreciate many Chruch aspects I haven't fully considered. I ALWAYS find a Bible-based fundamental church, so natrually many of the churches I attended were denominational.


So the reasons I AM Non-denom are 2 fold. The main reason is that I'm pretty new to the faith and don't know enough about theology to make an informed opinion about which denomination I think is the most correct, and I've never really been the type of person to just accept what others tell me is true. The 2nd reason is that the church I started attending is Non-denom and I love it. My pastor is awesome, the community nice and supportive, and I've made a lot of friends there. I don't really want to leave it.


I love how you don't agree with denominations but still let them have city's on your Minecraft server!


I've now commented two kinda critical takes on your videos so I kinda want to balance those out by saying I really appreciate the way you approach this channel. Your points are very well laid out, your delivery is very clear and understandable, and you speak in a way that encourages discussion and deeper thought. Even if I'm talking into the void of youtube comments, I have genuine fun thinking about the topics you bring up and thinking about my own faith and the reason that certain things make me want to respond. So thank you! Please keep making videos, even if I disagree on topics I do still like them!


I'm an atheist but man this channel is pure gold.

I've always wondered about the many christian denominations, since i've only had contact with catholics and luterans so I always assumed there weren't that big of a difference in the denominations themselves.
Keep up with the good work!


"The difference between you and me is that I just believe the Bible and you just blindly follow the tradition of your denomination." That's what I used to believe while simultaneously not knowing ANYTHING about what various denominations and traditions actually believed. What a fool I was. Proverbs 18:13


I misread the video title as "Why I AM a non-denominational" and I was shocked to my core for a bit.


i used to go to a hyper pentecostal megachurch and recently just made the change and i was between a Reformed interdenom church and a non denom church. ultimately chose non denom church (bc of logistic and movilization) but what i like its how non-separatist my church is. like sometimes an anglican pastor preaches, sometimes an invited pentecostal preaches, bc at the end we’re all the body of Christ and we all need to unite (this weeks sermon was all about unity and fighting for the church in these trying times)


I'm going to ask ChatGPT to write a persuasive essay on why Redeemed Zoomer is one week away from being Lutheran


wooo! non-denominational representation! love it. i enjoyed this a lot. there were several thing that you said non-denominational churches often do/say/believe that i personally dont, and that i am pretty sure my church wouldnt either, but i do conform to a lot of the theological points that you ascribed to non-denominational churches.


I technically attend a non-denominational church, but we don’t label ourselves as “nondenominational” we just call ourselves a Christian church, we simply follow Christ. We have our own traditions, and we still respect all denominations, only if they don’t contradict anything in the Bible of course.
And while we see a personal relationship with Jesus as very important, we also see things like evangelism, and the church itself very important too.


My dad is a pastor and our church is non-denominational, but he's pastored at Baptist churches his entire life before coming to the one we're at now. When people ask me which denomination we are closest to I say Baptist for simplicity, but in reality we are just modern puritans. Incredibly traditional and pretty much one to one on puritan theology.

Edit 1: (Just got to the part where he mentions the 1689 confession) We hold the 1689 confession in SUPER-high regard


Fellow non-denoms, who else wants to go conquer a pizza hut for the glory of God? (we will use the smoke from cooking pizza in our worship)

For real, this channel has helped so much with my reversion to the Faith and to fill my desire to learn more. Keep up the good work and never stop spreading the Word!


That little rant at the end about flat eathers was hilarious 😂


The reason I have been non-denominational is that I have never found a denomination I have completely agreed with, and I never wanted to say that I was a part of one and then be associated with all the beliefs including the ones I don't agree with.

But watching this video and hearing about the cruciality of the unity of the church and the kingdom, I think I'm gonna start trying harder to find a church and denomination that I can truly be a part of so that I can start fighting for a stronger cause both for God and His Kingdom on earth. So that instead of being an independent grain of sand on a beach, I may become a brick united with many of my own to make up a castle.

(edit: one thing that I'd like to point out is that I believe that baptism is better when you are mature not because baptism isn't important, but because you have more of a choice to do so rather than just being forced, even if it's the right thing to do, it should be a matter of the person's choice.)
