Non-Denominational Churches Don't Actually Exist

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As always: This is simply my opinion, my opinions are always subject to change. I'm not pushing or trying to persuade anyone to adopt my beliefs about any topic I speak about. So take it or leave it.

In this video, I'll explain why I believe that "non-denominational" as a title of modern churches isn't a justifiable label. Each of these churches is lead by a pastor whose theology (90% of the time) aligns with a specific denomination, they choose not to adopt the denominational title for marketing reasons in that my generation and the next do not like traditional churches, we want something new and fresh, but I would argue that the title of "non-denominational" is simply untrue, and inaccurate.


non-denominational churches aren't non-denominational. churches and denominational mislabeling. Modern church.
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The reason we have denominations is because man interprets scripture differently and can't agree on scripture!! Jesus is against denminations because He prayed in the garden that we all be one!! Baptist and Pentecostal are not mentioned in the Bible!!


I've been raised baptist until my family left for "nondenomination" when I was about 17. Yes, for the most part the message is the same, due to the fact that the pastor & ministers are preaching from the Holy Bible (king James, niv, living). In my years of being nondenomination, coming from my experiences, it's more about what is around the baptist & ame churches. For instance they stick to the program (a piece of paper) and don't deviate from it. I've seen the presence of God all over the congregation, but the pastor/reverend will stop the music, tell the people to settle down in order to get the service back on track. In non denomination we let God have His way. If someone needs to cry, shout, fallout, speak in tongues (which I've seen shunned upon in southern baptist churches) Go for it!! There is no program or any greater association to answer to or align with in order to appease, Just God. I've seen pastors afraid to speak sound doctrine across the pulpit because the people wouldn't be happy with his message and wouldn't receive it. In non denomination the gospel is preached without attempting to please people, only God. Just my personal experiences, blessings.


At this point I don’t even know my denomination I’m just saved by the blood of Jesus who died for me at the cross and I follow him and obey my lord


"You're just a Baptist Church with a cool website" -Tim Hawkins


I just consider myself to be a bible believing Christian.

I don't know what denomination that would fit in to be, so I would consider that to be non-denominational by default.


ACTUALLY, it’s quite the opposite. There were no denominations, there only was nondenominational THEN people decided to break off and create denominations.


1 Corinthians 3: 3. You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere humans? 4. For when one says, "I follow Paul, " and another, "I follow Apollos, " are you not mere human beings? 5. What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task.

"I follow Calvin, I follow Luther, I follow the Pope." The reason I'm non-denominational, and attend a non- denominational church, is because the bible warns us against divisions and sects. Everybody promotes the idea of Heresy meaning false teaching (or stuff I don't believe) but doesn't this word in the original Greek "Heresies" actually mean division or sect and those who promote such things? Non-denominationals are just trying to get back to the fundamentals.


I disagree, the term non-denominational simply means that they do not identify with a denomination! It is also a way of saying that the congregants do not have to agree with a creed or belief system that isn't essential to being a christian! So with that being said, non-denominational simply meaning that they do not affiliate with a certain denomination and as you said theology and denomination can be separate, I disagree with saying that non-denominational churches are a lie or just a marketing strategy, rather more a way to tear down organized brokenness which we call denominations! Love you, man! Keep it up


I am non denominational because I am interested only in truth and objective interpretation of scripture, not out of avoidance for tradition, seeking humour in sermons or 'modern worship'. Some denominations may have aspects of truth. But this doesnt mean those in pursuit of truth of scripture are still slotted into a denomination regardless. The truth came before any segregation of denominations.
Truth is objective not arbitrarily subjective. Discuss it? yes, but the truth still stands


A real non denominational church cuts the middle man(religion) that’s how I see it. It would be based on a direct connection and individual relationship with God.


Thanks for all the detailed information you have provided in this video. I like your way of explaining every point. Keep sharing such great videos in the future also.


A church that calls itself "nondenominational" ask the minister what their view of baptism is usually it will be what baptists and or pentecostals teach, they are usually just warmed over baptists or pentecostals or some combination of those two.


I've been Catholic since birth and then became a disfellowshipped apostate of Jehovah's witnesses. I am not an atheist, yet it is insufficient to merely believe in " god" for if one doesn't adhere to the living standards and demands of the humans running that church, one is condemned to Hell. This is as God intended, for Isaiah 65:17 tells us clearly that to get back to the perfection of heaven, one must have " the Fall" undone. That is, the " apple" must be removed. Once the knowledge of good & evil is finally removed, the faithful may join in forever singing adoration of the trisagion along with cherubim, saints & heavenly hosts. One will no longer have the spiritual burdens of sentience nor sapience like unto the sinner, but returned to the sinless mind state of the newborn, or the lamb of the field. For those of us who have embraced "the apple" while the faithful will not be able to take vicarious joy in our eternal torment as St Thomas Aquinas promised, it is unfair to allow us to escape without eternal punishment. I thus assure all the faithful who hate my sins that yes i will be eternally tortured. With this affirmation, a mitzvah that only the sinner can grant, I ask only that they go forth and rejoice, for salvation is assured the obeisiant. Be well 🙏


I call myself non-denominational because I can't find a denomination that represents my theology. I agree with Luther on Justification, yet I agree with the Orthodoxs and saint Cyril on original sin. And so on and so forth on most of my beliefs.
I currently go to a methodist church but I can't fully align with Wesley.


Every denomination of Christianity other than Catholicism is considered a protestant church including nondenominational. And the way you're describing what nondenominational churches want sounds like they're protesting Protestantism. Lol. Just saying. And doing away with alters and turning Sunday service into a laser light show and a rock concert is not a good idea at all. That's not what it's supposed to be. I think it's appropriate for events and youth conferences and stuff like that but not Sunday worship.


Interesting! I have truthfully never given it much thought, but you make a good case. I have belonged to many churches over the years who were birthed in the Methodist church, the Baptist church, etc but then decided to get rid of that particular denomination. I can see how it's marketing, but could it also be they don't want to "scare" people from attending since they would have the denomination in their title, beliefs, etc. If people don't believe the same things, they may feel they don't belong there, so the church decides all the denominational doctrines aren't as important as sharing the Gospel. Just a thought. I wonder if it's some of both.

This is too long of an answer (maybe?) for a YouTube comment, but I'd love to hear your take on Bethel someday.


Joe, I agree with what you said about people labeling their churches as non-denominational and still adhering to traditional theologies. This makes much since. What gets me is that my view on theology doesn't fit any one that is prescribe through a traditional perspective. I understand the need for sound doctrine, but I agree with certain essentials theologies of some and none from others. What I try my best to do is really shape my perspective on what was original to birth of the church as seen in the bible. Preferably what we see in the book of acts and through the Pauline epistles. From my perspective this seem to be the intent of Christ anyway but with institutionalization of Christianity it seems that we have to pick a side. This generation are the one that are leading culture now and we are done with labels and the baggage it carries. I truly believe in a TRUE church that is biblical and not traditional in a specific labeled theological perspective. I mean to offend no one but I'm just tired of the segregation that denominational-ism. Scripture tells us there should be no schisms among us. Eager to hear your response.


I don't think denomination matters. As long as you have repented and placed your trust in Christ then I think you're saved. Lots of denominations have contradicted the bible. We should just show them where they're wrong and grow in Christ together in peace love and truth.


I can’t wait till you open your church. I’ll definitely have to visit 😊


I really dislike non denoms. Most act so ignorant in learning or knowing about other churches. They always completely shut down any church that’s not their own, before even knowing a single thing about it. It pisses me off
