Which churches are true/false churches? - KingdomCraft

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Churches that are explicitly heretical (false Churches)
Mormon: 3:59
Jehovah's Witnesse 4:52
Oneness Pentecostal: 5:09
Christian Scientist: 6:13
Unitarian Universalist: 6:46

Churches that are doubtful, or on the fence, but not definitively heretical
Church of Christ: 8:18
Seventh-Day Adventist: 10:23
Assyrian Church of the East: 12:01
Many that are Non-Denominational: 15:47

All the music is my own, and of my composition.

Wanna find a solid Church? Check one of these two maps:

Moderate mainline churches:

Historic Protestant churches:
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As a Protestant I respect my Catholic and Orthodox brothers and sisters even though we may not have always aligned on how we glorify God. I also want to thank you for your informative video to help me understand and perhaps help those who have fallen from the teaching of being a Christian. Stay safe and God bless.


I'm not even Christian, I just find this really interesting and find you really informative and entertaining


I gotta say, your videos got me back into studying theology and got me back into church. I am Baptist. I have researched theology in the past and I went to church almost every single Sunday, but I married an agnostic, and that has caused me to stop going to church and stopped studying God's Word. I do not blame my husband for that. I blame myself because my mindset turned into "I do still believe in God and my husband's beliefs can not change that or affect my faith." That was sorta true. I never stopped believing in God, but I stopped worshipping Him. I first stopped going to church. Part of that was because we moved and I would need to find a new church home. I started looking at first, but then just stopped. I then stopped reading my Bible. It has a spot in a drawer by my bed and I opened that drawer less and less until I just stopped completely. After a while, I was shaken because I realized I stopped praying. Being married to an agnostic, I started to forget about God, because there were no more reminders of Him in our household. My Bible was put away in a drawer. I could not see it. I stopped wearing my cross necklace. My husband had no interest in going to church or talking about God of course so any effort was completely on me, and I just stopped making the effort. Every once in a while I would be convicted, because I am saved and I believe once you are saved you can not lose your salvation, and I would pull out my Bible again for one day, or we would go to church on Easter, or I would pray on my way to work. The smallest of efforts really, but it was not true devotion at all.

Then a couple of weeks ago I came across your History of the Church video, and then watched your Theology video and something about that just clicked with me. I love history and I love studying theology. I already knew all that stuff in the videos, but them being explained in that way was like relearning it all over again. I realized I missed learning and growing as a person and a Christian. It made me crave being back in that church setting. This last Easter I found my cross necklace that my mother gave me when I turn 13 and I went to church with my husband. This is the reason why I say my disconnect with God is 100% my own doing. My husband has always been supportive of my faith. When I said "I want to go to church." He would come with me. Only ever complained if it was an early service and he wanted to sleep in that day, but he would still go. He never looked down on me for my beliefs. He just never encouraged going if I wasn't the one who brought it up. Although I hope and I do pray that my husband will find his way back to God, I know that I need to focus on my own relationship with God and not let myself forget about Him. Be that example to my husband.

So thank you for your videos. I've also watched your video on how you came to be a Christian and that testimony was inspiring.


As a catholic i adore your channel, very well written and informative video's



I'm Catholic but I can't help but reference the Lutheran video about trinitarian heresies because it's so well done. "That's MODALISM Patrick" 😂


The adventist church’s second (of 28) fundamental belief is “There is one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, a unity of three coeternal Persons.”


Currently doing exchange in South Korea and the number of cults with false messiahs is insane. And they're HUGE


Christian Church / Church of Christ minister here. I appreciate your clarification in this video. I can see where your caution comes from, especially in our practice of not making creeds. (However, most of our churches do have statements of faith available that act like a creed). I would like to address a few concerns you had about us coming out of the Restorationist movements and the 2nd Great Awakening:

1. Our founders did not believe that Christianity was lost. They saw the many denominations as the church divided. Jesus prayed for unity in John 17. Some things that divide the church are denominational names, church traditions and man-made creeds. The original leaders’ goal was to find unity among all denominations rooted in the essentials of the faith. That’s why we are called Christians only.

2. Each of our churches is autonomous, governed by the local body of elders (like the first century church). That is why we don’t have a “denominational stance” - we technically aren’t a denomination. While we share a common heritage and consider other Christian Churches / Churches of Christ to be brothers, the shepherding of each individual flock is the responsibility of the local elders.

So I can understand your question “how do I know that your church is speaking for other Churches of Christ?” In a sense, we aren’t speaking for those other churches. We share the same principles, but there is not a governing body that determines how each congregation operates.

In conclusion, I think all of the Christian Churches / Churches of Christ would agree with the Nicene Creed, but are only hesitant to adopt any official creeds because of the core belief that man-made creeds have the potential to cause division in the church.


I think the non-denom example more so shows how important it is to have a plurality of elders rather than one “head pastor” or else people follow the pastor rather then the Word itself.


Catholic here. I have been loving your videos and explanations about everything. I just wanted to thank you for these informative videos and can't wait for more !!


I am a progressive agnostic, and this is one of my default channels for Christian and Christ related information- I appreciate the perspective greatly, despite my different viewpoints.


As a member of the SDA I can try to explain a few things, however I am no expert.

Our "trinity" is well... the Trinity. With one God existing as three coequal, coeternal, consubstantial divine persons. God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit, exist as three distinct persons sharing one essence/substance/nature.

The view of annihilationism comes from our intreptation of the Bible and some theology due a few things which I will try to explain the best way I can.
1. We see the body, mind and "soul" as three indivisible things that can't exist without the other. Take one out of the equation and you don't have a human being anymore;
2. Due to that belive it becomes hard to see a non-corporeal soul on either Hell, Heaven or purgatory (which we also don't belive exists). People are just in unconscious state where they learn nothing, know nothing and are truly incapable of doing anything;
3. When the Serpent lied ( "surely you won't die" ) to Eve we see that as a full on lie. If a person continues as a conscious being after death with all its previous knowledge and the ability to learn new things as if they are still alive, plus sometimes even interact with the world, it's quite hard to say that person is well... dead. So when when death comes to people they are indeed and truly dead;
4. As I am sure many have heard atheists say that a loving God wouldn't eternally torture his children with fire and brimstone. We agree with that;
5. We belive that eventually God will utterly destroy evil and if evil still exists somewhere even if contained in a place (like Hell) then it still exists.
6. People will only go to Heaven after they either are A (resurrected but saved) or B (alive but saved) on the Apocalypse;
7. People who aren't saved will be destroyed in the end, they will be gone. No eternal hellfire or anything they are gone.

Our view of Ellen G. White is that she is one of our church fathers (in this case mother) and a prophetess. However by her own words if we perceive a conflict between her words and the Bible we should choose the Bible.

The young earth creationism is a big problem yes, however a the educated members who belive in that say it's less that everything is 6000 thousand years old but rather the world as we know it is that age.


I am seventh day adventist but I like the videos I will be praying for you.


I'm a nondenominational christian who attends baptist church and works in a catholic school, and I, interestingly, have the opposite mindset of what you described nondenominationals as. Instead of picking a single priest or pastor to follow, I instead take insight from many different teachers but ultimately strive to follow Jesus. I fear that I may fall in the trap of following a single denominational leader or a set of preferences if I commit to a denomination. I want to serve any true church denomination that I can so that they can fulfill their mission for God.

It is a very interesting take on non-denominationalism that I never thought about. I enjoyed the video very much!


Even in non-denominational churches or other congregational style evangelical churches, it's not always just up to the pastor, there is usually a board or group of elders that oversee the pastor. Of course this varies wildly from one church to another


its cool to see SDA representation! I am a seventh day adventist and i have to be honest, in a lot more liberal leaning SDA churches the thoughts or validity of Ellen G White is held as trivial information and/or more as “advice” and less gospel. I myself think this way, and the only real way to pick me out of a crowd as an SDA is that I go to church on Saturday.


As a Witness, I was excited to see us mentioned, although briefly. You are correct, we don't believe in the Trinity. We believe God is the God of the Old Testament (Jehovah).
We believe God created Jesus, and then created Earth and mankind WITH Jesus. Our salvation though is still through Jesus sacrificing himself for our sins.
We believe Jesus is King in heaven, but Jehovah is still the Father.
I do like your videos, keep them up! I will accept the heretic title and continue watching xD


Seventh day Adventists do NOT deny the nicean creed. Just saying.


It’s interesting to hear about why some may think Church of Christ is suspicious. Personally, I spent my whole life drifting between churches due to my family moving a lot, but found out about CoC when I started going to a Christian college that was CoC. Honestly the worst thing I can say about it is that can make people uncomfortable because they teach (or at least the people in my college teach) a ton about the historic context on the Bible as they believe that the authors of the whole Bible weren’t writing explicitly for us gentiles reading the Bible 2000 years later. Like the letters of Paul weren’t meant to be addressed to every church everywhere but were first written to give guidance to the specific churches with the specific problems they were having. Regardless of that though, it is of upmost importance to still follow what Paul wrote about because it’s extremely important teaching and it’s part of the Bible which gives it ultimate authority as the Word. I don’t believe it undermines the Bible to know the historic setting that it was written in but I can understand how it can be a unsettling thing to say that Paul’a letters, as an example, were not tailor made to solve problems of the modern person but were designed to be letters to benefit the audience that would read or listen to the letters at the time of Paul’s life. Despite that, we still find immense value in them as they still teachings of God as well as his will combined with the fact that God never changes and is eternal. I can also confirm that they believe in the trinity in a traditional sense. They believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and believe that all three are divine with Jesus being both divine and man.

I hope I didn’t make things too confusing. I just wanted to make a statement as someone who just started going to CoC after spending my life going to a Catholic high school with mass every Wednesday and going to dozens of different churches without really being raised in the teachings of one particular denomination. Just thought I might have been able to provide decent insight.


I would love a video covering a deep dive into Seventh-Day Adventism. Being raised in the church, father being a pastor, and having family ties all the way up to administration throughout the general conference, I've been presented with satesfying answers to nearly any and every qualm/question I had regarding the church and our beliefs. I would love to hear your thoughts in far more detail and scrutinization.
