Nondenominational Churches Explained in 2 Minutes

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What are these people believing anyway? Let's discuss non-denom christianity.
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I always saw "non-denominational" more as a personal thing as opposed to a church thing. Meaning, it is a way of a person to explain who they are. "I was raised Wesleyan and attended a Presbyterian church in college, but now I go to a Baptist church." Or something like that. Not having a loyalty to or membership in a specific denomination.


A Non-denominational church is just basically a canned food without a label...


Might be interesting to talk about those non-denominational churches that are a denomination in themselves. Would Hillsong or Elevation be considered a denomination? Those bodies have a charismatic person acting as a bishop (pope) over those networks. Or even a local megachurch just tied to one city might have multiple campuses with one pastor (acting as a bishop) in charge of all of them.


At 50 seconds you have about the best summary. In my experience having been in many they generally are Baptists (80%) or Charismatic (20%) who don't want to say so publicly and who do not desire any accountability beyond the local congregation.


All the denominations out there, and Christ The Lord had ONE and It was to follow Him .


Non-denominational churches do exist, especially in America. They’re basically modern day separatists and do not believe that religious laws or religious ceremonies are necessary for salvation. They take issue with the church being an institution and base most of their beliefs on the New Testament. They’re a lot more lenient with a person not becoming an official member and believe a person’s salvation depends on that individual’s commitment to the New Testament. Baptists believe baptism will create salvation, non denominational Christians believe your acceptance of Jesus Christ is your only way to salvation. A lot of baptists become non-denominational to get away from church politics and gossip. Catholics become non-denominational to get away from the ceremonial aspects. Non-denominational churches also tend to be a lot more progressive and openly accept anyone to attend services. I’ve met amazing people from many different denominations so it’s all personal preference.


I think the term Bapta-costal fits most.


Like most Mexicans I was born in a Catholic Family, but I converted to a Charismatic None denominational Church.


I feel like my local non-denominational church is basically a baptist church that decided they wanted to drink alcohol 😂


I myself attend a non-denominational church. Mine is a bit more baptist-leaning, with a symbolic view of the Lord's Supper and believers baptism (though as far as I can tell, we don't insist on rebaptism) and our worship is definitely contemporary. We're on the theologically conservative side. In a nod to the Restoration movement, we accept no creed but the Bible itself. By the way, we use the 66-book canon because all Christians accept at least those books.

We are actually part of a larger, multi-congregation fellowship that supports us in behind-the-scenes matters like organizing missions and offering legal and financial guidance. I've met the leader of the fellowship, and when I told him that he is technically our bishop, he joked "They won't let me get a ring, man!"

We are non-denominational because we reject the division of the Church into denominations as unbiblical. We're all called to be brothers and sisters in Christ. I remember in one sermon, our pastor referenced St. Augustine, Martin Luther and John Wesley together. All Christians are welcome in our congregation.


There was a time in my life that this was appealing. Now I think it is wise tolearn from the history--the old history of the early church. Very few errors are really new.


It would be very interesting to do a more in depth video about Nondenominational Churches as far as their roots and their Theology verses the 'main line" Protestant" Churches.


My former Church of over 5 years is non-denominational.
+ Local Episcopal (we had a board of Ministry, but the Senior Pastor had power over literally everything). We only voted on a board of trustees for him to report monthly finances to.
+ Believers Baptism (never heard of any re-baptism).
+ Seemed Dispensational
(all other was pretty much what you said).

Now I'm in an EFCA Church that's more traditional as opposed to the much more contemporary non-denominational church I attended (both are blended and both prefer expository preaching).

Happy early Reformation Day and God bless Joshua :)


We don't like denominations, so we made another denomination.

I don't much see the point, whatever your nondenominational church says they still have some type of belief set, they're just choosing not to label it.

Also, I'm pretty sure in the US that all churches need to have a denomination for legal reasons. Even if they don't tell you what that is.


It's a scam. They know that most people assume it means non-doctrinal, even though they represent a very specific doctrinal movement (evangelicalism).


Im non denominational and that means I don’t claim any religion. I am a Born Again Christian. There are no denominations in heaven


Super helpful.

Baptist Churches often fall into this too. Though it depends on what flavor of Baptist and how dogmatic each church is to each thing


Non-denomination: "What we believe" is a 5-10 point sheet on the website and we don't think about it much.


I attend a nondemoniational church and we are litterally baptists


My home church is congregational, we'd vote after service on things thatvneeded decisions, our pastor was pentecostal, we sang hymns, my friends mother played the piano.
