Stop Wasting Your Money on These 4 USELESS Supplements!

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Of the top 10 most popular supplements, 4 are a complete waste of your money, and a couple are downright harmful.

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Here are the links to the research papers referenced in the video
Vitamin C
Vitamin D3

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What do you think about my review of the world's most popular supplement at the end?

All study references are in the video description


I realize that my experience is purely "anecdotal", however, for what it's worth here it is: for twenty years or so I had partially and increasingly blocked carotid arteries, 25% one side and 35% on the other at an examination about two years ago. In July last year, I decided to try 8000 ius of vitamin D3 and 100 mgr of K2 until January this year. I then had a routine echograph examination of my carotids and the blockages had completely disappeared.


1. Curcumin
2. Probiotics
3. Vitamin C
4. COQ10


Tumeric supplements worked immensely for my peripheral neuropathy


Without supplementing my Vit D was around 13 ng/mL. And I was not able to get it above 30 ng/mL with less then 4000 UI. Claiming that 1000 UI is "absolutly sufficient for everyone", as Dr Stanfield said, and particularly for people living in northern hemisphere and who work mostly inside is a joke! I'm pretty sure he claims this because he decided to put 1000 UI of Vit D in his multivitamin & mineral supplement.


All I can say about probiotics is that my kids were so constipated one of them was crying on the toilet one time and we had to give them a suppository. But after I started giving them probiotics, never had the issue since.


From my own subjective experience, COQ10 resolved a chronic issue with palpitations for which a pacemaker was recommended.
That’s obviously not a scientific study, but the remedy was suggested by another person with the same issue.


I've been taking organic turmeric with black pepper for over 18 months, and it has massively improved arthritis symptoms and also general muscular pains (from my powerlifting). As for Zinc, only use Zinc Picolinate more for immune system and prostrate maintenance.


As usual, I do the opposite of what the main stream MD & “research” recommend. curcumin supplements helped me with my severe Nick & shoulder pain after I was in pain killers for months which was not affective anymore. I cannot live without curcumin supplements. My parents started using it and fell much better.


Seriously! Curcumin is doing wonders for many people ! Where do you get your information from?


I always mega dose C if im starting to feel sick, always works. I also take turmeric with bioprene, which has been amazing for my stiff, sore hands.


If your interest is to be misinformed... you're in the right place !!! This channel has everything you need.


I take 5000 IU vitamin D3 daily, along with vitamin K2. A recent blood test showed my vitamin D blood level was 58ng/mL which is, from what I have read, in the "sweet spot". The doctor mentions vitamin D and bone health which, I agree, is one of the important benefits. Also, regarding the immune system, I have seen various studies which indicate that blood levels of vitamin D in the range of 50ng/mL to 80ng/ML show strengthened immune systems and a resultant higher resistance to the negative effects of covid and various autoimmune diseases.


20 years ago I was having episodes of rapid heart palpitations and shortness of breath. Shortly after I started taking CoQ10 it stopped. I've been using it ever since and I have never had an episode while taking it.. I'm sure most MDs don't like hearing that.


Here's a real-world result for you. I have psoriatic arthritis and it felt like my little fingers were broken all the time and if I even tapped them on anything they would hurt. Next, my finger joints began getting calcium deposits in them. My mother had this and her finger joints were large and deformed. I started taking standardized turmeric, with black pepper, and the pain and joint calcification stopped, and I can lift weights again with zero pain. Plus, curry tastes pretty good on chicken and rice too so you can also use it as a dietary component as a break from just taking the capsules.


I personally take a pro/pre biotic with digestive enzymes. I will say there has been a difference.


Regarding Turmeric, there are a ton of long term studies out there regarding colon cancer prevention and a host of additional preventive type behaviors (all peer reviewed studies). I'd love for you to review that information and give your opinion. I can also say with certainty, that it has been a huge, huge benefit to me with regard to joint pain and overall achiness. It's been quite unbelievable to be honest.


I do a blood test every month and only after taking 10, 000 ui per day of Vitamin D + K2 and my levels are in the mid 70's. I get very little sun exposure.


In my clinical practice, I find that probiotics are very good for dealing with things like gas and bloating for patients. I generally recommend VSL #3, which is a Medical grade probiotic that’s been around forever and can be prescribed for inflammatory bowel disease like Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis. It is available over the counter, they keep it refrigerated, and it’s treated like a perishable product. It also has about 12 different strains in it, which makes it more likely that the patient will get the strange that they need.


Vitamin D is a hormone and while it’s touted to help with bone health, it also has positive effects on respiratory health. I had a history of chronic bronchitis for a few years. I had been Vit D deficient on and off and during COVID, I was more conscientious about taking Vit D3 with K2. Since 2020, I have been bronchitis free for the first time in years. I take 5, 000 iu of D3 w/K2 per day in summer and 10, 000 iu per day in winter. When I had COVID last year, all it was was a sore throat and mild fever. It never went to my chest. I check my D levels twice a year and it’s been consistently optimal in the mid 70s.
