STOP Wasting Money On Clothes You NEVER Wear! Fashion Trends 2024

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STOP Wasting Money On Clothes You NEVER Wear! Fashion Trends 2024
Today I’m going to share some game-changing advice on how you can stop wasting money on clothes you never wear. It’s game-changing because it’s going to help you look at clothes and fashion in a whole new light. I've recently been thinking a lot about ways that we can stop wasting money buying clothes that never get worn and wanted to share some suggestions that are not your usual suggestions. Money is tighter than ever at the moment and that makes it even more important in my opinion to do what we can to turn the tide and stop spending money on clothes we don't wear and enjoy. I also wanted to share some alternative suggestions on what to do with some of those clothes that we've already bought! We know we can donate them or sell them but I have a NEW solution on what we can do with them which may be a bit of a surprise. Anyway, I'd love to hear your thoughts on today's episode and if you have any tips on how you avoid spending money fashion trends and clothes that never see the light of day then please share them in the comments below so we can chat.
But thank you for tuning in today and I'll see you in the next one.

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Simple Tips To Update Your Outfits

Stop Dressing Your Age & Do This Instead

10 Fashion Classics You Should Never Part With

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"Dress for your fantasy self" should be a separate video. You're the first person I've heard say it. And, let's face it, no matter how much we've heard "don't shop for your fantasy self" we all have a good number of items that are for our fantasy selves that are hanging in our closets! And instead of weeding them out we need to wear them and be bold! There's a reason that fantasy self exists, and we need to step out of our comfort zones and at least give her a chance!


My friends always say that I'm overdressed. I always say, I bought these clothes, so I'm going to wear them. 😂😂😂


My great niece put on a turquoise tulle skirt, t-shirt, and purple glitter tennis shoes to go for tacos the other day. She loved her outfit! She’s 4, and she does NOT have a care in the world what anyone else thinks of what she’s wearing! We all need more of that!


I have been a “play it safe” kinda girl all of my life. I’m 57. Tired of playing it safe. I wear what I like…not what I want someone else to like.


That is so true “you can’t shop yourself out of having nothing to wear”. That’s the problem that keeps us shopping. I have 2 closets full of clothes and still have a difficult time figuring out what to wear. I have vowed to myself time and time again to stop shopping and get more creative with what I own. Hopefully this will be the year that I actually do it. 🙏🏾


I really appreciate your suggestion to do the opposite of the standard advice, and actually lean into dressing for our fantasy selves. I have a bunch of suits that I never wear because while I love them, I don't see others wearing them at my office anymore. This is my cue to get on Pinterest and investigate ways to style them more casually so I can actually enjoy them.


I am finally dressing for myself and what pleases me. I used to hate my arms and knees. So I avoided tees and shorts. Now, I wear what I want and how I want. Very liberating! I still have the same arms and knees of course, but I'm proud of where they have been.


I do have my fantasy wardrobe because I live my fantasy lifestyle, pretty much. I’m retired and have no practical restrictions like children, pets (currently, but really need a cat or two), don’t do gardening or cleaning, etc. So, I buy and wear silk dresses and separates and wear them daily, even at home, weather permitting (not in high summer, just the other months). Yes, I could spill a drop of coffee or something on one, but that’s what the dry-cleaners are there for. They can get out almost anything if taken in within a day or so, otherwise I just wash them in my machine delicate cycle. I think a trip is a great time to dress for our fantasy lives, too, but there really isn’t a bad time. I think everyone should wear what they feel most beautiful and comfortable in, whatever it is, as often as possible. Life goes by fast, feel beautiful every day.🙂


I am the lady in red when everybody else is wearing tan😜👍🇿🇦


Thrifting is great for our “fantasy self”. So many ways to experiment!


Unfortunately, my fantasy self is thinner, taller and younger!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


This is so good, thank you, Leonie. I have a black leather moto jacket, and have had it for many, many years. I have worn it twice so far, when I gave a lecture, and for my book signing. I feel great in it, very me. However, ahem, I feel I come across as "too much, " and "too cool for who I really am." Aaaakkk. So thanks for your encouragement!


This is a great video. I love the idea of dressing for your fantasy self. Isn’t what a five year old does all the time? It’s time for me to put some magic back in my routine even at 58. 😉


I love wearing whatever I feel like on the day. Cowboy boots, maxi skirts, mens blazers, silk ties and button up vests. I do rock chick, chic, pretty, boho, femme fatal, edgy city, vintage and corporate. It freaks people at work out a bit, but that’s their problem, not mine. I get lots of compliments from strangers of all ages. Life’s short, have fun!😊❤️


This was a great video! Especially liked the part about not lending in! I’ve always loved clothes, but sometimes think I will look like I’m “putting on the dog” by dressing up too much when I’m out with others. I don’t wear what I want sometimes because of this feeling. I’m going to try harder to NOT CARE!


When an outfit feels slick and minimalistic is when I feel my best... Tugging on your clothes after you're dressed is a sign that the style doesn't feel right...


Wonderful video. Dress for your fantasy self is perfect advise. I have my capsule pieces, however, I have purchased a few "fantasy" items. It is very uncomfortable pushing your own boundaries but so worthwhile. The younger me was noticed. As I aged (and gained weight) I gravitated to clothing which downplayed everything; looser fit, drab colors, no accessories. I dressed to disappear. I recently shed 50 lbs and literally had nothing to wear. Throughout my weight loss I watched videos like yours, and others. I began to think about looking my best and dressing my best. The capsule wardrobe videos helped tremendously, so thank you! As I began wearing my capsule outfits I began receiving compliments... dare I say it? I was getting noticed. It took time to adjust to this after so many years of playing the ghost. I gained more confidence and began obtaining "fantasy me" pieces; red slingbacks, barrel cut jeans, a silk skirt, cropped sweaters. I only tried one fantasy piece every weeks or so, it was liberating. While I received comments like; "why are you so dressed up?, where are YOU going?" from those too fearful of change, I received many more compliments like; polished, classy, sophitiscated. Working past the negative comments and embracing the positive comments is very difficult, however, my reward manifested in requests for advise. Advise on how to elevate their wardrobe. Now, when I notice a co-worker/friend wearing something outside their comfort zone, perhaps a special purchase, I am the first to tell them how fabulous they look. Fantasy pieces emerge from that inner voice trying to be seen and heard. Thank you giving it a name, defining it and providing examples of how to appreciate it.


During my last vacation trip, I packed extremely light with essentials and what I already have and just went shopping over there, because shopping is bound to happen anyway!😂


My style is more like simple, street style, somewhat Bohemian. But I do buy fantasy pieces sometimes. So I mix them with my simple clothes like a fancy silk shirt with a pair of jeans to make them fit my style better.
Thank you for another fun and helpful video.


Yes please! Create a video for dressing for my fantasy self! I love the idea of Turnout Tuesday, lol!
