8 Things That Make You Attractive

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There aren't just 4 things that make you attractive other than looks. In this video, we cover 4 more things that make you attractive. If you're feeling insecure about yourself and you are wondering about how to be attractive, we got your back with this video.

Writer: Chloe Avenasa
Script Editor: Riley Lin
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Tris Canimo
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong
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If you've seen our previous video, here are 4 more bonuses. Also, thank you to all the kind messages! We are happy to hear that you like our old PSI mascot designs :)


1). Confidence 0:42
2). Availability 1:14
3). Uniqueness 1:43
4). Kindness 2:14
5). Intelligence 2:39
6). Passion 3:12
7). Sense of humour 3:37
8). Demeanor 4:06

Hope this helps you out. Hope you have a nice day. 💙💙💙💙💙💙


8 qualities about my dear husband which make him very attractive to me:-
1. His maturity
2. His hard work and dedication
3. His admirable patience
4. His outstanding ability to deal so kindly with different types of people - his empathy
5. His inner handsomeness, that he's never a jerk to anybody, at least he doesn't purposely act like a douchebag to anyone
6. His noteworthy good manners and gentlemen like capabilities
7. His sense of humor which makes him so handsome inside out
8. His charisma


I've struggled with the first thing for a long time now. My confidence is slowly increasing, but I've still got a long way to go


I just want to point out that confidence does not mean outgoing. That's just called being extroverted. Being truly confident means being sure of yourself. You can be a quiet and reserved person and still exude confidence. In the same way that really extroverted people who seem confident, can be super insecure in themselves.


Im at waffle house by myself and nobody will stop me.


Love this video! 🩷

1. 00:42 Confidence
2. 01:14 Availability
3. 01:42 Uniqueness
4. 02:16 Kindness
5. 02:40 Intelligence
6. 03:14 Passion
7. 03:39 Sense of Humor
8. 04:08 Demeanor


Confidence is something I’ve struggled with for awhile, but there are things I’ve done to help boost it. These include understanding my value and distancing myself from toxic people who make me question my worth. I also used job review sites to avoid bad companies as well. No job or friend is worth having if they make you feel worthless. Another thing that helped was having my appearance reflect my inner self. This involved me getting a new haircut and wearing clothes that showed my personality. Feeling like you see yourself in the mirror does wonders for your confidence, improves self-love, and shows people the real you. The last thing that helped me was self-care because it’s how I showed myself respect. This involved better hygiene, taking vitamins, taking care of my mental health, and allowing myself to relax and enjoy life. Hope this helps!


This was honestly a huge confidence boost! I was in a really bad place last years, but as I've started to work on myself I've started to tick a lot of these! Im not going to pretend that i don't have any issues with self image, self esteem or social anxiety, but I'm getting there and building confidence trying to become the person I want to be. Anyway - thanks for the video!


The obsession with confidence is how so many people fall into the trap of a narcissist.


1:07 this is so true, it's important to be confident and in sincere in your own Every one is different so it's important to be your own unique and imperfect self instead putting yourself on a pedestal and comparing yourself to others... Because comparison is the thief of Knowing this helps a human be free.... A human being who gets to experience true redemption


1. Confidence 0:42
2. Availability 1:14
3. Uniqueness 1:43
4. Kindness 2:14
5. Intelligence 2:39
6. Passion 3:12
7. Sense of humor 3:37
8. Demeanor 4:06


I don’t think making these videos on attractiveness would help the loving yourself and independent bit, but I see good intentions behind this.


Awesome video. This, is the one I’ve been looking for 👊🏼. So as to help me understand why lots of people want to be in my company. Not bragging….I’m humbled by it and very overwhelmed. This, has NEVER been my life and it’s baffling for me. As a girl scapegoated by narcissistic mother, bullied by enabling father, I have been a turtle my whole life. Pealed back the onion of my life with the help of many therapists beginning at 22 ( now 64) and during those decades, I’ve not had allot of close relationships. I’ve usually managed to push people away 🙁😕💔. Last 2 years have been different and as I begin to emerge from the cocoon as a lovely girl butterfly I seem to attract people. It’s made me wonder, “what’s the big deal about me?” This video, answers that question. Thank you. I will remain humble as I learn grow and continue to thrive….arrogance is evil and destructive. Learned that from malignant narcissist mother. Thank you for this video….your work is very helpful & necessary!!!


Why is your voice so reassuring and calm 😭😭😭


The vice is so calm, this is therapy for me


Hi psych2go, thank you this made me feel better about myself, keep up the good work and sorry for taking so long to comment on one of your videos


I clicked on this video faster than I'm willing to admit


I love the idea of different art designs it feel fresh this one is one of my favorite one.


I wish people where kinder to one another I try to be kind to people as much as possible
