8 Things MEN SAY That Are Huge Red Flags

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Hey dear ladies ❤️

In this video, we discuss 8 things men say that are huge red flags!

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If you were my daughter, I'd share these 7 harsh truths about men
Why you can't stop thinking about someone
5 signs he’s using your feelings

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I have had this BS thrown at me all my life. I am 72 and have finally figured out that ACCEPTING ABUSE as normal behavior is what happens to abused and neglected children. These lessons need to be taught to every grade school child. Some of us just never had enough adults that gave a dam about us. This could save a lot of people from so much unhappiness. Thank you


Not only a man (romantic or intimate relationship), relationship with your close friends, families, any other relationship


Thank you for posting this video.

Here is another example for toxic comments. Your partner insults you. You confront him. He replies, “I was just kidding. Can’t you take a joke? The problem with you is you have no sense of humor.”

Your partner is devaluing your feelings. Instead of taking responsibility and apologizing like a healthy human being, he is putting the blame on you for the conflict.


I had a guy last year say number 7 to me "No one will want you like I do" Let me tell you I ran, I ran fast and I ran far.


1. It's your fault I got angry.
2. You are too sensitive.
3. Why can't you be more like a/b/c?
4. I never said that.
5. You are overreacting.
6. If you really loved me, you would do this for me.
7. No-one else will ever love you like I do.
8. You are imagining things.


The man I was married to for well over 30 years, spoke to me like this nearly every day. It’s been taking me a long time to discover the person I was meant to be. But I am thankful to have been released from the man who has caused me so much damage.


#9 : Nobody else will put up with you.
I stayed in an 18 year marriage hearing that one. I left. A decade later now, the kids are now adults and have limited contact with their dad. Never spoke harshly about him to them. They figured out the truth themselves.


What is far worse: my late husband would never discuss problems esp budget and money. He would just keep silent then do what he liked. I landed up supporting the family alone and doing repairs myself etc. Others then accused me of taking over but I was forced to. I realise now he was a perrennial bachelor and shouldn't have got married. I never got support and he eventually bankrupted us. I would say that if your man won't discuss important issues and won't take responsibility, ditch him. I wasted 46 years of my life and wore myself out, was never loved or protected and kept struggling to make a happy home without his help. He wasn't violent but weak and selfish


The amount of damage that gaslighting can cause, in even a short span of time, is unreal.


My family said I was too sensitive many times growing up.


When they tell you they love you and they hardly known you a week. When they ask you to marry them way too soon.


I have heard all of these constantly from my husband of 29 years. I am exhausted. 30 years ago no one talked about red flags. He love bombed me and I did not know this would happen. I have given everything for this relationship and I no longer know who I am.


When you’ve reached the end of your patience and caring for this type of person, hearing ‘No one will ever love you like I do’ could be considered a beacon of hope for your next relationship.


Several times he said to me, "You're over-thinking! Stop over-thinking!" Thank you for this video!


My family actually did all of these things so I have been raised to expect people to not care about me.


Don't forget, 'You're too good for me!" That's a huge red flag as well, IMO


I've got one "my ex girlfriend/wife was crazy!!!!" While it's true men and women may have suffered the misfortune of being with a mentally unstable person and wind up breaking up, men with huge contempt/dismissive attitudes towards their exes can be an attempt to distract you from ever hearing that woman's side of the story.


Parents pull this same kind of crap on their kids. It's not confined to man/woman relationships.


This can also be a PARENT to a child perspective! Many parents can show these red flags verbally to their daughters and sons even when adults


Not just in partner it happens in the family too
