Massad Ayoob: Castle Doctrine & Why You Should Stay Inside

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During the riots of 2020, Mark and Patricia McCloskey became headline news. The two lawyers were photographed waving guns at crowd that had grown outside their home in St. Louis, Missouri. Massad Ayoob analyzes that incident along with Castle doctrine. Massad looks at other cases that set precedent including the killing of Yoshi Hattori by Rodney Pearis. See why he suggests waiting for the door to be breached instead of going outside and looking for trouble.

Critical Mas(s) with Massad Ayoob is a show that provides expert analysis over a wide range of contemporaneous topics related to civilian and law enforcement self-defense, the use of force, and second amendment issues, provided by a renowned and established author with a career spanning decades in training law enforcement officers and the public at large, who is frequently called upon to provide expert witness testimony.

Massad Ayoob has been handgun editor of GUNS magazine and law enforcement columnist for AMERICAN HANDGUNNER since the 1970s and has published thousands of articles in gun magazines, martial arts publications, and law enforcement journals. He is the author of some twenty books on firearms, self-defense, and related topics, including “In the Gravest Extreme” and “Deadly Force,” widely considered to be authoritative texts on the topic of the use of lethal force.

The winner of the Outstanding American Handgunner of the Year Award in 1998, Mas has won several states and regional handgun shooting championships. Ayoob was the first person to earn the title of Five Gun Master in the International Defensive Pistol Association. He is the current President of the Second Amendment Foundation. He served 19 years as chair of the Firearms Committee of the American Society of Law Enforcement Trainers, and several years as a member of the Advisory Board of the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association. In addition to teaching for those groups, he has also taught
for the International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors and the International Homicide Investigators seminars.

Mas has received judicial recognition as an expert witness for the courts in weapons and shooting cases since 1979, and served as a fully sworn and empowered, part-time police officer for 43 years, mostly at supervisor rank. Ayoob founded the Lethal Force Institute in 1981 and served as its director until 2009, and now trains through Massad Ayoob Group. He has
appeared on CLE-TV delivering continuing legal education for attorneys, through the American Law Institute and American Bar Association, and has been retained to train attorneys to handle deadly force cases through the Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network. Ayoob served for two
years as co-vice chair of the Forensic Evidence Committee of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. He also appeared in each episode of Personal Defense TV (Sportsman’s Channel).

0:00 - The McCloskeys
2:15 - Castle Doctrine
4:35 - Hattori vs Pearis
11:15 - Don't Step Outside
12:15 - George Zimmerman
13:25 - Wait for the Door to be Breached

#MassadAyoob #WilsonCombat #CriticalMas
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My uncle did this. He waited in his living room, knowing that two guys were breaking in. The criminals were shot. Later I asked why he waited. He said “because it’s cheaper to replace a door than to spend 10 years in prison.”


This also helps if it’s wrong place wrong time. No one is accidentally breaking into your house, but they could very easily be accidentally on your property


This is 100% one of his most useful videos as of yet


If your home is breached in the middle of the night, assume they are coming for you. Burglars worst scenario is breaking in when you're home, they want to be there when you're not.


I can't get enough of this man's knowledge.


One of my buddies kept having thieves on his property at 3 and 4AM, kept calling the local police only to result in nothing but his property being stolen. After about 7 calls, he stopped calling. kept a Browning 12 guage semi auto loaded with number 9 birdshot. Let's just say he did more with that shotgun in 2 days than the police did the entire time.


As a non American. I 100% support the defend your castle doctrine.


Thanks Massad for taking your time to educate us, especially us young folks that don't wanna hurt nobody but also don't wanna go to prison.


I live in a Stand your ground and Castle Doctrine state. We are able to defend ourselves and our families anywhere we are legally allowed to be, including or property. 👍🇺🇸🇺🇸


I just love listening to him. His clear cut information which is very hard to debate and that too thr point no nonsense voice is awesome.


You have been my hero for more than 30 years. Thank you for all your educational support.


This gentleman has some of the best advice and best videos I’ve seen on the subject. Keep up the good work young man.


Canada needs to implement this law ASAP.. Tell this to Ali Mian he’s a 22-year-old who shot & killed an intruder broke through his door with 3other men to rob him, his single mother and sibling in Toronto last week February 19, 2023, and he is being charged with murder.. this is outrageous and unacceptable in my eyes. He did what he was supposed to do and wihat any man would.have Done. And only shot him once meaning most likely was not trying to kill him, but just protect his family.


Man, there are some serious nuts in this comment section.

The man is 100% correct. If you leave your house to engage, you not only put yourself in legal muddy water, but you’re also putting yourself in more potential danger by giving an intruder a clear target.
If you know the potential intruder is there, you will absolutely be ready if/when they attempt to enter the home, and at that point it’s clear home defense.


Massad Ayoob, Giving Sound Castle Doctrine Advice.


Similar to what I told my customers in my state when asked if they can use a gun to defend their property. Call the cops, let the guy break the door down, then your good. Evidence of forced entry will greatly help your case. Never search out the criminal i.e. walk out on the front lawn. That shows you weren't in fear of your life. People that are afraid for their life don't go looking for more danger.


So thankful I live in a country that doesn’t have this big of a problem with home invasion…


This is why people need to like your legislators and get laws change. You should be able to protect your property anywhere.


If someone comes in my house my family knows to stay in the back of the house. They know to keep the door locked and a gun in their hands until I tell them to come out. They know I'll neutralize the threat or give my last breath trying.


As a Californian, I find it sickening that my state's politicians disagree.
