Castle Doctrine Clarified: Does Your Garage Fall Under its Protection?

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A true lawyer, the only way he could have said less would be for him to talk longer.


If I'm in an unattached garage, it will be FULL of tools that can be used in a DEADLY manner against me! If I've been threatened, the act of trying to leave my garage places me in GREATER danger!


In Ohio, any residence, occupied vehicle or out building, and the curtulage around such property is included in castle doctrine, which hardly matters now since we adopted SYG.


I was talking California Castle doctrine. There's not a duty to retreat. You can even pursue them.


Doesn't it say the state has to prove you weren't in fear for your life? Which would be nearly impossible unless you bragged about it.


Is here also not a law that you can defend yourself in public based upon rules established before Colorado became a state?


So what ur saying is that people need to hide bodies better....


Branca I've been wondering when you were gonna bug outta Commie Colorado. I won't ask where you're headed, you'll let us know, but I do know there will be no train tracks in the vicinity. lol Bike friendly and 2A friendly no doubt.
