This is why people Hate Vtubers

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is there a word to define this type of thing better than "pathetic"?



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Remember guys, saying duck is now swearing. Also, don't dare to mention hay.


My favorite JonTron quote is "a racist mind is a racist crime". Literally no one thought that rigger is racist except this person, so it really says a lot about them lol


Rigger is basically a very high title for animators and artists mainly because of the annoying nature of rigging stuff thats 2d and 3d that isn't the default human skeleton or default quadrapidal skeleton or default bird skeleton
Custom rigging stuff is difficult like if there's a bone in the wrong place when testing it could look wrong when moving so like its a massive headache worth it if done right

Edit: so it seems rigger is a very useful term to describe multiple diffrent types of jobs


The term “rigger” is a person that has a specific job, like film rigging. No one ever thought the job title was offensive until now. Stay classy, Twitter. 🤦🏻‍♀️


“Rigger is racist” has the same energy as the Drawn Together episode where Foxie raged every time she heard the word “knickers”


This is one of the reasons I'd rather mingle more with the Japanese community in Twitter for years.


Ah yes the typical Twitter behavior
Completely misses the point that was given in the most respectful way possible and then later places themselves in a high moral pedestal and act all so self righteous and hypocritical


most commonly, the people who call you racist for something like "rigger" are the racists, because they think of the word that is racist over what the word originally is.


As a black person, I’d like to point out that the word “rigger” is *not* offensive and that this individual is extremely chronically online. Thank you.

PS: Don’t forget to touch some grass today! It does wonders for your brain.


a Norwegian Trackmania streamer said "grand wizard" in a stream referring to someone who plays very well. American viewers called him out, saying he couldn't say that. His response was: "you surrendered those two words to the racists" and that's true.


When you're so woke that you see racism in a normal word.


I was in a basic art course last year and one of the students there refused to use the word 'Retardant', (which is a product to help acrylic paint to dry slower). They always called it the 'R-word product'. None of us knew what they were talking about! They held up the jar and someone else was like 'oh, you mean the retardant', and they went off on how they can't say that word, how its offensive this that and the whole bit...


I’m going to use the word rigger as often as I possibly can now just to troll these guys!


No it’s definitely not a troll, that person is just insane, they’re all horrible people but will just say “be kind”, “love everyone” just to hide how horrible they are. Like here the person responded extremely nicely and they just flat out attacked them again, they’re totally delusional.


Love how they’re proven wrong and then just pull out the “Everyone do better! Be kind to everyone! Look at me and how nice I am so you hopefully think I’m right!”


Rigging essentially refers to hanging, or suspending with wires. In animation, the rigging is "hanging" the model from the frame, so as the frame moves, so does the model. In construction, , you usually have two people working on a crane: the operator up in the cab, and the rigger down on the ground. The rigger acts as an extra pair of eyes for helping the operator properly place his cable, and for "rigging" or hooking up the chains to the rig attached to the end of the crane cable so objects may be "flown".

At my last site, our crane rigger was black. Often times, we (the general contractors) had to ask/tell them to lift things for us. My boss always tried to convince me it would be much more effective, rather than walking over and having a quiet conversation with him where he is working, to shout "HEY RIGGER!" at the top of my lungs and wave him up to our office. Needless to say, I never found such instructions to be actionable. 🤣


You definitely want to be the bigger man in this situation. I figure there are easier ways to trigger people on the internet, but someone who has the vigor to work in this field has to be able to stand up to the rigors of the inevitable backlash and just snigger at those who would become the diggers of their own online graves.


Since 2016 I've been waiting on someone saying "We need Tigger banned because of how close it is to another word!"
I didn't expect rigger... but close enough I guess.


This person needs help... Imagine thinking that a job title which predates the slur (It has been used to denote at least three different jobs off the top of my head dating back around 400 years) and thinking it must be racist for sharing letters.


I know it's coincidence but I'm an artist trying to be a rigger myself and I actually need that VTuber help sheet, ofc I also love the drama around it lol
thanks Hero Hei!
