Why Do People Hate The X-Men... And Not The Avengers

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Why Exactly Do People Hate the X-Men? Despite having saved the Earth countless times and despite living in a world full of superheroes, it’s always a little odd that the mutants are always being persecuted for being different and not the other heroes.

In addition to the same deadly social ills that we see in our real world in our comics, what I think is one of the less problematic, Marvel-specific reasons is that it may be a world of heroes, but it’s also a world of villains who’ve hurt countless people. When a good number of them look abnormal, it’s easier to assume it works that way with all villains.

And since mutants can be more easily identified just by looks or lumped in together as the other. And when "The Other" often brings death and destruction, it’s easier for people who don’t know better to hate mutants like Beast more than Professor X. People don’t see them as “normal”, so they must be the enemy. Same reason people hate Hulk and not Tony Stark. The Thing and not Human Torch. It’s that same lack of understanding of our neighbors that’s at the heart of most bigotry. They were judged without ever knowing their heroic deeds.
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Being different is abnormal to some people


To me it has always been guilt by association. In the Avengers you have Captain America, Thor, Iron Man. On the mutant side, you have the X-Men but you also have the Magneto and his brotherhood of mutants. We tend to focus on the negatives more than on the positives. People hate the Hulk for the same reason they hate the mutants, the potential for danger, and looks play into it a lot. People also hate the Punisher, Daredevil, Spider-Man, because they don't really answer to no one. The potential for danger is always there, but since guys like Thor, Caps and Iron Man have a good image, this potential is ignored


Not to mention some mutants calling themselves the "Next Step in Human Evolution" probably didn't go over well with the regular human either.


It’s also because mutants are indeed a threat. Regular heroes gained powers through mere accidents and circumstance; a spider bite here, a super soldier serum there, a little cosmic rays and bam you get something. But mutants are born and no one knows who will be one of what powers they have, when will they manifest, or where. Those of us who are parents will be terrified if someone’s mutant powers just exploded in their schools. And anyone can have them from the saintly heroes to the most horrific villains


I feel like mutant’s powers can manifest in random and crazy ways, potentially looking scary is one part but randomly hurting regular people in the process is another part…

Rogue almost accidentally unaliving her first kiss comes to mind, but I know there are more.


If you ask any person from the Marvel Universe to name a mutant, the first one that comes to mind is Magneto: the maniacal terrorist who has threatened human extinction on multiple occasions.
If Captain Genocide is your poster boy, you've got bad press.


There's also an intelligent amoeba named Sublime who's purposely fanning the flames of hate for the mutants, mainly because mutants are the only sentient beings they can't possess


I think that the problem is that no matter how much good they do, there’s just some people who won’t change their minds…


I find the X-Men as inspiring for those that have been crapped on. To me, it gives me inspiration that they're just jealous that I can do that they don't care to do


I've always assumed the reason for this supposedly discrepance was Super Heroes are made up of individuals who usually come into the public in cape and mask, and just fill that particular role of a vigilante. Meanwhile, people are born as mutants, there are laws and politics how to deal and treat mutants, give them a more an image of an ethnicity/minority which cannot be simply classified/simplified in a role, therefore scaring people. Also, depending on the story, mutants are also presented as the "people of tomorrow" giving them a scary vibe. I believe in "Marvels" they were described as "they will succeed us(humans) and shove the dirt upon our coffins". Giving food/fuel to xenophobia.
At least that is how I've always interpeted/understood this.


I think that mutants are also more frightening to people because they can be anyone. People know that the Fantastic 4 or the Avengers are heroes. They trust them with their powers. They’re basically celebrities. And you’re also not likely to encounter them on in your regular life. On the other hand. It’s a bit more disconcerting if the guy bagging your groceries can read your mind, or the guy sitting behind you on a flight can make things explode by touching them. People can accept and trust “super heroes” with powers, but most mutants aren’t super heroes.


They are also an evolurionary threat to humans in this universe.


I read Stan Lee once said it's because while the Avengers are Meta Humans they are still human. Mutants represents the change humanity is taking involuntarily and cause mutants threaten the extinction of humanity.


Short answer? Cuz they are insanely powerful in a way that other heroes are not and an active danger to normal people.

Other superheroes are WAY more tamed in comparison, except for like hulk and Thor. They also actively try to create their own home of super-powered beings, and in modern days try to lowkey conquer the world and place themselves over everyone else.


People don’t hate the X-Men, until it is convenient for the plot for them to be hated. By that I mean that most of their problems end up and coming from either criminal groups or other mutants.


I always felt part of the reason is that mutation is “natural”.

So your son or daughter, might hit puberty and then turn into an unrecognizable monster looking thing and there’s nothing you can do.

Generally speaking for people to get powers, they had some chemicals spill on them, were involved in an accident a

For mutants it’s just puberty and then boom now they’re different


Mutants are publicly known to believe they are replacing common humans. Look at it this way; your boss goes to you with a trainee and can say one or two things: 1) "Train this person, he/she will be helping you with your heavy workload." 2) "Train this person, he/she will be replacing you." And then the trainee keeps reminding you your ass is being replaced. See the difference?


John Ratcliffe in 'Pocahontas'[1995]: 🎵" They're not like you and me, which means they must be evil!"🎵.


"People don't see them as normal, so they must be the enemy"
I'm pretty sure the way he looses control and turns in to a giant green rage monster might have something to do with people not liking the hulk


It's very simple, They came from a very different universe before Marvel started hitting everything with crossover
