Oh, so this is why people hate America!

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Please watch out for fake accounts. I will never message you asking for money or to invest. As of right now, it's spelled exactly like this: @jaketran


The nerve to get mad at a country for wanting fair pay for land that's in their own country


As a guatemalan myself, it has always annoyed me that to this day, a lot of people still believe Arbenz was a communist, and that's a direct result of lack of proper education in teaching the history of the origins of our country (you can only get access to that information by going to college or going to a private school) and the fact that the Military still hold the power but nowadays is more low profile.


Having lived in Central America I find it hilarious that the US would complain over illegal immigration after all of what they have done to those countries.


This was 1954. Imaging how much influence companies have over the government now!!


The fact that these companies have this much power over US government agencies is nothing short of insane!!


This whole event is so heart breaking, he was good leader that only wanted to serve his people.


That is exactly what happens when you have a military-industrial complex that can be lobbied into wars, coups, and assassinations. You should either not have such a powerful system or if you have it, you need to be less "corrupt"! And yes, this is a form of corruption. Honestly, this is the worst form of corruption that affects democracies in other nations!


The price Arbenz offered for the unused land was based on the self reported worth (appraised by the United Fruit Company) for tax purposes.

So, Arbenz was paying what the company said the land was worth. But as they had undervalued it in order not to pay taxes, they asked for the REAL worth of the land.

So imagine, on top of everything, they did not want to pay their fair share of taxes. And this is how the US wants other countries to flourish.


This channel is 1, 000, 000x better than history class! Thanks guys.


As a Guatemalan who has studied a little bit of history, this is a good documentary! Good job Jake and team!


Another great documentary! Here are some suggestions for future videos:

1) Assassination of Patrice Lumumba - his death was probably one of the most significant deaths of the 20th century for Africa. Almost the same situation as Guatemala, and the US help orchestrate his death

2) The annexation of Hawaii - it also involved greedy business owners that wanted more money and power

3) The 80s crack epidemic - the US put drugs into the African American community, and with the profits they funded the contras in Nicaragua. Not only that but a journalist that was investigating it, Gary Webb, was mysteriously found dead by suicide.


As a US citizen I am terrified of the US Government.


Another good opportunity to advocate for the banning of lobbying in our US government.


Thanks a ton for making this Jake, My dad is a Guatemalan immigrant living in the U.S. It’s unfortunate that peoples lives have been destroyed and their ancestors are suffering the consequences till this day.


this makes me so upset. all Arbenz wanted to do was uplift his people out of poverty and lead them to live good lives. it was incredibly brave of him to stand up to the fruit company, and US capitalism in general. the CIA has so much blood on its hands


“ was a threat to US profits… I mean freedom” that was the most patriotic thing I’ve ever heard.


It's so cool and valuable having a popular YouTuber talk about these horrible things that the CIA, the gov, corporations, and whatever else, did. These sound like a conspiracy and a lot of people don't know about these horrible things those people did. So it's really cool having a popular YouTuber fill people in on what their shitbag government has been up too.

People need to know this stuff.

Thanks Jake Tran


I'm from Guatemala, and never thought someone would make a video about this... unfortunately we were never able to recover any of the political attacks from the US


This is one of the many reasons why I think lobbying should be illegal and any corporations doing it should be charged with treason.
