Losing my confidence + how I deal with criticism

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I’m so happy to share that my book - The Cottage Fairy Companion - is now available for pre-order!

Today, I wanted to talk about some experiences that have impacted my life, specifically some situations that broke down my sense of self and my confidence. I gained a lot from those experiences, and learned how to demand respect and rebuild myself, learning to be more assertive and comfortable with negative criticism. Thank you all for your lovely letters and comments, I appreciate all of them even though I am not always able to reply.

(I added honey, nutmeg and baked it as an experiment, it was yummy! I have used ricotta and goats cheese instead too.)

My 2 favorite books on herbs, wild foods, and foraging (I have learned so much from these books! They are easy to understand and beautifully photographed and written):

1. Wild Remedies by Rosalee de la Foret
2. Alchemy of Herbs by Rosalee de la Foret

Some of many many favorite books:

3. Once Upon a River by Diane Setterfield:
4. The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey

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License Number - 578124 License owner - Rohan B. Merrill

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I try to not let painful experiences stand in the way of making progress and taking control of my story. After experiencing some very damaging and abusive relationships in my late teens, I seek to reach out to others who are potentially dealing with similar situations, presently or in the past. Your age, gender, race, spiritual/religious beliefs, is never - and will never - be a valid reason for someone to treat you with anything less than respect. I believe people who have ill intentions towards others are often very hurt themselves. They have forgotten, or have never been taught, to properly love other humans. Sometimes they come to a point where they wish to heal their hearts, and sometimes they don’t. But that is their burden to bear, not yours.
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As an 82-y-o man I have found your videos to be very helpful. I have been going through some stress and this is the very last thing I want as I approach the end. So I find that your choice of music and your videos have had a very calming effect. And for that I am grateful to you.


I'm an older woman and experienced the abusive side of being "too nice" for much too long. So happy to hear you learned your lessons at a young age. Still trying to learn about self love and boundaries. Thank you for sharing! <3


My husband and I cannot adequately express what a dear and gentle blessing you have been to each of us. We are old enough to be your grandparents and have lived through many types of experience in our lives. We watch your videos together, every week, and every time we are amazed at how insightful you are and how profound your wisdom, Paola. Thank you for being the transparent you that you are, you have been a huge encouragement and a precious friend. Your perspectives concerning your life have made us richer in our own.🏡💝
With love from our home


Your channel is by far the most authentic and aesthetically rich. You’re a kind soul thanks so much for sharing it with us!


I think you have a special gift of being able to convey your message creatively in videos, and touch people's hearts and souls. So I hope you don't stop creating videos that inspire and motivate people.


Haha to answer a question: my boyfriend also got a sandwich at the end of this video, it just wasn’t in the clip lol 😂 We both ate well lol

Thank you all for your wonderful letters, comments, and messages. I find it very difficult to reply to everyone, but know I read and appreciate it very much ❤️

Everyday I try to not let negative experiences stand in the way of making progress in my own life. After going through some very damaging and abusive relationships in my late teens, I seek to reach out to others who are potentially dealing with similar situations, presently or in the past. Your age, gender, race, spiritual/religious beliefs, diet, etc is never - and will never - be a valid reason for someone to treat you with anything less than respect. I believe people who have ill intentions towards others are often very hurt themselves. They have forgotten, or have never been taught, to properly love other humans. Sometimes they come to a point where they wish to heal their hearts and seek help, and sometimes they don’t. But that is their burden to bear, not ours.


One of my high school teachers wrote in my yearbook “Don’t let people take advantage of your good nature and agreeable personality”. It struck me as odd at the time but sadly I realized what she meant after the first few years of my early adulthood. I’ve learned and am learning to be assertive and stand my ground. It’s difficult.


The people who do cruel things to others are dead inside. They live in darkness and ignorance. On the other hand, happy people don't hurt others. It is what it is.


To understand yourself at this young age is a miracle . I’m 66 and still working on this. I do not understand being unkind.


I know this video is a year old but I have just recently discovered your channel and I am watching from the beginning in chronological order and just wanted to say I am SOOOO glad you are doing these videos!! :). When you said you were nervous about uploading I was so glad you push through that feeling for all the people who want and need this LOVELY content. It truly feeds my soul. Your imagery and messages are from the Divine- and I want to thank you so much for sharing your art, aesthetics, insights and kindness with us.


I had no idea Dandelion was edible! I honestly am finding my lost innocence back again from your videos. I feel my childhood is being in a way restored. I used to love reading about the natural properties of plants & still am into herbal remedies rather than artificial but have allowed fear to take desire to actually try & search out ways to use normal common things such as Dandelions. Thank you for your videos.


There are many of us who are empaths, healers, creatives and have the desire for solitude and nature 🌼 you are a bright blessing, thank you for sharing your lovely life with us ❤️ and remember hurt people hurt people 💜


I’m 71 and tend towards being cynical. When that pressure builds, I watch a video from you. That feeling of sarcasm and cynicism falls away. Your sincerity comes through and won’t allow it to stay with me. 🙏


Hey dear,
Im Donya, a 17 years old girl from Iran,
You can not imagine how great are your videos,
Thanks alot🙏🙏
Sending my love💙


"I had to be brave and make my own decisions." I didn't know how much I needed to hear this until today. I'm in a similar situation and I didn't understand how people could be mean and cruel and unkind without cause, and has led to a lot of hurt recently for me, in a pandemic where I'm far away from my family and close friends. I have never felt more afraid and alone, but seeing your video really made me believe in that little light inside of me again. Thank you so much for making this beautiful art.


Sometimes the journey back to self love and confidence is rough. But with the help of someone who believes in you with that ‘unshakeable foundation of love and respect’ .. healing gets a little easier. 💕


For a woman so young, often your words and videos touch me so deeply. You seem to be an old, wise gentle soul and my eyes filled with happy tears at the end of the video. Your sharing offers nourishment and comfort for the soul. You are indeed an artist in so many ways! 🤗💕🌿


Watching your videos is like stepping into how one often feels while immersed in a Jane Austin Novel. Please, never stop my friend.


“To treat my mistakes with gentle understanding” I absolutely love that idea and need to practice it. 💕


Oooohh that part about running into those wicked souls... I recently had an experience like that too. I blindly put my trust into someone and ended up with a shattered heart and equally shattered trust in humanity. I truly thought that if you were kind to others, they would be kind in return. But sadly, not all people are that way. It's really unfortunate. :( I'm sorry that you've had similar experiences in the past. But it is so inspiring that you've found yourself a genuine gem of a human to enjoy life with. Congratulations to you both. :)

Thank you for sharing your story. I just found your channel today, and it is so charming. Thank you for what you do!
