What did Jesus Christ do in Hades/Sheol?

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#Savior #Victoryoverdeath #Resurrection
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Praise the Lord for drawing the caller from Mormonism and to salvation in Jesus Christ.


I think your interpretation is spot on. These verses actually parallel a passage of the book of Enoch where the character Enoch talks to the same imprisoned spirits, talks to God about their request, then takes God's word back to them. This book is clearly not Scripture but highly esteemed by the Biblical authors and the early church fathers, it's also highly reflective of Jewish theology of the spiritual realm (you'll note that it's also quoted several times in the NT to make a theological point). Anyways, the parallel is so obvious, I think it's to be mentioned. This all adds more weight to your interpretation, that I believe is accurate based on the Scriptures and their context, that Jesus was declaring to them His victory.


Jesus Christ went to take care of business. It indeed was finished. Thank God.


It continues here to tell you why
1 Peter 4:6

[6] For this is why the gospel was preached even to those who are dead, that though judged in the flesh the way people are, they might live in the spirit the way God does.


Dr. Michael S. Heiser has a lot of answers about this topic. Check out his work


Q. Why is there added: He descended into hell?

A. In my greatest sorrows and temptations I may be assured and comforted that my Lord Jesus Christ, by His unspeakable anguish, pain, terror, and agony, which He endured throughout all His sufferings¹ but especially on the cross, has delivered me from the anguish and torment of hell.²
¹ Ps. 18:5, 6; 116:3; Matt. 26:36-46; 27:45, 46; Heb. 5:7-10. ² Is. 53.

— Heidelberg Catechism Q&A 44


I agree with James. There is not a lot of detail about what the N.T. says about those few days while Jesus was buried. To make a big deal out of it --- going beyond the few phrases of the New Testament -- simply sidesteps the eternal glory of His resurrection. Jesus is now at the right hand of the Father in heaven.


I have never heard one preacher explain the context of 1 pet 3 on suffering, which brings clarity on this verse. Even the MSG points to the context.


Thanks, I’ve always wondered about this, because on the cross He said to one of the men being crucified, today you will be with Me in paradise.


Answer: his spirit went up to God who gave it and his body lay in a tomb.


Dr. James have already debate with seventh day adventist?
Please send the link if there's a video.
Thank you


1)So Jesus's human nature had a human soul ? or
2)Did his divine nature tried to save people in hell?
If so, 3)Why was redemption limited to the dead that had passed before jesus.
4)Also how can there be humans in hell before judgement?


Christians never go to hell we already posses eternal life as soon as we die we go into the presence of the Lord. Paul speaking to believers at Corinth said, “to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.” Later when writing to Timothy about his death he said he to desired to depart and be present with the Lord but it was needful for him to remain in the body and do the Lord’s work. Read the epistles of Paul, Peter’s sermon at Pentecost in the book of Acts, and the first chapter of Revelation. The bodies of believers go into the dirt until they’re changed at the rapture but their spirits goes immediately into the presence of the Lord.


Luke 16/19 isn’t a parable, it’s a true story, Because Jesus said “ and Abraham said “. If it were a parable Jesus would have been lying, but he was explaining exactly what was said by the people in the story. Bill wiese 23 min in hell


DR James why are you not willing to debate brother Chris date on conditional immortality?


The questions essentially were good, but the manner in which they were asked was tortuous to listen to.
Kudos to the DLH 'responder' for his patience in listening.


the book of Enoch tells who the captives are


Jesus said on the cross to the thief who had come to faith, "today you will be with me in heaven". What else needs to be said?


I get that as people, none of us knows everything.

But this topic & quite a few others shows that Christian Bible Scholars don't clearly understand the "ins & outs" of their Faith.

In their defense, Science Academia still doesn't understand what Gravity is!

But you know, there's something to say about being humble when you don't clearly understand something that pertains to your expertise.

& I have noticed that the Bible Scholars that I have seen address this issue (& others) aren't humble enough to say,
"I don't understand this. But after studying The Bible, here is mt opinion as to what the correct answer to this question may be."

I _have_ however, seen seculars in Science Academia be humble & say that they (for example) don't understand what Gravity is.

I think that there is room for improvement, on the behalf of Christians, when it comes to "Humbling one's self before The LORD".


You were correct in saying that Jesus declared His victory over the angels in chains from the time of Noah. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days and also afterwards.

The angels who were cast out of Heaven with Satan were the Nephilim. Notice in Genesis 6 that there are two different paragraphs with two different stories. The Sons of God saw that the daughters of (man) were beautiful...
Then it switches to the Giants. They were already on the earth.
The Giants mated with the daughters of (man). That's why they are in chains in Tartarus.

The children were not the men of renown. This was the last straw that caused the flood. There can be only One Begotten from the Father.

The Sons of God were always taking wives but one of Noah's sons took a wife from the daughters of the Nephilim.
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days and also afterwards.
Goliath was on the ark.
