Why Did Jesus Have to Die? (Wonder Series)

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How can we keep God’s commands? How can we live without shame? We can't restore ourselves to honor. We’re doomed, except God doesn't want His creation to die. He is merciful and loving, and wants us to be restored, living with Him in full life.

"He was hurt for our wrong-doing. He was crushed for our sins. He was punished so we would have peace. He was beaten so we would be healed." Isaiah 53:5

To watch more in the Wonder Series. go to this link:

1. Was there ever a time in your life where you wish you could start over, to correct the mistakes you have made in your life?
2. Why can’t we earn God’s forgiveness?
3. What do you think it’s like to be spiritually and relationally connected to God?
4. What do you think it would look like for someone to be restored? Do you want that?

Sin: the barrier that causes division between people and separates us from God. If humans are responsible for their actions and commit sins why would God save them rather than expecting people to answer for themselves? God is love, the Giver of life. He created humans to be spiritually and relationally connected with Him, but mankind chose to act against God's will to sin, separating us from God.

The source of life sin was passed down from generation to generation like a virus, spreading with humanity, separating people from God and one another. God spoke through His prophets giving new commandments and opportunities to follow His law but the people always fail. The price of sin, of separating ourselves from God, is death. Since God is perfectly just He couldn't simply ignore or forgive humanity's sins. God is holy and righteous. His uncompromising nature means he must judge and punish sin. So wouldn't it be up to us to earn God's forgiveness and avoid judgment? The problem is humans can't keep God's commands. We can't live without sin, and we can't redeem ourselves. It would seem like we're doomed, except God doesn't want his creations to die. He is merciful and loving, and wants us to be restored living with Him in full life.

Beginning with Ibrahim and continuing through other prophets over the centuries, God revealed piece by piece His plan to send the Redeemer who would pay the penalty for mankind’s sin. The Redeemer is Jesus. He descended to earth from His place of glory in heaven, took on human form, and lived the sinless life we never could. Then Jesus willingly took on our sins, enduring the punishment of death for us once and for all. But He could not be held by death. Jesus rose from the grave, conquering death and sin, enabling us to have a restored relationship with God. God loves us and because humans aren't capable of restoring themselves, Jesus redeemed us from sin and death so that we might be saved and live with Him. Now we must accept the sacrifice Jesus made for us to enjoy the freedom of a restored relationship with God.
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We cannot comprehend the love of Christ on the Cross and can never be grateful enough for this act of love 🙏


Jesus thank you for loving us all even if we sinned.


The more i ponder God's love the more it blows my mind, God, The Creator loves humans so much, despite our evil nature & transgressions against Him; in His infinite mercy & power humbled Himself to become one of us, living the perfect life & died for EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. OF. US. Only to then beat death itself & further solidify His power. I ask what other "god" has done this other religions. To my knowledge only the One True God Jesus Christ has. & the craziest part of all? He chose to do this. He didnt have to, He in His infinite power chose to save his favorite creation of all. That is true love in its purest form.


Thank you my Lord Jesus Christ for saving us! I love you!


Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for dying
On the cross for my sins and for the world 🌍 amen 🙏🏿❤


Pra você que está lendo isto, que a mão de Deus esteja sobre tua vida, te cobrindo de bênçãos sem medidas! ❤️🙏🏻🙌🏻🥰🔥


This could someday be as good as The Bible project or better!


Thank you Jesus for dying for us even we don’t deserve it🙏🏾


I will obey law of Jesus Christ.
Amen god forgive me for everything Amen


Okay, so God loved us so much that he allowed his only literal son to be humiliated, torn apart, beaten mercilessly, and killed in a slow, painful and agonizing manner. And why did God have to do this? Because he loved us? Hmm… 🤔. Why not just love us without allowing Jesus Christ to suffer? Why not just forgive us our sins without sacrificing his only son? I don’t understand. And why does it have to be an innocent person such as Jesus who takes on the sins of the most wretched of mankind? That’s like punishing an innocent little toddler for the sins of adult murderers and pedophiles. Why make such an innocent creature suffer for what evil devilish people did? If God is a loving God, then why does he act in an unloving manner? Of course, as a Muslim, I don’t believe in Christianity but it’s interesting to me to ask these questions. Killing an innocent poor man who never hurt a fly, because of what evil people do. That will never make sense to me. There are other ways to do things. Surely God could have done something that made more sense than that. Killing His own son is not the answer.




I Love You God
I Love You Jesus ❤


Very well explained. Thanks. God bless you.


So basically you can't say sorry and seek God's forgiveness, you (or someone!) needs to get punished for your sins? Then how is God forgiving? If someone HAS TO pay the price (and you say Jesus had to for everyone), then that's not forgiveness.


This doesnt really answer *why*, though. God is all powerful, all knowing, and all loving, isnt he? So why did Jesus have to die, when he makes the rules?


Jesus died because Adam and Eve had a perfect life before they never grow old and die. But after they sinned imperfection started and passed to humankind. So mere human due to imperfection can not redeemed our sin, we need a sinless human being and that was Jesus. So perfect human lost by Adam due to sin but redeemed by another sinless perfect man. So we have a chance to have that perfect life again by means of Jesus sacrificed. Thanks to his Father too for giving his special son for the provision.


اَلْحَقَّ الْحَقَّ أَقُولُ لَكُمْ: إِنَّ مَنْ يَسْمَعُ كَلاَمِي وَيُؤْمِنُ بِالَّذِي أَرْسَلَنِي فَلَهُ حَيَاةٌ أَبَدِيَّةٌ، وَلاَ يَأْتِي إِلَى دَيْنُونَةٍ، بَلْ قَدِ انْتَقَلَ مِنَ الْمَوْتِ إِلَى الْحَيَاةِ." (يو 5: 24).


ACTS 4:12


Jesus died because Jesus taught a new doctrine, and for this Jesus suffered death. Where then is the freedom of speech, thought and opinion?

Jesus' teachings were felt to be seditious! Jesus' teachings upset religious authorities, who wanted to remain in power.

Religious authories believed Jesus was revolutionary, and thought Jesus wanted their power; but they were wrong.

Jesus had no use for earthly power! No desire whatsoever for any of the things most people crave and mistakenly believe will make them happy.

Jesus knew better! Jesus knew that happiness could never exist where Love was not.

Jesus came to teach Love, not to grab for power; not even spiritual power.

Jesus also did not come to build a "church" or create a "religion, " but to correct the distortions within the Scriptures.

This is Jesus' intent today, as many of the teachings are misunderstood and are distortions of the message of Love.


Jesus sacrificed himself to himself on a cross in order to forgive humanity for a crime they never even committed in the first place.
Great story.
