NASA Sees Definitive Evidence of the Montreal Protocol's Success

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Using measurements from NASA's Aura satellite, scientists studied chlorine within the Antarctic ozone hole over the last several years, watching as the amount slowly decreased. This is the first definitive evidence of the success of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, which was ratified in 1987. The international treaty banned the use of chlorofluorocarbons and related compounds, which break down in the stratosphere and release chlorine molecules. This chlorine depletes the ozone layer and is responsible for creating the hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica. The ozone hole fluctuates each year, reaching an annual maximum at the end of southern winter, usually in September. The hole has been trending smaller for the last few years, but as temperature has an effect on ozone-depletion, this was not definitive evidence of the Montreal Protocol's efficacy. Although scientists have been measuring levels of chlorine near the ground for decades, this study is the first time anyone accurately measured chlorine levels inside the ozone hole, confirming that the Montreal Protocol is doing its job. Complete transcript available.

Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/Kathryn Mersmann

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Maybe in a few years I'll finally be able to go outside during summer here in Australia without burning to a crisp.


now if we could only find a way to replace fossil fuels and other harmful chemicals....oh wait, Hemp could replace around 95% of most materials we use today. just saying. Thumbs up for the success!!!👍👍👍


If you disliked this video, please reply to my comment and tell me why you did so. Im genuinely curious why.


I dont always line up with what debuts on sciencedaily, but they do keep the statistics on point. There was a overview of a study predicting the whole above the artic would be healed by 2050, I feel that is an optimistic measure. Great channel for the world.
Thank you for your dedication and insight.


And yet some countries are still using those chemicals that were banned!


the major Progress in the Nivesl of humans perspectives Nasa is the Option of formations in New thecanologys . in the Actuals perspectives Dear Dr...


Yeah right. It has nothing to do with the increase in cosmic rays creating ozone. The lower solar wind brought down by the low Sun spot activity.


today is on vision in Passing in the tuomorrow is on vision Extrordinarys . Dr..


Well, this was disappointing. I was expecting to see the definitive evidence for progress in a decades long program, but she only spoke uncertainties and made a statement of claim at the end. Not a very informative video. :( Show more.


Anything the governments sponsor or participate in is always deemed a success in their eyes. Keep tooting your own horns! But you still have to reach out to the scientific community for authoritative guidance because that out of the realm of their intelligence.
