Every Man Will Regret Dating These Women (Don’t Make the Same Mistake)

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Every man regrets dating these women—don’t make the same mistake. In this video, I’ll reveal 12 types of women that will drain your energy, waste your time, and leave you emotionally exhausted. These women might seem great at first, but the red flags are always there—you just need to know how to spot them.

From the attention-seeker who craves constant validation to the narcissist who sees you as an accessory, these women can set you back emotionally and financially if you’re not careful. Watch until the end to learn the red flags and mind games these women use—and how to protect yourself from relationship disasters.

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These relationships will leave you drained.
#ManipulativeWomen #ToxicRelationships #FemalePsychology
⏱︎ Timestamps:
00:00 – Every Man Regrets Dating These Women
00:12 – Type 1: The Attention Seeker
00:24 – Type 2: The Commitment-Phobe
00:33 – Type 3: The Victim
00:48 – Type 4: The Insecure Clinger
01:04 – Type 5: The Overly Independent
01:21 – Type 6: The Accountability Dodger
01:34 – Type 7: The Label Chaser
01:52 – Type 8: The Social Media Obsessed
02:10 – Type 9: The Keeping Up with the Joneses
02:29 – Type 10: The Serial Complainer
02:47 – Type 11: The Party Girl
03:03 – Type 12: The Narcissist

These red flags will ruin your relationships.
#DatingMistakes #HighValueMen #DatingAdviceForMen
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These types of women will break you down emotionally.
#SelfImprovementForMen #BreakFreeFromToxicRelationships #RedFlags

#DatingRedFlags #ToxicWomen #RelationshipAdvice
Рекомендации по теме

You just described majority of women today, how to find a woman without these negative traits


That’s 99.9% of females nowadays unfortunately!! 😅


So, basically all modern women just about. I recently tried to date that fiercely independent type. I'll never do that again. They seriously treat you like an afterthought.


Type 3 the Victim and Type 6 the Accountability Dodger represent most women.


Been there, done that!!
I'd rather be single and happy..


Church on a Sunday with our girl! Preach!


I supported my ex financially for two years. She used to ask for (gifts also more like demanded) I foolishly paid for countless dinners, and even holidays. I finally told her that I can't finance her lifestyle anymore. So she walked away from the relationship, and blocked me. I let myself be her personal ATM. Lesson learnt, I will never do that again.


I can tell you first hand that as a man been who has been living like this for quite some time, this legitimately disqualified at least 90% of the women in this country


A perfect marriage or relationship is an illusion; there's no universal playbook for making them work. What's effective for one couple may not apply to another. Nevertheless, I've come to understand that there's always a solution to be found. Half a decade ago, my wife and I faced such trials in our marriage that divorce seemed inevitable. Yet, through perseverance and determination, we navigated through the rough waters and emerged stronger, reunited, and more resilient...


I been on game about this. Everytime im getting to know a woman and she has one of these traits. I’d put them in the friend zone and keep them there. Every now and then I’ll flirt with them or maybe sleep with them. One time one of them asked why don’t i give her a chance because she knew i was entertaining other women but i wasn’t giving her the time of day. I told her i can tell based off us being friends that a relationship between me and her would not work. She was a party girl/single mom, attention seeker, unaccountable, relationship hopper, and control freak. I’ve also witness her entertaining other men while in a relationship. Even entertained me throughout 3 of her relationships. Then she gonna have the audacity to say “don’t knock me until you’ve tried me.” Like lady I’ve already had you and been peeping how you move. You not getting no more than this friendship😭


I’m 73 and can attest to the truth in this video. The thing to keep in mind is that people usually have a number of these traits, not just one.


The narcissist has every last one of those needs


This reinforces my belief of dying alone 😂


This video is so true!
I had a Western girlfriend in Germany who showed some of the traits described in the video. I was inferior in this relationship and perished with it. Finally I fled from my own apartment in order to escape from this shitty life and to find peace.
Now I am in a happy relationship with a woman around my age from Southeast Asia already for 10 years, and we have never been fighting so far.


I couldn’t go to church today. But you preached to me today. One love, one God, one Lord one faith!!! Thanks 🙏🏾 Olivia


The best realtionship I had was with a women who didnt have social media. Well she did but was never on it, all her followers were family. She didnt have time scrolling at pics all day, commenting on what cardi b was doing..lol


1:33 thank you for mentioning this type because no one else has or ever will. I've always known this and that type has always repelled me.


Great. My last relationship was the attention seeking, victim playing, independent, accountability driver, label whore, lives for social media 😂😂😂


So peaceful when you love being by yourself!


Emotionally detach from them but use them for booty calls tho 💯
