how to eat indian bread/roti/naan with one hand. God level tutorial 😎

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I forgot how to eat my dosa. Thanks. This helped me a lot! 😁


Roti might be easier than naan because naan is thicker and chewier. Especially when it's generously covered with garlic and basil butter like the one I'm eating now. Need a master class, lol. J/k.


What about the chapati which i now use for all my indian and asean curries. I was taught many years ago to eat curry with chapatis and have done so since not the naan bread.


Invited her seminar class I'd 10 people to her apt for indian food. I read the only indian there. She put the good up to a vote. Indian vs thai food. Indian food is not rare jot specialists for me. I show up and she had a package of naan from trader Joe's to eat with the indian food she ordered from a restaurant. I break up the naan like it is roti and everyone else was eating their naan with a knife and fork. I scoop up the palak paneer with the bean and everyone else has an aha moment. Much faster. Plus my professor bought rad malai as dessert. I wad practically dancing when I leatned we were getting indian dessert.


bhery bhery hplphool bhideo may god blast you
