3 SHOCKING Early Warning Signs of Colon Cancer You Never Knew!

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You may not have heard of these signs of colon cancer.
But once you observe these warning signs of colon cancer - don't ignore them!

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00:00 intro
04:22 case histories
07:52 early gum disease
11:50 changes in bowel habits
13:45 oral microbiome issues
19:37 to-do list
20:20 oil pulling
21:38 gum picks
23:57 3D cone beam scan
24:45 vitamin d test

Warning Signs Of Colon Cancer You MUST NOT IGNORE

The link between gum disease, the oral microbiome, changes in bowel habits, and colon cancer involves complex interactions within the body. Here’s how each of these factors can serve as early warning signs of colon cancer:

1. Gum Disease and Colon Cancer
Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is a chronic inflammatory condition affecting the tissues surrounding the teeth. Recent research suggests that the bacteria responsible for gum disease can contribute to systemic inflammation and may play a role in the development of various cancers, including colon cancer. Key points include:

Inflammation: Chronic inflammation from gum disease can affect the entire body. Inflammation is a known risk factor for cancer, including colon cancer.
Bacterial Translocation: Pathogenic bacteria from the oral cavity can enter the bloodstream and colonize distant sites, including the colon. These bacteria can disrupt the normal gut microbiota and create a pro-inflammatory environment conducive to cancer development.

2. Oral Microbiome and Colon Cancer
The oral microbiome consists of diverse bacterial communities living in the mouth. Dysbiosis, or imbalance in these microbial populations, has been linked to systemic diseases, including cancer. Key points include:

Microbial Metabolites: Certain bacteria in the oral microbiome can produce carcinogenic metabolites. When
these bacteria or their metabolites reach the colon, they can potentially contribute to cancer development.

Bacterial Translocation: Similar to gum disease, bacteria from the oral microbiome can travel through the bloodstream or be swallowed and reach the gut, where they can disrupt the local microbiota and promote inflammation and cancerous changes.

3. Changes in Bowel Habits and Colon Cancer
Changes in bowel habits are often one of the most noticeable early signs of colon cancer. These changes can include:

Altered Stool Consistency: Persistent diarrhea or constipation can indicate underlying issues in the colon.
Blood in Stool: Visible blood or occult (hidden) blood detected through testing can be a sign of colon tumors.
Frequency of Bowel Movements: A sudden change in the frequency of bowel movements, whether more frequent or less, can be a warning sign.
Abdominal Discomfort: Pain, bloating, or cramps that are persistent and unexplained by other conditions can also be symptoms.


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Рекомендации по теме

I'm so glad this is coming out. My husband died from colon cancer. He had all these issues. Zero vit D level, root canal, dry sockets from extractions, poor bowel movements. He was treated for acid reflux, sleep apnoea, gout and pre diabetes in the years leading up to his diagnosis. I was a dental assistant so tried to get him to see the correlation but it was never promoted by his 'cancer' professionals. Thank you for a clear and concise presentation.


My one and only symptom that I was aware of for my colon cancer was that I had a mucus like discharge left in the toilet bowl after a movement. My GI said he’d never seen or heard of such. But there was a polyp that was the culprit. It tested positive and was blessed to have my cancer removed through surgery. Needed no chemo or radiation treatments. Now 12 years cancer free. PTL ❤


My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer metastasis to liver over a year ago. He went through a year of chemo then had major surgery in May of 2024 they said he was cancer free then they started him back on chemo fore 3-6 months to prevent it from returning. They just had him do a signatera blood test for any sign of cancer cell and he is negetive and I been giving him the Amen drink everyday for two months. God never changes and all praise and Glory to our Lord and Savior he never left us nor forsake us


Blessings. I am sure i have colon cancer again but I went to the hospital a couple of nights ago with a perianal abscess from a possible tear in my colon and the doctor felt it there then sends me off the cat for a scan and I was happy and singing hymns quietly to myself and the cat scan showed only inflammation and the abscess is now gone? I still have pain but my faith in the Lord is growing. God bless


All information leading up to these points should be watched. But to help out a little: Sign #1 @ 7:52, sign #2 @ 11:59, sign #3 @ 13:42


Did Dr. Ozmot interview Joe Tippens? My husband has cancer, and we are following his protocol. Along with cleaning up our diet. We have and will continue to praise Christ and place our lives in His hands. I'm glad that I found your YouTube channel. You already have been a blessing in our lives. Thank you Lord Jesus!😊


Thank you for this video! I am a registered dental hygienist for 38 years and I had so many “yes” “yes” moments during Dr. Ozment’s presentation. I loved the “boards” comment. I would love to branch into a more functional medical approach with the patients because it really is all connected. Thank you so much, Annette


I thought this might help someone.I’m 70 with Colo rectal cancer. Before I was diagnosed, my first symptoms was a change in my oral health I saw the same dentist for years every 6 mo. All of a sudden I developed severe plaque on my teeth I had to see him every 3 mo for cleaning.years before that I had a root canal that has always bothered me, from not being Abel to chew on that side to inflammation swelling an pain but nothing has ever showed up on X-ray or examining the tooth.what started me on this journey, a lady at my cancer center discovered her root canal was related to her breast cancer on that side!I started researching and all the conditions directly linked, heart disease mental issues inflammation cancer.I’m going to get the cone scan, I have to find a. dentist, in my area.This was such a great informative video, Thank -You!!!


My dentist told me many years ago, that our teeth(mouth) can affect every part of our body. Now I understand. Thank you so much for this insightful video. I used to get really bad migraines that would put me down for up to 3 days, with my body basically purging itself. After I had some bad teeth pulled, I rarely get headaches. Praise aGod!


Oil pulling: 2-3 minutes using hexaine-free, organic, food grade castor oil that comes in an amber glass bottle is the same as 20 minutes of using coconut or olive oil. Don't spit in the sink - you don't want a grease plug in your drain eventually.


What would you suggest if you already have a root canal or your dentist suggests one in the future? Thank you for such an informative video!


I would like to share my story as it may help somebody. I already noticed all those signs, unfortunately. For me, it is not actually surprising as with all that I have experienced and the burden my family has passed down from generation to generation, I had a feeling it would affect me too. But there is great news. Jesus came to me, telling me that He will heal me and guide me so that it becomes a lesson for me on how to protect myself.

Yes, I am on a strict carnivore diet, trying to eat once a day and do some prolonged fasting. I am also taking 444 mg of fenbendazole and ivermectin four times a week with a three-day break (you cannot even imagine how many parasites left my body). Additionally, I am taking vitamins like Vitamin E, C, mushrooms, and an herb called Artemisia. I also do a coffee enema once a week to help flush out all the parasites.

I hope this can help somebody. However, I know that the solution is always Jesus—He will guide you if you ask for it as He knows you the best. I wish you all having chance to meet him and getting know him better and better. Lots of love from Marta, Greece. ❤


Great, just finished eating, so was going to floss & brush my teeth. However, now I want to know the proper order I ought to add the oil pulling. Here's what I'll try tonight. 1. Floss 2. Use a pic to clean under gums 3. Oil pull 4. Brush teeth. Is that correct? Thanks so much. I had polyps on my last colonoscopy & it was the bad kind, but the biopsy was negative for cancer, so I'm trying to be more careful. Also, chronically dehydrated, even though I try to drink the amt of water suggested in your study book, Annette. Well, we'll add all this & see how things change. Thank you!


🥰 I was so excited when Debbie said she was in OKC! 🙏Making an appointment today!


STANDING OVATION! Thank you for covering this issue. I have always thought the mouth is a neglected part of the bacteria chain with regard to health. It actually starts with the hands and what you put to your mouth. But can also include things you breathe in. The gums are a soft tissue that absorb. Sadly, people don't understand diet and the connection to cancer. We can't seem to tame the tongue in that regard. Great job ladies. Thank you so much.


What do you do instead of a root canal? Remove the tooth and get implants?




A lot of great info. I've been a dental professional for 30 years. I advocate for the Waterpik Waterflosser over any other product for removing biofilm.


Can one use avocado oil in the mouth instead of olive oil? Or is it just olive oil and then what kind does it need to be organic or does that even matter?


Thank You, I'm working on my new tooth routine. God Bless You ❤🙏😘
