WHAT IS CLEAN EATING | my take + 5 simple guidelines

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Whether you want to learn how to lose weight, gain energy, or simply feel better, clean eating can be a super helpful guide.
When I initially decided to stop dieting, eat better and focus on nourishment, I used clean eating as my guide (that’s where the name Clean & Delicious came from) and I’ve since had a lot of people ask me what exactly does it mean to eat clean.

Of course, ‘eating clean’ means different things to different people but ultimately, it’s a step by step approach to improving the quality of the foods that you’re eating so that you can be in charge of your energy and your health and in this video I am sharing MY definition of eating clean.


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1. cook as often as you can
2. learn to read labels, (general rule of thumb 5 ingredients that you can read pronounce and recognize.)
3. avoid highly processed foods
4. avoid artificial foods and flavors
5. macro nutrients balance


I've noticed when i started slowly removing processed foods out of my diet... that when I happen to taste them again...they taste weird/funny and I end up leaving it out of my diet completely.


Food should be processed inside your body not outside, these words has so much meaning and so much sense, by the way your video is quite informative thanks


The more clean food you eat the more clean food you crave, the more junk food you eat the more junk food you crave!


For 4 1/2 years I’ve been dealing with autoimmune issues. After being passed around from doctor to doctor I was sent to a doctor who in January said to me...first thing is I’m recommending a transition into clean eating. I immediately did as I was told (my body felt like it was dying). Well here we are 3 1/2 months in and In just months I’m living a whole other life! I’ve made it my mission to talk about clean eating (and it’s easy because most people can’t believe the change and immediately ask what I did) because I now truly believe cheap empty food is killing us.


I searched "clean eating" in hopes for a motivational and informational video. I'm so happy this is the first one I clicked! I'm subscribed and ready to begin a journey :)


I think your "clean eating" idea is full of smart common sense. Ive been trying to eat healthy for a few years, and have cut down on meats and dairy to almost none, but the other day i ate at McDonalds, lol and had a big ice cream.

I was with my nephew who just retired from the Army, so i thought to my self, "i am no fanatic", so i ate at McDonalds etc, etc, that night i was bloated and all gas, next morning I felt horrific, no energy. I felt like i had been hit by a truck. The older you get the more you feel the difference between good eating and really bad eating.


I am 100% on board with you on this! I decided to eat healthy about 4 years ago and the very first month that I excluded everything processed everything that was canned and remove all salt and sugar and white flour from my diet I lost 30 pounds. Yes you heard me right 30 pounds! Granite I was a big girl I was weighing 320 pounds with just a simple fact of just eliminating everything that was processed packaged and no lunch meat no cheese nothing that was processed I lost a lot of weight my very first month. I have lost a total of 145 pounds. I have a little more to go but I learn to eat a lot better and it's been 4 years and just changing the way you eat makes a whole lot of difference. I was a big catch up either and also pickles and now I cannot stand pickles or catch up and there's a lot of stuff I can't eat like lunch meat the smell of it turns my stomach some cheese I could tolerate not many. this is a lifestyle change and it is a lot better. I suffer from lymphedema of the legs and I noticed if I go somewhere and someone serves me something that is not a regular on my diet my legs show the results the very next day. but being a pastor's wife and we get invited for supper or lunch I can't deny so it is what it is period once in a while won't hurt I guess. Thanks for all the great information have a great day


Being a hardcore foodie - I live to eat 😀 - most times it pisses me off when people talk about healthy eating. But your channel is AMAZING!!! The advice is excellent - balanced and not extreme (no "give up carbs/fats" or "be veg/vegan/paleo/low carb-hi fat/"), your recipes are simple yet mind blowing and you are a very intelligent, smart, presentable and good looking woman. You have found yourself a subscriber.... And your channel only my second subscription ever. Keep the videos coming.


The main thing I love about your videos (besides being informative and straight to the point) is that thy do not have music playing over your voice. It seems most videos these days seem to think one must have some crap elevator music playing alongside the voice of the presenter. Thanks for not torturing us like that. Sitting her eating the lovely fennel orange olive salad from one of your videos. who needs to cook :) Raw is healthier.


I completely agree with baby steps. For 2 years I've slowly converted from regular takeaways, sugary drinks, dairy and lots of chocolate with little vegetables and fruits to high vegetable/fruit intake, low meat, no dairy, almost no processed foods, no sugary drinks, no smoking, low grains etc and feel way better. It's an ongoing journey and I haven't perfected my weekly diet just yet, but I'm getting there.


I like how you clarify that clean eating is not really a diet that we go on - but rather a lifestyle shift. Also, so true about the artificial sweeteners and flavour additives - I tend to eat a lot more of something if these are in whatever I'm eating. Thanks for sharing.


this makes so much sense the only thing that i still find very hard to accomplish is the cooking more meals at home, specially when depressed and when just getting up is a challenge. I have found your videos so helpful and inspirational that it motivates me to keep trying.

So far i have really notice a difference with cutting out artificial sugar completely and just using real sugar, my cravings for sweets have decrease a ton and now when i have real sugar either in coffee or deserts all i need is a small amount to feel satisfied.

Thanks for sharing your recipes, ideas, and thoughts.


I started eating clean 1 year ago i feel healthy and happy and lost lot of pounds 💪🏻 i love my new life style ❤️ and i love your tips too Thank you!


”That you can read, pronounce and recognize.” BUT I STUDY CHEMISTRY.


making the change from dieting to nourishment is a huge difference - great approach


I always feel physically better, happier, mentally cleaner, gut health, etc when I eat mostly vegetables. I have no clue why I go back to eating processed foods. Thank you for this video. I am on a quest to eat cleaner for myself and my family.


I am so happy to find you, I want to cry! I have been on the clean eating journey myself, and have been actively searching YouTube for folks that I can learn from. I didn't realize that what I've been converting my diet to is "clean eating", but every single thing you described is what I've been embracing. I feel like I have renewed my life in the last 10 months. its been a process, and I'm fully invested in clean eating. I am so happy to have found you tonight so I can learn more and more! Thank you!


I want to thank you for another amazing video, Dani. I especially want to thank you for your always simple, practical, everyday advice that is not "preachy"...not judgmental...doesn't take a "side"...and most importantly reminds us that we don't have to be perfect...just headed in the right direction by first taking baby steps...and then by doing the best that we can. While I may not be a client of yours...those who are sure are lucky to have you in their corner. Thank you, and keep up the Good Fight!


I could not agree with you more. Last year I got a allotment and started growing my own fruit and veg. That was the start to my healthier ways. After awhile everything just fell in to place and the processed foods got less and less.
Now I feel so much better after cutting out most of my processed foods.
My arthritis is getting better, my skin is clearer and my hair is shiny. My hair has never ever in my life been shiny :)
Thank you for all your tips and tricks :)
