Why are Anxiety Symptoms Scary?
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Bodily symptoms go hand in hand with panic or anxiety disorders and they can be scary as hell.
But what makes these bodily sensations so scary and why do we react with fear to them?
All the symptoms you feel are of course real. It’s the way we process and react to these symptoms that can turn them into something of concern. You probably know by now that our high stress levels lets our body and mind get into fight or flight mode. This reaction is the reason for all the symptoms you experience. No matter if it’s a rapid heart beat, numbness, tingling or high blood pressure. They all are in place to prepare you either fight or flee from a dangerous situation. today we rarely if ever face a physical threat. Everything you now feel going on in your body is completely out of context and not in line with the stress you are experiencing in that moment. So this disconnection between the situation and your bodies reaction lets you conclude that there must be something wrong with you….. and you end up in a full blown panic attack.
Your subconscious will learn this reaction and react immediately with its emergency reaction when it feels anything slightly resembling that symptom.
And it gets even trickier. Some of you might get anxiety symptoms out of nowhere. Here you must keep in mind that high levels of stress for prolonged periods of time can cause tremendous muscle tension that doesn’t just disappear after a few days. This tension can create plenty of symptoms. Just because you feel worry free at the moment doesn’t mean that you subconscious has unlearned its reaction. So every little ache, twitch, tingle can set you right back into panic mode.
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But what makes these bodily sensations so scary and why do we react with fear to them?
All the symptoms you feel are of course real. It’s the way we process and react to these symptoms that can turn them into something of concern. You probably know by now that our high stress levels lets our body and mind get into fight or flight mode. This reaction is the reason for all the symptoms you experience. No matter if it’s a rapid heart beat, numbness, tingling or high blood pressure. They all are in place to prepare you either fight or flee from a dangerous situation. today we rarely if ever face a physical threat. Everything you now feel going on in your body is completely out of context and not in line with the stress you are experiencing in that moment. So this disconnection between the situation and your bodies reaction lets you conclude that there must be something wrong with you….. and you end up in a full blown panic attack.
Your subconscious will learn this reaction and react immediately with its emergency reaction when it feels anything slightly resembling that symptom.
And it gets even trickier. Some of you might get anxiety symptoms out of nowhere. Here you must keep in mind that high levels of stress for prolonged periods of time can cause tremendous muscle tension that doesn’t just disappear after a few days. This tension can create plenty of symptoms. Just because you feel worry free at the moment doesn’t mean that you subconscious has unlearned its reaction. So every little ache, twitch, tingle can set you right back into panic mode.
Interested to chat in a more private setting? I have set up a Patreon page with what I believe to be great benefits. Just check it out and maybe it is something you might be interested in.