Study tips straight A students never told you! 😡

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How I wish I knew these study tips earlier! Try them out today and get your A! 🤗
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Tips A students never told you
1 study


As a topper, my only three secrets are;
1-i pay attention in class
2-i try to love the classes
3- i study 🤷🏼‍♀️


as a straight A student that never pays attention in classes, here's some tips:
so you should never leave out anything from the small boxes, as it can come for 1 mark or so. don't just read, try to understand and underline or mark the important ones. after you're done reading, try quizzing yourself. it helps alot. if you don't feel like studying at night, just don't and sleep early. wake up early instead and study. always revise. revising is very important. if you studied at night, in the morning before going to school you can revise. also before the exam or the test try meditating or praying.


Actually as a topper, when I study I don't feel like I got any tips or any
special method but when I start I myself invent some methods which works best for me without me knowing....


Tips a student never told you
1 - self confidence
2 - believe in your self
3 - hard work
4 - study your self ❤❤


as a straight A student who plays genshin and makes youtube videos, i just do my homework and practice. you can also put in questions and answers into a blooket and practice :) it REALLY sticks in my head. *remember, you will never regret studying but you WILL regret not studying


As a student with high honors who also struggles with time management, here are some personal tips I can share that I learned from my senior high school experience:

1.) When studying, don't just read. As much as possible, highlight, encircle, underline, and make notes on your books/modules--"interact" with the text in some way that will help you retain information better.

2.) The best way to prepare for an exam is to do self testing. Try answering old quizzes/seatworks again on your own, or find exams on the internet. Better yet, make your own mock exam if you have the time!

3.) When dealing with memorization, repetition helps. Say the words you need to memorize out loud and repeat until you are confident that you've memorized everything. However, it's much better to UNDERSTAND what you're memorizing, which leads me to my next point.

4.) Study as if you are teaching. This is a personal strategy of mine. I would stand up and pace around my room with my modules and read out loud and use my hands for gestures. I would pretend I am explaining the concepts to myself--like class reporting but I'm all alone. This might look really silly at first, but this has helped me study an entire lesson in a single night (I had no choice because I procrastinated too much). This made me understand the lesson instead of just plainly memorizing every word. I actually got to learn.

5.) If you're too tired to study in the evening, just sleep early and wake up extra early the next day. Your mind would be clearer. There's no point in forcing yourself to study in the evening if you're too tired to remember or understand anything. I'm personally a night owl, but sometimes I just get so exhausted after school 🥸

6.) Pray. Meditate. Or any other thing you do when you want to clear your mind. This works wonders.

That's all I can think of for now. Remember that though this worked for me, it's not a 100% guarantee it will work for you. Nevertheless, I hope this helps!


I have my own method to study.
I read books, transfer the main ideas in a notebook, highlight the important words and remember it. Then I formulate my own questions from the topic and try to answer it myself so that I'm prepared in exams.


As an straight A-A+ student I can tell you that all I do is belive in my dreams and when I don't have motivation I remember why I am doing this:
To be rich, to have a healthy family and to make myself proud!
Do not listen to others, you are perfect as you are, you don't need to overwork yourself!
Even if you have B's you are still a great student!
You are enough!❤
Edit:I wish you luck in life!❤🎉😊


i get straight A's all the time (except for physical education loll) but i hardly study but rather just watching videos about general knowledge since elementary.


Bro that arrow straight goes to dislike option 🌚


I've been a straight A's student ever since I can remember. But the thing is I never actually use any routine, never have schedule or any particular methods. I procrastinate a lot and most of the times even my notebooks remain incomplete. I've always been the type to just study whenever I want and in whatever way I feel like and still somehow managed to get all A's 😂


Study tips.
1.Keep confident not over confident.
2.Do hardwork.
3.Use time properly.
4.Don't distract while studying and keep Focus on your study.


I have straight A’s and I have never done any of these so the only thing I have to say is practice in ways that actually benefit YOU. Nobody is the same! ❤


I’m a straight A student and I don’t do my homework or study so really it just depends on how good you listen and how good the teachers teach you in lessons.


I get straight As and Bs by just reading over my notes while making quizlet flashcards the night before then reviewing them on the bus to school 🙃 It's great because it saves your mental health cuz you're not spending hours studying but you can still do well


i struggle memorizing and learning things despite being a A student. i like to make summaries of short sections or paragraphs for english or anything of the source.


top student never tell you
> they feel disappointed and depressed if they don't achive the mark they wanted (which most of you make it as memes)
> over strain themselves by themselves
> has anxiety that they may disappoint someone
> they feel tired but still work because they have to do it


Thank u so much bc im going in year 7 soon and im rlly nervous so thx so much for the tips i really appreciate it


As a straight a student i don't use these tips at all
