HOW TO BE A STRAIGHT A STUDENT // study habits, grade hacks, + more

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today we shall discuss the overarching mission of this channel, which is learning, specifically, learning and studying and working hard enough to get straight As. or a 4.0, or a 5 on an AP test, whatever grade metric is most important to you. these are the studying habits, testing tips, time management methods, and other basic school advice you’ll need to know! hopefully this helps. don’t sue me if you don’t get all As, okay?

⋅ instagram - @studyquill

a guide to planning & notetaking techniques for students!

⋅ shirt from harley davidson, i got it on thredup!

⋅ adobe premiere pro

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The vid starts at 2:17
4:27 Studying
*The 3 most fundamental essential study methods: - Flash cards (active recall method, used in spaced repetition system)
-Practice tests
-Clarify your misunderstanding
9:25 Time management
-Set interim deadlines
*Every mins count
-Use a planner
12:55 Grade hacks
-Make friends with your teacher and TA
-Use old class materials
-Read and write faster
This summery may be missing some info, so i recommend u watching the whole vid for more detailed info. (English is not my mother tounge, so correct me if i have any mistakes) Hope this helps!


I feel like this will get recommended to so many people during the school year. Probably me as well


this is it, this is the sign for me to become that straight A student again


i hope i'm not the only one who read it like "how to be a straight student" 😭


I skipped being a straight A student after I finished primary school, but I somehow am back at being one in university. Coulda put the effort in secondary, but was too busy wallowing in teen angst 🙃 Glad that I'm back at my game again now. Straight A til grad, let's go!


I saw "how to be a straight student" and I was like 😳 what


I started getting c's and d's after some major trauma in my life, so im gonna try doing these to get myself back


i graduated with a 4.2 GPA here’s what i have to say and my biggest tips
1. get enough sleep, don’t sleep in class
2. do your work right when you get it
3. don’t make it hard, take it step by step
4. make your time useful and productive
5. try a variety of classes, me personally every year i took a class where we basically did nothing lol, that was my study period


I thought the title was “how to be a straight student” and I think to myself *whatever this is it’s not going to work on me*


Getting an average score in high school was like a marathon race with top athletes, it wasn't easy but thanks to this great team i was able to pull it out at the top and maintain a perfect score ever since then, it was


YES. This is my last year of university and my goal is for the first time in my life to actually study! Sooo getting ready to marathon ur videos hoho


I looked up what "A" was equivalent to in France's system. Well, I'm quite proud to say that my worst grade this year was equivalent to a B. If I stop procrastinating and work (for real) I might actually be an "A straight student" thanks to your tips
I'm happy ^^


straight A’s have usually come pretty easy to me, but this year I’m taking 4 honors/ap classes and I’m already struggling. thank you for the helpful tips!! :)


Study SMART! No matter if it seems impossible, no matter if it takes time, no matter if you have to up all night. Just remember that the feeling of success is the best thing in entire world ^o^


i have seen the same "I CANT BE A STRAIGHT STUDENT" comment like 10 times lol


also remember that school isn't everything in life !! the school system isn't suitable for everyone and having a hard time at school doesn't mean you're less smart than other people !
this video is great to find what comes most easily to you so you can achieve your academic goals whatever they are !!


14:00 i often literally treat teachers as friends; handshakes, inside jokes, etc., and they love it. i missed a lot of classes this year (not by my own fault) and got a d on my bio exam. the teacher understood that i was only present on 2 or 3 bio classes and made my final mark a B. i cant even express how happy i was


i went from being a straight-a student from kindergarten to 7th grade, then i began going through a lot mentally and 8th to first semester of 11th i had a 2.0 gpa or lower. then in second semester, i got prescribed medication that actually worked + got a diagnosis for ADHD & got meds for that, and i’m back to being a straight-a student! i’m in my first year of college now and i’m so excited but intimidated


8:47 brooo i feel this. once i memorized osmosis and phagocytosis the other way around (osmosis is for liquids, phagocytosis for solids, but i confused them in my summary, and therefore memorized them wrong). like 15% of my test was based on those terms, and that ruined my otherwise excellent grade (it could have been 90 something out of 100). Lol, please make sure you are studying the right thing.


I used to be a straight A student but something changed since I got older and I really need to go back on track. This year is probably one of the most important for me as it's my last year of Highschool and my grades will determine the Uni I'll be getting into. So I'll follow your tips and keep motivating myself to do better.
