3 easy study tips 📚✨✍️

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Get the grades you always wanted with these study tips! Which one was your favorite?
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I personally don't agree with the "start with your weakest subject" because for me it never seems to work out. Since I am not good in that subject, I keep getting stuck, finding things hard to understand so I am not able to study and give up. And then I find it hard to study because I am scared. Instead, I prefer starting with my strongest subject because I am able to finish it faster and understand things. This also motivates me and I feel much more confident about studying ~


I love how everyone just comforting each others in the comments even though we're strangers


as someone who improved their exam scores from 34 to 72

all i did was

1. study 2 WEEKS before an exam and not cam everything last minute
(if you're curious i use a 25/5 pomodoro study technique everyday, 2hrs before sleeping and 1 hour after waking up)

2. do as much practice questions as possible, depending on the teacher, sometimes you can find the EXACT SAME QUESTIONS in an exam

3. act like a teacher and teach someone about the subject you're learning about, if words are able to come out of your mouth naturally, then you've understood the subject, if not, then go back and study more.

4. for things/subjects that requires memorizing, use flashcards and practice them every now and then. you can use the cards to review before an exam aswell.

ofc everyone has their own way of studying and these tips may not apply to everyone, but for me, these helped me improve a lot and i hope everyone else gets to improve aswell


I already give up i tried my best like every ways to study but i just can't make my mom happy 💔


woha these points are actually really good... and writing notes in ur own words is so true... i got A+ grade cuz of my own written notes


My practice exam technique is to basically revise a subject and then create a practice exam, but actually do the practice exam one or two days later without any revision so you can find out what weaknesses you have in the chapter your actual exam is and study it more


NEVER start with you weakest subject as you will end up doing only that and wasting your entire time . I would suggest you to finish you are best at as it wont take much time and also motivate you to study and you will be able to cover you syllabus faster .I used to do the same mistake and i am still suffering due to that.


starting with weakest is bad it is because you get demotivated


1 tip that I like to give if your maths is weak then make a list of hard chapters and 1 list for easy chapter in mathematics suppose their are total 14 chapters in which 5 chapters are hard for you to do and 9 chapters are easy .Now fix your time for hard chapter 2 hour and easy chapter 1 hour everyday this will help you even in completing your syllabus do this for days according to your syllabus and then you'll yourself see improvment trust me this actually works if you do with consitency.


The first is one of my favourite thing to do it makes me understand and memorize the topic easily.


Tryna make my dad happy but I always get low grades 💔


Starting with the weakest subject doesn't always work when you want to finish your homework quicker. If you want to have haste I recommend the longest on first so dont have to use most of your for the weak ones.


By my personal experience I want to say that, starting with your weakest subject doesn't help most of the time. As it is your weakest subject your brain will get demotivated. Instead start with your favourite subject. If a subject is your favourite than you should be good in that subject. If you start with it your brain will get confident that you can do it. Then go with the flow and after this subject start studying your weakest subject. It most of the time helps most.


The second one might help for me
Edit: it kinda work yet didnt work


Background Music name ? ❤ that's so peaceful 🩷


you know i get home with bad grades and the only thing my parents do is compare me and call me a failure.i always cry in my room depressed and go to school fine.i tried almost everything but they would be something wrong.maybe its because im dumb, like my dad said...


My teachers want us to write the exact words on the presentation or in the blackboard and forces us to memorize all of it because there will be a definition thing in the exam


Here are some easy study tips :

1. *Make a study plan* 📅: Set specific goals and deadlines for each study session.

2. *Break it down* 🗑️: Break down large topics into smaller, manageable chunks.

3. *Use flashcards* 📚: Create flashcards to help you memorize key terms and concepts.

4. *Practice active recall* 🤔: Test yourself regularly on the material you're studying.

5. *Use visual aids* 📸: Use diagrams, charts, and images to help you understand and remember information.

6. *Take breaks* 😴: Take regular breaks to avoid burnout and retain information better.

7. *Stay organized* 📁: Keep all your study materials, including notes and schedule, organized.

8. *Get enough sleep* 😴: Get plenty of sleep before a big test or exam.

9. *Stay focused* 🔍: Minimize distractions and stay focused on your study goals.

10. *Review regularly* 📊: Regular review of material, even after initial understanding, helps solidify it in long-term memory.

Remember, studying effectively is not about the amount of time you spend, but about how you use that time! 💡


I need help with the fact that i want to do better in school but every single time i say "im going to do better this time" i just do worst.


I study the subject i am weak in at the last because it takes time and we spoil our mood by trying to do it and don't study further. We should study the subjects we feel we do better in and try to make them whole sum.
