Dr. Paul Mason: STOP eating Fiber!

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[1] doi:10.3748/wjg.v18.i33.4593
[3] doi:10.3748/wjg.v18.i48.7378
[4] doi:10.1093/ajcn/nqac184

#fiberfoods #carnivore #carnivorediet


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AMENDMENT: Someone pointed out that my assertion that pooping more frequently does not necessarily mean improved health. Upon reflection, and with some excellent examples offered to me, I agree - it is incorrect to attribute stool frequency as a necessarily 'good' outcome, so long as a person reaches the minimum frequency for maintaining health. Thank you to Albert Manson for the correction!

Nuance, a lost science in YouTube science...


I’ve worked as a healthcare worker for 30 years. When we upped fibre in our patients following a doctors script, the fibre constipated them regardless of how much fluid we pushed. Some also became impacted. Reduce and or remove and they were able to evacuate their bowels. Supplementing with fibre is a waste of money, we’re not designed to consume bark of plants. It’s best to consume your fibre via the greens you eat.


I can confirm that in my case study of one, a low fibre diet has resolved all of my gut issues. Dr Mason put me on to this way of eating and I am prfoundly grateful to him.


Tried 6 months of strict carnivore so no fibre at all. I dreaded every time I had to go to the loo because my stool was so hard to pass it caused me to have some very painful fissures and bleeding. I was eating a LOOOOT of butter and various other fats which made no difference at all for me. Since reintroducing fibre even in higher quantities (30g + per day) constipation is completely gone and my digestion is better than it has ever been. One and done daily, no straining, no bleeding, no pain. Do what works for you, not what others tell you.


I don't eat fiber, and have no trouble going to the toilet daily. After almost 40 years meat based I have never had chronic digestive issues.


People that have in inadequate amount or array of bacteria in their gut struggle to properly utilise fibre and have all of the issues.


I completely agree with Dr Mason having completely eliminated fibre from my diet and feeling better, no bloating and still regular.


The 2021 Stanford study indicated that consuming fermented foods were far better for gut health than varied types of fiber.


While we don’t have the details on how much fibre those on a fibre diet were consuming, we can agree that zero fibre solved multiple issues for all participants.


Do all the science experiments you want. I was constipated for 10 years or more, didn't see good results until I eliminated the fiber. I'm far more happy without the fiber now


Cutting out fiber fixed my gut issues in less than a week. I’m convinced that my doctors advise was causing them.


I don't need a study to tell me after a life long struggle with constipation, that the more fiber I ate, the more constipated I got. It took me a lifetime to figure it out. I will believe the opposite of everything the powers that be tell me. Thank you Dr Paul Mason!!


Didn’t have a single gram of fiber since starting Carnivore more than two years ago, and my digestive tract has never been happier.


I’m ketovore, nearly carnivore, for nearly a year after being keto for about 5 years. Since going very low carbs, hence very low fiber, I stopped taking meds for gerd, which I had been on for over 10 years. Even with the meds I would get some acid reflux. Now, no meds and no acid reflux! I don’t know if the fiber had anything to do with it, but before I went on meds (nexium) my reflux felt like a heart attack in the middle of the night. It would wake me up and keep me up all night. Now - zero refux, zero pain, and at 73 I feel great.


It doesn’t matter how much fiber the subjects were initially consuming. Once they removed ‘all’ fiber from their diet, all their symptoms were resolved.


As plant based, whole foods advocate for years, I believed the need for fiber.
Eating fiber and veggies all the time, I suffered from painful gas, bloating. gallbladder sludge and stones, GERD, IBS, constipation and hemorrhoids.
It was not until this last year that through an elimination diet to try to discover why my gut was so messed up.
I discovered that fiber really is a lie.
I now have reversed all of the above symptoms by eliminating fiber.
I eat the correct amount of protein and fat and have perfect, daily bowel movements. Yes, if you want to heal and can ignore all the plant-fiber dogma, then give it a try. Apparently, my microbiome is healthy and thriving without the log jams caused by fiber.


Totally agree with Dr Mason! Was predominantly vegetarian for 27 years. Was not really a smart move! And stupidly kept following it for so long. Weight fluctuations over all those years and bloating after most fiber rich carb loaded meals. Just thought it was normal. Found a picture of myself from the ‘90’s and thought what did I eat then? Predominantly meat!

Switched to Carnivore in late Feb and have easily lost 13kgs, not had a single day of bloating and toilet time is perfectly fine.


Dr Paul Mason is absolutely right. His comments about fibre has been taken out of context - u need to be eating low carb/carnivore diet and u wont be needing the fibre. Fibre is absolutely needed when u are eating the 'well balanced' meal plan which has resulted in so much problems.

Paul Mason is excellent


This was not addressed in the video but my life-long) constipation issues were completely resolved after I followed my new doctor's recommendation to increase my water intake. From age 10 through 60 I had severe constipation and no drugs or (food) diet changes had any impact. Over my lifetime my various diets were sometimes mostly meat and other times high in fruit/fiber but no relief. My long time PCP retired and I saw someone new. He suggested trying to significantly increase my water intake. I increased intake from my lifetime average of about 60-80oz/day to an average of about 150-170oz/day. I made no changes to my food item intake but within a few days my bowel movements went from lifelong of about once every 5 days to about 3 times/day. I have maintained that level of water intake for the past 7 years (except for one short experimental period - see next sentence) with the noted improvement still. As an experiment about two years ago I reduced my water intake back to the approx. 60-80oz level and within a few days my bowel movements began decreasing back to once every few days. That experiment was sufficient demonstration of the positive impact so I resumed 150-170oz consumption and back to my improved bowel situation. One caveat and warning is that all my life I have practiced high intensity aerobic exercises (5 days/week) so my water needs are much greater than the average person. Practice great care when increasing daily water intake to avoid negative impacts of overconsumption.


On the contrary to a lot of the comments on this video, my experience is the opposite. I never used to eat fibre at all. I had IBS, was in hospital with diverticulitis once, had frequent stomach cramps and pain, bloating and bad constipation. I started adding various fibre supplements to my diet, started eating nuts, seed, berries, vegetables and fruits. Now I never get IBS, diverticulitis, pain, bloating or cramps. I poo much more easily and never have constipation.
