Peptic Ulcer Disease Nursing, Pathophysiology, Treatment | Gastric Ulcer vs Duodenal Ulcer Part 1

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Peptic ulcer disease nursing lecture review on pathophysiology, treatment, symptoms, causes (h. pylori) and complications. Peptic ulcer disease is the formation of ulcers in the lining of the upper GI tract that affects mainly the mucosal lining of the stomach, duodenum, or esophagus. There are various types of peptic ulcers such as gastric ulcers which are located in the stomach and duodenal ulcers which are located in the duodenum.

Gastric ulcer vs duodenal ulcer include the following characteristics: Patients who have gastric ulcers tend to experience pain with food intake (approximately 1-2 hours after a meal). While with duodenal ulcers, food tends to relieve pain. Therefore, the patient may have pain 3-4 hours after eating when the stomach is empty.

In addition, duodenal ulcers can cause epigastric pain in the middle of the night while gastric ulcers do not. Patients with gastric ulcers describe the pain as dull or aching, while patients with duodenal ulcers describe the pain as gnawing.

What causes peptic ulcer disease? The most common causes of PUD are an h. pylori infection or regular NSAID usage. Helicobacter pylori are spiral-shaped bacteria that invade the GI mucosa. They can live in the acidic conditions of the stomach because it secretes urease which breakdowns down urea and this produces ammonia which neutralizes the stomach's acid. H. pylori most likely spreads from consuming something contaminated with the bacteria as in fecal to oral or oral to oral transmission.

Another cause is NSAIDs usage which breakdowns the defense system of the stomach's lining. NSAIDs work to decrease the production of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins allow us to feel pain, fever, or other types of inflammation. In addition, the stomach uses prostaglandins to keep the stomach protected by promoting the stomach cells to release mucous rich in bicarb, regulating acid amounts via parietal cells, and perfusion to stomach. When the defense system is altered it allows gastric acid to penetrate the lining and cause ulcer formation.

Signs and symptoms of PUD include indigestion and epigastric pain that can be felt from the breastbone to the belly button. It is typically described as a gnawing, aching, or dull pain.

Complications of peptic ulcer disease include: gastrointestinal bleeding, perforation which can lead to peritonitis, and obstruction of the pylorus which is a muscular section that connects the stomach and duodenum together and allows food to flow between these parts of the GI tract.

Treatment of peptic ulcer disease includes: medications such as proton-pump inhibitors, histamine receptor blockers, antacids, muscosal healing drugs, antibiotics, bismuth salisalycylates, surgery such as gastric resection, vagotomy, or pyloroplasty.

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Hey everyone! Thank you so much for watching the video. I really appreciate it :) Don't forget:


Watched all your GI videos over the past 2 weeks, which were all SO amazing! Just took my exam and got a 86%! Which is 20% higher than my last exam. Thank you so much! 😊😊


I sometimes wonder why people on YouTube teach better than real classroom teachers? Better explain on YouTube. I have come to realize that classroom teachers only read from slides. Hmmm thanks Sarah I appreciate you teaching ❤.


Thank you for all you do?
I recently found and supplemented my nursing lectures in school with your videos, and I just t gave thanks to God first and thank you for all you do.


I've watched your videos throughout nursing school to get my associate's RN and have always appreciated them. I'm here again, this time getting my bachelor's, and your videos STILL are the most effective to my learning. Thank you so much Sarah, for all you do!!!


Hi RegisteredNurseRN!
I'm Gabriella and I've been watching your videos ever since I started nursing school!
I must say you are truly awesome. You manage to keep your videos short, simple and straightforward!
I congratulate you for your dedication on making these videos for nursing students such as myself!
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Registered nurse thank you for all your videos thanks to you and your well explained material I am doing good on my nursing classes thank you, I was failing but as soon as I srarted watching your videos I boost up my grade thanks again!


I was half way thru med/surgery on my breaking point... my advisor suggested I used this as one of my teach back... one of my instructor has the more difficult material I just couldn't think of nothing else to do, I add this and have pass my last 2 test... thanks for breaking it down and mentioning key points. This help me connect it better


Hi Sarah,

Thank you for providing these nursing video lectures. As a mature nursing students, your videos help me to not feel overwhelm by the amount information during the lecture but it helps me to study for the nursing exams by focusing on the key points. Thanks again from Canada...


Thank you so much for this! I am trying to revise for my medical school exams and this is one of the best videos on peptic ulcers - clear and concise!


Hey, Sarah. I want to thank you so much for your great videos. I am in nursing school and your videos have truly helped me learn and understand the material. Thanks for making this nursing journey easier. God


I wish I found your videos during nursing school. Now I watch your videos to review for my med-surg certification exam. Thank you!


Thank you for this video, it came right on time. I am suffering with hpylori symptoms even after treatment. It has certainly made me more aware of what our patients go through because it is an awful infection to deal with. Looking forward to part 2.


Your videos and notes are a savior! You broke down endocrine disorders so well now we're up to GI disorders. Your channel is a must for all nursing students. Thanks!


You are a very good tutor, making things simple and to the point


Thank you Sarah! I am in a Master’s program and this makes everything so much easier


Hi Sarah, thank you so much for making all the videos for us to understand it all easily. For a few months now, I have been following you. I never escape a day without watching your video series. Most of the time during my meal and resting time. I plan to take the NCLEX this November. So your videos help me tremendeously. You are my angel. Love from Philippines.


Hi Sarah, it is more than a lecture rather it is more less of an awareness education to me
Thank for the mentorship


you are a blessing for Nursing students


Thank you so much for this. You break it into such a simple way and I understand all things. God bless you 🤗
