Understanding Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers

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This video contains a detailed and simplified explanation about peptic ulcers. We discuss the pathophysiology, causes, presentation, investigations, complications and management of stomach and duodenal ulcers.

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Just to let y'all know im watching this right now while having a very bad ulcer stomach pain so i wish you all to have a healty life and living god bless you all ❤️


I was diagnosed with h phylori but I thank my Almighty God everything is okay right the Lord who heals have mercy on everyone undergoing stomach pains


It takes a real expert to explain something so simply


Brilliant. Best video I've seen thus far. So many doctors are quick to discount stomach pain and will not organise an endoscopic investigation. For such a simple 10 minute procedure, it will eliminate months to years worth of guess work and patient pain. Its safe to do on even cardiac patients who other doctors may view as high risk candidates for such a procedure. They stay conscious, albeit in "twilight" and they will follow directions and not remember the procedure afterwards. I cannot stress enough, DO AN ENDOSCOPY. Cardiac patients on anticoagulation will need to have a lowered INR for the procedure in order to have a biopsy taken, but just to go in and look first, without anticoagulation one night, have them fast and be ready for the endoscopy the next morning. Investigative examinations are available to us for a reason! Don't misdiagnose and risk the patient to be in further pain or develop ulcers bleeding or worse.


I’ve been suffering from Duodenal Ulcers for 4 months now and it’s really one of the hardest battles in my life. I had a bad habit of delaying meals and too much stomach acid leaked into my intestine causing inflammation and ulcer. The first 2 months were my hardest cause I always felt pains and nausea, but amazingly I never vomited once and even gained weight. However I feel rumblings and movements in my intestine everyday which is very distracting when eating or sleeping. I just pray I can heal soon because it’s very hard to function normally, I get so much anxiety that it might be something else sometimes. I hate having this


😭 I am praying for everyone who has ulcer


Im not a med student but your video was really easy to follow! I suffer from ulcers quite often, this has been insightful


Get well soon to anyone who is in pain right now and I hope you have a loved one taking care of you..


Fantastic video. Straight to the point, and easy to follow. Thanks so much for this.


So am studying this in med school and I remembered rose :( This will definitely help me learn this better and try to rememeber her when I study this


Too much stress, coffee and alcohol check all of those. Bleeding when throwing up check. Awesome thanks. Now Im definitely sure I have ulcer 😊


In 1997 I spent 3 days in hospital diagnosed with duodenal ulcer. Could not eat anything for days but a piece of bread. I just got out of hospital again just today after 4 days again with same . It is a damage to the same area that was weakened from before. It semi heals but it is a place that is prone to damaged again from being previously damaged. This time I was in extreme pain. I went through and endoscopy this time and have photos of it. There are much better medications now and am determined to end this misery.


Yes, thank you. It was very helpful. I have been diagnosed with 2 ulcers and I go see my doctor tomorrow for a follow up visit to find out more.


Dear Sir...
I am highly thankful to you for this very precious guidance.


Not in med school, just a nurse. But found the video to be informative and helpful.


Hope u guys see this 6 steps that worked for me
1 oatmeal with flaxseed, cloves and cinnamon (morning)
2 banana or crackers ( snacks)
3 drink aloe vera 4 oz a day
4 sandwich spinach a few leafs, avocado,chicken or any meat
5 again pretzel or crackers (snack)
6 salmon and boil potatoes or (cabbage)
(Boils ribs with cilantro) some how for me the ribs did a great job !


I suffered a perforated stomach ulcer 1 week after my daughter was born, it was 1000 times more painful than contractions having a baby. It feels like acid burning your entire torso because thats literally what is happening, the stomach acids are leaking over other organs. I lost approx 30% of stomach having it repaired, a very small stomach to start with but the CT scan showed a hole the size of a golf ball. Recovery was awful, I still suffer complications regularly, especially with heartburn & indigestion, so would say I never fully recovered at this point, over 4 years later and have to take stomach tablets everyday for the rest of my life. Caused by 8 months of constant and severe vomiting due to pregnancy hyperemis, followed by an anti inflammatory prescribed without stomach protection medication. My daughter was 1 week old when I had to have emergency surgery, resulting 7 staples in my abdomen and 4 days in a surgical ward whilst my newborn was at home. Anyone suffering types of hyperemis, or taking codine etc, should mention stomach protection to the doctor.


I’ve had acid reflux for years now, maybe 3-5 years, gradually I’ve been noticing symptoms getting worse . I’ve been spitting up blood lately, just this afternoon . It’s worrying me because I don’t want to have gi bleeding or something that can put my life in danger . I pray that I may find a solution to this soon 🙏🏼


Thanks for this, my doctors chalked it up to my drinking, after seeing this I scheduled another appointment, demanded them do the endoscopy, found out the exit of my stomach has severe scarring and that even after the fasting, my stomach still had plenty of fluid and food matter inside. Scheduled for a surgery in less than a week.


I came here after Ed told Rose that her breath stinks😭😥
