How to Focus with ADHD [Natural Treatment & My ADD Cured? | Adult Attention Deficit Disorder]

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How's it going? This is Luis Angel, your memory coach with AE Mind!

As I was going through my journey of discovering how to fix my memory problems, I discovered that I needed to first cure my inability to focus on the tasks at hand. My mind would always wander off and this led me to being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder ( Adult ADD/ADHD ). The doctors and psychologist gave me amphetamine-based drugs such as Adderall and also methylphenidate based drugs such as Ritalin. These have a similar chemical composition as methamphetamine which is speed. I didn't like taking that, so I sought out a natural fix for my focus, attention, and concentration problems.

Here are the three things that I started to Focus on:

1. Diet - Health. I started to put more water based and natural foods into my body. Fruits and Vegetables became a staple to my wellbeing. I started to eat more berries which are rich in antioxidants, flax seed oil which has omega 3 fatty acids and support optimal brain function, and bananas which have potassium and supports better neuron brain cell communication.

2. Meditation. I started to practice clear mind and present mind meditation. This helped me to stay focused for longer periods of time outside of my meditation sessions.

3. Memory training. Incorporating a regular routine to practice memory boosting and brain enhancing activities such as memorizing cards and long numbers helped me to improve my ability to focus and concentrate.

Let me know what are some of the strategies that you impose to help you naturally stay focused and how to cope with add or if you have any home remedies for add

I'll see you on the Next Video!

Stay Up!
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Achieve and Accelerated and Empowered Mind

-Luis Angel Echeverria
Your AE Mind Memory Coach
Memory Master Champion

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About Luis Angel

– 1st Ever SUPERHUMAN on FOX Champion
– Member of Team USA at the World Memory Championship
– 2nd Overall: Australian Memory Championship 2015
(2 Gold, 2 Silver, 3 Bronze Positions in 10 Events)
– Memorized Deck of Cards: 2 Minutes; 120 Digit Number: 5 Minutes
– Coach of AE Mind Memory Team: Gold in Numbers USA Memory Championship

//Other Memory Training and Memory Competition notes//

brain gym, improve memory, brain power recall, speed reading, learn, learning, accelerate, faster fast smart, neurons, working memory, visualize, visual, right brain, techniques, Memory Games, brain games, students, college, high school, university, teachers, teaching, science, expert, genius, how to memorize fast and easily, study tips, study skills, brain exercises, remember things, how to pay attention in class, how to focus in school, Concentrate, add, adhd, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

#add #adhd #improvefocus #learningdisability #studentproblems
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I have to always read every comment while watching any video to focus


Good tips Luis. For those that have ADHD and can't sit through 7:35 mins here's the cliff notes from the video. (Still worth a watch of course for better details).
1. Eat better. More fruits and veggies
2. Drink more water and eat water based foods
3. Meditate or hot yoga
4. Practise his memory exersizes


I hate it when people think I don't focus or procrastinate or take longer on quizzes on purpose..
Not my fault


So i was supposed to take this time to write my paper and i end up watching this video (I have ADD)


"Self Talk" helps memory. If you speak it out loud, it helps you remember. For example, you're in the grocery store and remember that you need to go to the post office before going home, you should say audibly, to yourself, "Go to the post office before going home."


I started crying because this is how I feel I just didn’t know how to tell my mom what I was feeling because I couldn’t describe it I was constantly put down because she kept saying you are supposed to do better but I can’t help it I’m only 12 and she expects so much and it’s hard for me🤧😭


I’ve had focus issues my entire life. I’ve never been able to complete anything but one thing that has helped me out tremendously is working out which also helped me eat better. Fitness is my fuel and I just feel good when I workout. Also mediation 🧘🏿‍♀️ is a big help as well. Don’t get me wrong I still have phases where I fall back into my old patterns of not focusing but consistency is 🔑!


I'm in college and I always have a lot of stuff to do in a short period of time, but it's managable if you organize your time well. ADD had never even crossed my mind, and it probably wouldn't until the other day when I had to finish my homework for the day after and I caught myself staring at the ceiling and just twirling my hair for 10 minutes without realizing that I'm wasting my time. I always thought that I was slow compared to other students because I know I can do as well as them, but just not on time. I'm always procrastinating and I don't feel like doing things that I'm actually interested in. I'm so happy that I realised what is the problem here and I can now attack it without pills and potions, but with some lifestyle changes. Thanks for the video, it helped.


This is the first time I’ve really felt seen. You really hit the nail on the head when it comes to how you feel having ADD. I was always aware there was a problem but I wasn’t able to point it out until now that I am a college student. I’ve noticed how much harder it is for me to do a simple task compared to my other classmates. It feels like it takes twice or more work for me and now I’m realizing that it’s not normal. I know I’m not dumb or just lazy, and it’s so frustrating that my family sees it that way. My dad doesn’t believe in it and he said, “Well everyone has trouble concentrating, you’re just overreacting.” Everyone has a hard time concentrating, but few people have their life controlled by it. Not everyone can say that most of their problems in life stem from not being able to focus on one task at a time and constantly wandering off. It’s emotionally frustrating because you know how it feels inside, and how it takes over your life but people like to write it off as other things. Don’t let anyone undermine your issues, they don’t experience what you experience on a daily basis. Get help for your self, don’t worry about other people’s opinions because at the end of the day, it’s you life. Nothing wrong with trying to get help. Also I’m supposed to be catching up on hw right now 😅


Memory games
Drinking water
Omega 3 vitamins
Save some time


Honestly, I can’t do anything. Literally.


I help a student of mine, who has adhd, to memorize things through the procedure of making stories, images etc. This is how I train his memory and imagination. For example, if we want to remember a shopping list, we create in our minds an image that includes all the stuff we want to buy. Thus, he doesn't forget anything. Then he creates his own images and remembers things. I also show him images, or we draw things to remember spelling. Then, we play memory cards and other games to enhance memory and to manage not to confuse letters.


Dude this guy is literally explaining my life. I’m so glad somebody understands what was happening to me and I’m glad I can learn from it


i LOVE how he repeated the 3 steps at the end as most of us were engaged but prob forgot lol, great vid thank you luis.


Does anyone absorb information better by listening to audiobooks or podcast while running or walking? I found that for me if I did a couple of things at once I focused better.


I feel like my ADD was a big contribution to the failure of my last relationship. Looking back we had a couple months of misunderstandings and frustration. And honestly i can't even remember much about it. I believe I was just unable to focus on what was actually going on, thus I was unable to attack the problem. I just kept forgetting there was a problem. I sorta lived in my own little world most of the time. Losing track of what all was happening in the moment. I pray I get another opportunity with her. I want to be able to focus on her and use it to love her properly.


My focus is only a problem when it's something I'm not interested in or it's a hard subject matter. If I'm interested in the matter I can hyperfocus for hours and really lose some time. Diet and exercise does help but It's not enough with the severity of my ADHD. I'm on Adderall and it helps tremendously. I don't have the rapid heart rate and hyper energy that you had, maybe you were over prescribed, it just helps me focus on the difficult cognitive tasks when I can't seem to stabilize my thoughts. I'm glad you found a solution that works for you. BTW, there is no cure for ADHD, only treatment. A cure implies that, if you stopped or changed your habits, your symptoms would not return and your treatment would no longer be needed.


I was diagnosed with ADHD my senior year of HS. I always had troubles focusing on task prior to that time but I didn't pay it much mind. I thought I'd go see what a psychiatrist had to say about the symptoms I was experiencing. It didn't take long for me to notice that the retlin pills weren't for me. It immediately made me feel drowsy and I didn't like that feeling so it been 3.5 years living with having a hard time focusing on task. I'm a senior in college and I usually just procrastinate until the last minute and make sure my assignments are in on time. But I usually go through an anxiety attack every time because I'm cramming everything in. I go through depressive moments where I just want to be alone. And I'm my best self on breaks where I don't have to do much assignments. I often think about starting ahead of time but I have a hard time starting the task. The thing that motivates me to get assignments done is the dead lines. I noticed it was a issue when I took my Psych 301 class and I didn't do well because we had a whole semester to do a 25 page paper so I kinda waited until the last week to write the paper but I was highly stressed out doing it. Iv'e made it this far in college by procrastinating and I want to do go to grad school to do research on ADD and ADHD but I know I have to do something different if I want different results. It's encouraging to see that I'm not alone though. I have so much potential but I have to get this together.


Was diagnosed with ADHD last month. But I've known for 6 years. I was watching Garfield and one scene gave me the best ADHD advice when Garfield said to his owner, 'I know you can't hear me. But will you just listen.' I realised that I considered every one to be a dumb animal. But now I actually try to listen to what they are saying. Now I know what my parents and friends are saying and doing around me.


I'm 27 and for the first time, I really think I have ADHD. I'm checking almost all the boxes.
