The Best Answer to Anxiety Is THIS Sometimes... #stress #mentalhealth #anxiety

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The Best Answer to Anxiety Is THIS Sometimes... #stress #mentalhealth #anxiety

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I had lots of frear, anxiety and panic attacks, all very severe.  
Like  many people I had been very badly treated as I grew up. I had extreme frear, anxiety and panic attacks, all very severe. I was literally frightened of my own shadow. But someone told me to do what I am going to tell you-:
Sit with your back straight and head up, (but not rigid). Look at a white area and seriously ask (what is it) Try to do this for 10 minutes a day. Your mind will try to wonder off, but keep asking (what is it). By doing this you will literally meet your inner self, who is very likely, very pissed off with you. When you meet them you will know what to say and do, so don't worry about that.
Make friends, and ask if they will help you with life. I did this, and since I met my inner self, there is just a friend in my head. I have had very little fear, just normal reality anxiety-fear, and zero panic attacks, since I met my inner self, I no longer have a bad voice in my head that puts me down or devalues me since then. That was 28 years ago. Try it, what have you got to lose?
